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cyberdemon 2022-09-10 15:24

Assassins Creed Shadows
It’s finally here folks, feudal Japan. It’s on of the next mainline project after Mirage with Hex

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JagdPanther 2022-09-10 21:20

Welp. This may bring me back to the AC universe.

cyberdemon 2024-05-13 16:25

The thread name needs an update. It is now Assassins Creed Shadows.

Trailer in 2 days

CIRQUAN 2024-05-14 13:18

Not really an AC fan, but might try this one.
Loved Black Flag. Have Odyssey on Steam but file size is ridiculous. -_-

Renegade334 2024-05-14 15:31


Originally Posted by CIRQUAN (Post 6579325)
Not really an AC fan, but might try this one.
Loved Black Flag. Have Odyssey on Steam but file size is ridiculous. -_-

Odyssey is, by and large, the largest (in terms of traversable surface area, including the sea) and biggest (in terms of scope) Assassin's Creed ever made. I mean, I've been replaying it from scratch for a week already and even now after completing the main campaign, I still find the sheer amount of content crammed in...just staggering. The problem is that many of the smaller locations (camps, forts) are pretty much copy-and-paste (though nowhere near as bad as Hogwarts: Legacy's locations), but the unique areas like Olympia, Athens, Sparta, Argos, Mykonos and Korinthia are an absolute work of art and add their own regional spice and brand of uniqueness. The writing and mission designs are nowhere near the level of Witcher 3: the Wild Hunt's (the AC "RPG saga", which started with Origins and ended with Valhalla and introduced many changes in game mechanics, is said to have been made in response to W3TWH), though.

So, yeah, big filesize due to big stomping grounds...and that's not counting the final DLC (The Fate of Atlantis), which add three different mythological worlds/maps. There is also an education add-on called the Guided Tour, by the way.

Odyssey still ranks very high on the list of AAA games that take a heck of a long time to complete (another grave offender in this category is Ghost Recon: Wildlands, also by Ubisoft). It was so big that Ubisoft had to come forward and reassure players that Valhalla wouldn't be as long as its predecessor, the map wouldn't be as big, but would be more dense and diverse in terms of content. :heh:

Renegade334 2024-05-15 13:12

Dynamic tag cannot be rendered. (PrintableThread)
Set in the late Sengoku period, with two characters: Naoe the Shinobi and Yasuke the Samurai. Both have their distinctive playstyle. (Kinda reminiscent of Jacob and Evie from Syndicate)
Apparently, you also get to create, train and kit your own...Shinobi league? (callback to AC2B?)
Out November 15.

P.S. Yasuke is all but guaranteed to be this actual historical figure (an actual Afro Samurai!). If so, we might get to see Oda Nobunaga's campaign all the way to his suicide after the Honno-ji incident. Bonus characters would be Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Akechi Mitsuhide and Tokugawa Ieyasu...for starters.

cyberdemon 2024-05-15 15:44

Wow they actually went with him. I saw talks but wasn’t sure. Guess they needed some diversity to set this apart from Ghost of Tsushima. Glad they at least have set characters though. Odyssey and Valhallas indecisiveness annoyed me. Just hope they learned from Syndicate and do better with 2 protags. Maybe go Pokémon on it and create 2 games but they interlap at times

JagdPanther 2024-05-15 20:43

Argghhh....... they're really gonna bring me back to AC with this, aren't they. A playable shinobi basically means I have to.

belatkuro 2024-05-17 01:03

I believe this is the first AC protagonist to be based on a historical figure. All protagonists have been original characters and they interact with historical figures, like with AC2 Ezio being friends with Leonardo Da Vinci.

Curious to see how the story will be told since with OC protagonists they can do anything with them. Sure, the AC franchise has never been for historical accuracy but putting a historical figure as the protagonist is a first time so I wonder if they'll aim for an original story or incorporate parts of the history of this figure. Which kind of railroads the plot a bit if one were to look up details of the protag's actual history and they follow some of it in the game plot, like Yasuke's involvement with Oda Nobunaga. Being historically inaccurate made AC do what it wants while staying true to the history and feel of the time period it's in.

Not that I'll be playing this as I haven't even finished ACIII yet. I've always wanted to play through each AC game in their release order and didn't want to jump to the new ones. I just never did do it as the years went by.

Kanon 2024-05-17 09:32


Originally Posted by cyberdemon (Post 6579398)
Wow they actually went with him. I saw talks but wasn’t sure. Guess they needed some diversity to set this apart from Ghost of Tsushima. Glad they at least have set characters though. Odyssey and Valhallas indecisiveness annoyed me. Just hope they learned from Syndicate and do better with 2 protags. Maybe go Pokémon on it and create 2 games but they interlap at times

I saw plenty of people predicting they would use Yasuke as soon as the game was announced to take place in Japan. Purely for diversity reasons.


Originally Posted by belatkuro (Post 6579494)
I believe this is the first AC protagonist to be based on a historical figure. All protagonists have been original characters and they interact with historical figures, like with AC2 Ezio being friends with Leonardo Da Vinci.

Curious to see how the story will be told since with OC protagonists they can do anything with them. Sure, the AC franchise has never been for historical accuracy but putting a historical figure as the protagonist is a first time so I wonder if they'll aim for an original story or incorporate parts of the history of this figure. Which kind of railroads the plot a bit if one were to look up details of the protag's actual history and they follow some of it in the game plot, like Yasuke's involvement with Oda Nobunaga. Being historically inaccurate made AC do what it wants while staying true to the history and feel of the time period it's in.

Not that I'll be playing this as I haven't even finished ACIII yet. I've always wanted to play through each AC game in their release order and didn't want to jump to the new ones. I just never did do it as the years went by.

Nobunaga will definitely be involved. Yasuke is not a bad choice since there are only fairly vague records of his life (to this day, people fight over whether he was actually a samurai or not), and he completely disappeared from historical records after Nobunaga was defeated so you can do whatever you want with him.

I haven't played an AC game in a long time but I might be interested in this one. I'll wait for reviews. How long the game is will be a factor, I love ancient Greece but I've never touched Odyssey because of how absurdly long it is.

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