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LKK 2020-10-09 14:17

To Aru Majutsu no Index LN - Genesis Testament Volume 5 Discussion
Welcome to the discussion thread for To Aru... Index [LN/M], Genesis Testament Volume 5.

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Souyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index 5
Author: Kamachi Kazuma
Illustrator: Haimura Kiyotaka
Release Date: December 10, 2021
Pages: 504
ISBN: 978-4-04-914135-1

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Marina2 2021-12-17 15:14

Wait, no one read this volume or something? This topic is strangely quiet.

With out any detailed spoiler, I will say that your enjoyment level of NG5 will depend on how much you care about the story of NG vol.3 and characters that appeared in it since this is the basically the sequel+epilogue of that story.

Spoiler for Big plot Spoiler:

tsunade666 2021-12-17 20:38

wow, its been really released for sometime now. I have already forgotten it. I just stop caring much for reading index, unless I have nothing to do or unless its a full book read.

Kuroageha 2021-12-18 01:44

Is the full volume complete?

OH&S 2021-12-18 07:38


Originally Posted by Kuroageha (Post 6495504)
Is the full volume complete?

Its roughly halfway done.


The "twist" at the end of Chapter 2 really worked for me as it was clear that something was off with the way things developed. Too many OOC moments and plot armour/conveniences/contrivances than what one would expect; even from Kamachi.

Thankfully, it was all intentional. Very amusing that Kamijou finding money on the ground was the dead giveaway that things weren't right.

Twi 2021-12-20 17:44



OH&S 2021-12-30 01:32

GT5 is fully translated now.

I thought it was a great 8-9/10 volume; definitely better than GT4 which people had legitimate problems with (despite me liking it).
  • Kamijou's resolve in front of Alice was great.
  • Kamijou and Shirai seriously working together was great.
  • Kamijou winning over Youen was great.
  • Tessou becoming evil was completely out of left field but only Kamachi can get away with it.

All in all, I'm happy with how Kamijou acted this volume; this is what I expect from him rather than his streak of stupidity in GT4.

I was very satisfied how everything from GT3 and some plot points from GT4 came together for the novel's resolution.

I really only have one irreconcilable issue with the novel which hopefully someone else can explain to me:

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Here's hoping GT6 covers the Sisters reveal plotline from GT4. I was relieved that Misaka and Shokuhou didn't make an unnecessary appearance this time around but I expect some follow up on this plotline and them. Also some more reaction from Shirai and maybe Kamijou.

We're getting really close to New Year's Eve in the series calendar now.

Endscape 2021-12-31 02:34


Originally Posted by OH&S (Post 6496982)
GT5 is fully translated now.

I thought it was a great 8-9/10 volume; definitely better than GT4 which people had legitimate problems with (despite me liking it).

Definite agree from me. I would say this is the best volume of GT yet. It probably should have come out right after GT3, but I get the impression that Kamachi hadn't really worked it out fully yet, so he slotted in GT4.


All in all, I'm happy with how Kamijou acted this volume; this is what I expect from him rather than his streak of stupidity in GT4.
He does tend to get dumber when people are around to feed him answers, though I wonder if he was still shellshocked over Germain.


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Here's hoping GT6 covers the Sisters reveal plotline from GT4.
We did see some stuff come of it, though very little. I honestly have my doubts Kamachi will do much with it. I am hoping we'll see some changes in Last Order, Worst and Imouto's lifestyles, like going to school or something.


I was relieved that Misaka and Shokuhou didn't make an unnecessary appearance this time around but I expect some follow up on this plotline and them.
Same. I really hope my theory about them teaming up with Index and Othinus to learn from each other will happen.


Also some more reaction from Shirai and maybe Kamijou.
That'd be fun. Also hoping we see more Kazakiri.


We're getting really close to New Year's Eve in the series calendar now.
The mind boggles.

OH&S 2021-12-31 04:16


Originally Posted by Endscape (Post 6497074)
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Originally Posted by Endscape (Post 6497074)
I mean, ghosts have been a thing since OT4 and Annihilatus, technically...


Endscape 2021-12-31 21:54


Originally Posted by OH&S (Post 6497078)
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Twi 2021-12-31 23:44

So looking at Tessou's logic:


shmaster 2022-01-01 01:28

Personally, I am not buying Touma's big talk in this volume?
Why? Because the conflict at hand did not challenges his messiah complex.
So I am not convinced he truly believes in the possibility of the people and saving them.
Touma, you are no Mukudori Reiji. Not until you can prove that you are not saying those thing to fuel your messiah complex.

Other than that, I had my sigh of relief. Frilsand#G still being the same good hearted ghost she was had removed most of my fears.

This volume also reinforced my belief that we need a To Aru Kagaku no Yomikawa as a spin off.

Endscape 2022-01-01 01:44


Originally Posted by shmaster (Post 6497188)
Personally, I am not buying Touma's big talk in this volume?
Why? Because the conflict at hand did not challenges his messiah complex.
So I am not convinced he truly believes in the possibility of the people and saving them.
Touma, you are no Mukudori Reiji. Not until you can prove that you are not saying those thing to fuel your messiah complex.

I mean, he rejected Alice when he could have easily used Wonderland to get a better ending even if it stepped on their choices and dignity.

shmaster 2022-01-01 02:01


Originally Posted by Endscape (Post 6497189)
I mean, he rejected Alice when he could have easily used Wonderland to get a better ending even if it stepped on their choices and dignity.

This specific point means nothing to me though.
I cannot tell if he said this because he place worth in people's choice, or said it because of if he let Alice do what she did, she'll be the messiah this time and not him.

Simply put, I cannot tell his rejection of Alice's offer to be different from his rejection of the self proclaimed No.6

Endscape 2022-01-01 02:41


Originally Posted by shmaster (Post 6497192)
This specific point means nothing to me though.
I cannot tell if he said this because he place worth in people's choice, or said it because of if he let Alice do what she did, she'll be the messiah this time and not him.

If he actually had a messiah complex, that wouldn't matter to him because he would get the credit anyway.


Simply put, I cannot tell his rejection of Alice's offer to be different from his rejection of the self proclaimed No.6
His rejection of Alice did in fact feel different from his rejection of the Magic Gods or Aihana, if only because Alice took the time to get to know him a little, instead of just barging in on him and dropping demands.

shmaster 2022-01-01 03:08


Originally Posted by Endscape (Post 6497193)
If he actually had a messiah complex, that wouldn't matter to him because he would get the credit anyway.

Messiah is not about the credit. At least not in Touma's case.
He wants to be the one who fight the bloody battle, be the one who shoulders the other's burden, and end up saving the day.
You say he respect other's decision? Have you forget he undermines Mikoto's hard work to to become his comrade all the time? Remember he never once respected her hard work and still stubbornly believe she should night fight? He is so fixated on himself being the one who shoulders other's pain and refuse to recognize the other can do the same. This is messiah complex at its finest.


Originally Posted by Endscape (Post 6497193)
His rejection of Alice did in fact feel different from his rejection of the Magic Gods or Aihana, if only because Alice took the time to get to know him a little, instead of just barging in on him and dropping demands.

And that's not the point?
The point is he does not ask for help when he should? Instead of relying on plot armor?
You know that's the only reason he didn't bleed to death this volume right?
And he often gets away with having no consequences?

St. Germain is like the only consequences he had from refusing to accept help. And I am not sure if he learned any lesson from it.

Bythechange 2022-01-01 11:59

Well, this volume was good. The plot with the dark side was disappointing but the next vol looks promising.

Kaai being able to take a human form and talk was something dumb. What's the point of GT3's afterwords now?

Accel is still retarded with the whole plot of being the chairman. Looks like another arc of the magic side is coming which is good.

The Chapter 4 was confusing. Didn't care for the plot with risako at all, also neither the how hasuu became a ghost and how he was controlling the taboo were not explained

Kuroko just keep losing lol, also there's no reaction from her about the sisters more than being horny. Still waiting consequences for the sisters reveal but knowing how pussy kamachi is, i doubt it.

Also what's the point of the crown of thorns, is Touma going to sleep for three days or something

Endscape 2022-01-01 12:45


Originally Posted by shmaster (Post 6497196)
Messiah is not about the credit. At least not in Touma's case.
He wants to be the one who fight the bloody battle, be the one who shoulders the other's burden, and end up saving the day.
You say he respect other's decision? Have you forget he undermines Mikoto's hard work to to become his comrade all the time? Remember he never once respected her hard work and still stubbornly believe she should night fight? He is so fixated on himself being the one who shoulders other's pain and refuse to recognize the other can do the same. This is messiah complex at its finest.

I don't consider it a messiah complex because Touma doesn't care if he personally saves the day. He just wants to bear people's burdens and pain, which is a fault of his but not a messiah complex.


And that's not the point?
The point is he does not ask for help when he should? Instead of relying on plot armor?
You know that's the only reason he didn't bleed to death this volume right?
And he often gets away with having no consequences?

St. Germain is like the only consequences he had from refusing to accept help. And I am not sure if he learned any lesson from it.
To be fair, he does ask for help, just not enough. Hell, last volume people were complaining he was asking for too much help.

Rather than him not asking for help, he just doesn't ask for help if it contradicts whatever he's feeling in the moment. He was willing to and did in fact get Youen's help this volume, but he stopped because he felt he would be too much like Tessou if he kept at it.

shmaster 2022-01-01 18:25

I must say I can't be as positive as you when it comes to Touma's behavior. Like him calling Melzabeth is less about asking for help but more about doesn't want to be the one doing nothing.

Kuroageha 2022-01-06 12:19

I'm not buying Touma's bullshit after getting away Scott free several times from it.

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