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LKK 2020-10-09 14:17

To Aru Majutsu no Index LN - Genesis Testament Volume 3 Discussion
Welcome to the discussion thread for To Aru... Index [LN/M], Genesis Testament Volume 3.

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Souyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index 3
Author: Kamachi Kazuma
Illustrator: Haimura Kiyotaka
Release Date: November 10, 2020
Pages: 504
ISBN 978-4-04-913500-8

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Kuroageha 2020-10-09 16:30

504 pages. So it's going to be about 30% longer than the previous releases.

tsunade666 2020-10-09 23:33

that's long and the summary is interesting.

shmaster 2020-10-10 00:27

Oh, I think I can already see it.
Accel has a zero tolerance policy, so there is no room for Hamazura anywhere in the city anymore.
But Anna still has an apology to make for Madame Horos's misdeeds, and thus she does so by bailing out the couple away from the city.

tsunade666 2020-10-10 04:18

i just wish for parameter list to seriously takes important play in the story.

Requiem-x 2020-10-10 05:50

Just as Mikoto and Misaki become the default duo, Kuroko gets the spotlight, and as expected, it's Shiage's turn. Time to protect your girlfriend again, dude.

I guess the lenght is needed since we'll be dealing with a paradigm shift in AC, so of course you want to go deep into it.

Tenzen12 2020-10-10 05:54

Maybe Shiage girlfriend actually protect him instead. Remember she has level 5 potential and stuff.

...Sorry I will try come with better joke next time.

Requiem-x 2020-10-10 07:24

It would be a better joke if there wasn't a chance of it actually happening.

Tenzen12 2020-10-10 08:21

Are you saying there is?

Kuroageha 2020-10-10 08:26

She did before by turning Beetle against Kakine before.


Originally Posted by shmaster (Post 6442485)
Oh, I think I can already see it.
Accel has a zero tolerance policy, so there is no room for Hamazura anywhere in the city anymore.
But Anna still has an apology to make for Madame Horos's misdeeds, and thus she does so by bailing out the couple away from the city.

IMO Accelerator is throwing off his enemies by using Hamazura's MO for his benefit as he already pointed out back then in NT21, this way he can weed out those who oppose him but remain hidden, basics from Sun Tzu.

Marina2 2020-10-10 09:51


Originally Posted by Tenzen12 (Post 6442523)
Are you saying there is?

At least, if Kuroko come after them with teleportation , Rikou can predict/pinpoint Kuroko's movement and might even able to interrupt or mess with teleportation somehow. Hamazura can use that tiny opening do something. But since it actually involve Judgement, there is a chance that Uiharu will support Kuroko on the hunt too. It will be interesting how thing play out.

Anyway, I think they will stop fighting at one point, and go to have a tea in Judgement office to talk. :heh:

Hamazura can ask Uiharu to recover data from damaged Parameter List chip while they are at it.

Endscape 2020-10-10 11:35


Originally Posted by shmaster (Post 6442485)
Oh, I think I can already see it.
Accel has a zero tolerance policy, so there is no room for Hamazura anywhere in the city anymore.
But Anna still has an apology to make for Madame Horos's misdeeds, and thus she does so by bailing out the couple away from the city.

Didn't Hamazura already cut a deal with Accel? He wouldn't have come back to the city from London otherwise.

Cosmic Eagle 2020-10-11 05:41


Originally Posted by shmaster (Post 6442485)
Oh, I think I can already see it.
Accel has a zero tolerance policy, so there is no room for Hamazura anywhere in the city anymore.
But Anna still has an apology to make for Madame Horos's misdeeds, and thus she does so by bailing out the couple away from the city.

Come to think of it, couldn't any fugitives of AC whether back when Aleister was in charge or now just waltz out easily assuming they don't get killed first since the place is contiguous with Greater Tokyo? Was it even mentioned before what actual border controls OUT does the city have? they seem focused mainly on keeping away external threats than imprisoning people in the city

Although I guess Archetype Controller is as good a prison warden as any....

Endscape 2020-10-12 01:17


Originally Posted by Cosmic Eagle (Post 6442759)
Come to think of it, couldn't any fugitives of AC whether back when Aleister was in charge or now just waltz out easily assuming they don't get killed first since the place is contiguous with Greater Tokyo? Was it even mentioned before what actual border controls OUT does the city have? they seem focused mainly on keeping away external threats than imprisoning people in the city

The series mentions many times how difficult it is for espers to be allowed outside, so the border should be strictly managed. And there is a unit they use to catch runners as well.


Although I guess Archetype Controller is as good a prison warden as any....
This is an good point. We've already seen the effect the lack of Archetype Controller has had on Mikoto and Index, I'd be interested to see if maybe we'll see more people agititating to leave the place now.

faiz blaster 2020-10-12 17:42

I am more interested in how this will fit in the timeline. Since Christmas was mentioned, it should be roughly at the same time as the chaos caused by Anna. But given that no foreshadowing was made during Hazamura's brief cameo in Vol 2, I will wait for the other shoe to drop before making any definite statemants.

Twi 2020-10-14 15:37

I think he's having Hamazura and ITEM arrested for their own sakes. Remember, he's turning himself in for the crimes he's committed with the intention of staying inside so that all the hate will be focused on him as someone who willingly committed the acts he did. He knows he's looking at a life sentence a 1000x over.

But Hamazura and the others who were students of AC could he been stated to have been coerced into it and entered into the Dark Side unwillingly. Their testimonies would essentially nail every adult who was connected to the Dark Side while they could in theory be given a pass or at least leniency. More to the point, while they are locked up they can't be co-op'ed by someone who wants to gather all the remaining Dark Side forces to launch an attack against him or forced to do anything else scummy.

There's also the fact that once they clean house, the Parameter List could come into place. Remember, Level 0s only exist because they have the means of determining who will have decent powers and the giving them more dedication and resources. Without the focus on the Dark Side, they can basically make sure every Esper gets their development to the point they can make actual progress. That being said, the secrets of the Dark Side coming out will likely be met with a ton of parents demanding their children be returned to them because... well, look at this mess.

How do you think Mikoto's parents are going to feel about their daughter being cloned 20003 times over and half of them brutally murdered?

stray 2020-10-16 10:47

If Hamazura skips town does that mean he's retiring as a protagonist? Hmm.

I wonder if we'll see Awaki or some others from the dark side we haven't seen in a long time.

Endscape 2020-10-16 12:08


Originally Posted by stray (Post 6443479)
If Hamazura skips town does that mean he's retiring as a protagonist? Hmm.

I wonder if we'll see Awaki or some others from the dark side we haven't seen in a long time.

Hamazura could have stayed away after going to England, so I'm not sure the author would bring him back only to immediately make him leave again.

stray 2020-10-16 14:09


Originally Posted by Endscape (Post 6443493)
Hamazura could have stayed away after going to England, so I'm not sure the author would bring him back only to immediately make him leave again.

Hamazura was only in the UK because of Aleis-tan and if he were to leave AC for good the rest of ITEM and Fremea would really need (like a volume) to be addressed. Takitsubo's skill is relatively worthless outside of AC but I doubt #4 and #2 are going anywhere. Also, nobody really knew what Accelerator was thinking in 22 Reverse.

I don't really know what to expect but if he's on the run I'm not sure what Hamazura could really add (and I doubt he's getting a manga) so if his role in the story is diminished indefinitely it would make sense to give him a sunset to ride into instead.

Kuroageha 2020-10-16 23:34

He has the parameter list.
Rikou is meant to be a walking AC.
His existence is like a bug in the system for anyone who comes near him so no, he's not going away at this point :heh:.

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