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Kairin 2020-03-28 13:33

Magia Record: Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Gaiden- Episode 13 END S1 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Magia Record: Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Gaiden, Episode 13 (END S1).

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Kanon 2020-03-28 18:03

I wasn't sure I would watch the next season given how boring this one had been, but this episode convinced me to continue. It was absolutely awesome.

The fight against Mami was amazing. Even Gilgamesh would probably be jealous. I didn't expect Sayaka to show up there, but I was very happy about it. I remember her wish granted her regeneration as a "side-effect", but we've never seen her grow back a whole arm before, have we? I was pretty shocked when I saw this.

Magius brainwashing their members up the stakes, and there was the mention of Walpurgis night hyping things up even more. Hope Madoka and Homura will be in S2!

Liddo-kun 2020-03-28 19:15

Season 2 announced:

Wandering Soul 2020-03-28 21:58

Well, I can say this one episode convinced me to watch the next season, something I was seriously doubting I should do.

Zolton 2020-03-29 08:19


It's all so weird. Magius is obviously evil, yet they make a solid case about saving megucas from turning into witches, and neither Yachiyo nor Iroha try to explain why they won't join them when literally everybody else already has. At least we know Iroha will be all right, Yachiyo needn't worry about her wife.

Liddo-kun 2020-03-29 09:09

whoa, that was an intense battle. Watched it on my phone, with intent of going to sleep afterwards. But made me turn on the pc again to make a post here. :p

Sayaka blocking that shot was badass.

Iroha and Yachiyo holding hands while fighting, and it looks like they won? But instead of getting the hell out of there, they instead peek into the hole where Mami fell into?!! Which cause Iroha to also fall into the hole and be grabbed by crazy Mami...

Tsuruno and Felicia are now brainwashed. Rena is not convinced, but she found out that it's forbidden to leave while loli-Hitler Touka is speaking! ><

can't wait for season 2. I'm satisfied. Would definitely be buying some items from this show. :)

Kanon 2020-03-29 12:02


Originally Posted by Zolton (Post 6408219)

It's all so weird. Magius is obviously evil, yet they make a solid case about saving megucas from turning into witches, and neither Yachiyo nor Iroha try to explain why they won't join them when literally everybody else already has. At least we know Iroha will be all right, Yachiyo needn't worry about her wife.

They won't join them because their group is shady as fuck. Iroha and her friends have seen first hand the kind of stuff they do. Touka wants to save magical girls, but will regular humans be fine? I somehow doubt that. I agree it would have been nice to see them argue though.

mergele 2020-03-29 15:27

I think you can actually do a lot with Sayakas entry and her confrontation with her idol Mami.
On that note: What the heck was up with Mami? Joining the Magius? Sure, but here it was straight up "I have lost my free will and am brainwashed and stuttering incoherently".
I wish they hadn't wasted so much time on the mediocre fight scene, there was so much character stuff that could have been done there.

Infinite Zenith 2020-03-29 17:20

Still processing how I feel about season one, but there's a moment that was rather surprising:

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Liddo-kun 2020-03-30 11:01

a few more random thoughts..

I'm amazed Iroha's normal shots have become strong, destroyed the Uwasa that kidnapped Yachiyo in just a few hits.

also noticed that Sayaka is at first very aggressive, but stopped helping in the last parts of the fight. Maybe she's too injured, or she thinks the raid boss Mami is impossible to defeat? :confused:

mergele 2020-03-30 13:23

It is unsure yet how much she knows about the Doppel thing and the people she protected suddently turned into monsters. Imagine helping some guy in a backalley against some mugger, but suddently he pulls out a Gestapo uniform and baton - reconsidering your involvement isn't that far fetched.

blitz1/2 2020-03-30 16:10

My question is why isn't Iroha brainwashed? Did they miss a step, or maybe they weren't there yet?

Liddo-kun 2020-03-30 16:59

Looks like Yachiyo arrive just in time to stop the brainwashing.

Kanon 2020-03-30 18:26


Originally Posted by Liddo-kun (Post 6408421)
also noticed that Sayaka is at first very aggressive, but stopped helping in the last parts of the fight. Maybe she's too injured, or she thinks the raid boss Mami is impossible to defeat? :confused:

Sayaka said she was starting to run out of magic. She probably realized she was out of her league too. Yachiyo is really strong and yet she had to use her doppel to be a match for Mami.

Nachtwandler 2020-03-31 10:29

Like some people here I was a bit disappouinted with this season (mainly because of obvious story cuts, which is odd consdidering they have less than third of the story left).

Though, this episode intrigued me to continue.

P.S.: Anyone knows what song plays at the final? I really liked it.

GDB 2020-04-01 19:23


Originally Posted by blitz1/2 (Post 6408452)
My question is why isn't Iroha brainwashed? Did they miss a step, or maybe they weren't there yet?

Assuming this is the scene I recall from the game (I haven't had a chance to catch the episodes since the end of Felicia's arc), you had to be convinced by their little dream to join them first. Then, once you join them, you get brainwashed.

Then again, in the game that was chapter... 5, I think, and Sayaka doesn't show up until chapter 6 if I recall, so it's possible the anime changed things up.

One question I have for the Mami fight, since it might be a while before I can manage to catch the episodes:


Liddo-kun 2020-04-01 19:52

damn, with the post office closed because of covid I can't order anything. In fact, I have two orders still trapped there. ><

I hope this calamity of covid would pass, so I could support this anime. My shopping cart already has the cd + dvd by Trysail.

mergele 2020-04-01 20:19

@GDB Yeah, Mami pulled out her Doppel big time in the last fight.

Cosmic Eagle 2020-04-05 11:24

How old is Yachiyo supposed to be? Come to think of it, there isn't a 20+ year old Mahou Shoujo before

Infinite Zenith 2020-04-05 11:27

If memory serves, she's 19.

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