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Kairin 2020-03-21 09:18

Magia Record: Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Gaiden - Episode 12 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Magia Record: Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Gaiden, Episode 12.

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Kanon 2020-03-21 17:55

An entire episode of info dump... about stuff that were already explained clearly in Madoka. Only the part about the Doppels was new, but all it did was put a name on the phenomenon (actually, they already used the name before so it's not even new), we learned jack shit about it.

This episode was a giant waste of time. What were they thinking? That people who haven't watched Madoka are (still) watching this?

Liddo-kun 2020-03-22 10:33

the witch that caused Kanae's soul gem to shatter is damn terrifying. Using familairs that look like dismembered body parts.

and that witch that looks like a giant black hand. Mel saved Yachiyo from it, at the cost of turning herself into a witch. Really sad times for Yachiyo, Mifuyu, and Momoko. Tsuruno is lucky to not have seen that.

Rena and Kanade reunited. However, Kanade seems to have joined Magius.

Also Touka is a genius for inventing the doppel to save the magical girls from Kyubey.

looking forward to next week! :)

edit: heh, I had to avoid reading all other posts on Myanimelist forums, because so many posts there are talking about spoilers. It's dangerous reading MAL posts when an anime has a game or manga, because some people there can't control themselves on posting nasty spoilers. Spoilers succesfully dodged. ><

TnAdct1 2020-03-22 16:00


Originally Posted by Kanon (Post 6406771)
An entire episode of info dump... about stuff that were already explained clearly in Madoka. Only the part about the Doppels was new, but all it did was put a name on the phenomenon (actually, they already used the name before so it's not even new), we learned jack shit about it.

This episode was a giant waste of time. What were they thinking? That people who haven't watched Madoka are (still) watching this?

I think the big problem that the episode has stems from how the show screwed over the character of Momoko and only have anything involving her be towards the Kaede/Rena situation.

While the whole witch system is already something that most people familiar with Madoka is already aware of, the main purpose of the episode is actually supposed to be it being Magia Record's equivalent to episode 10 of the original series, with it providing a back story of Yachiyo's character. Unfortunately, for that to properly work, Momoko's role needed to be much bigger in the earlier episodes. Not only would it showcase the different paths that Yachiyo and Momoko take after Mel's death (Yachiyo trying to keep herself distant from others due to the fear they'd get killed next, Momoko still trying to do her Puella Magi duties normally while assisting those who've also went down this route),
Spoiler for Game Spoilers:

Kanon 2020-03-22 19:16

As you said, we learned about Yachiyo and Momoko's backstories at least, but it wasn't anything special for magical girls.

tuckersister 2020-03-28 10:01

I think it’s a split season. Madoka hasn’t appeared yet in this series and it’s too late to introduce her.

mergele 2020-03-29 15:22

Yeah this is meant to be Yachios Backstory. However it wastes half of it's time on stuff we already know (and let's be real, Magia record expects it's audience to have seen Madoka already) and it's more akin to giving us the cliffnotes of the backstory.

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