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Kairin 2019-04-04 22:02

To Aru Majutsu no Index III - Episode 26 Discussion / Poll (Season Finale)
Welcome to the discussion thread for To Aru Majutsu no Index III, Episode 26.

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Kuroageha 2019-04-05 09:45

Aaand it's over, they added some extra small content at the end but I doubt that was any mistery for such long running franchise.
I found some good sound tracks on this episode though I'm not sure if those are new at all.

At least Touma was able to smile this episode thanks to his small world in the form of a little girl.
Accelerator is truly free from AC.
Shiage got a bargaining chip.
Misaka still as pointless as ever besides fanservice.

Next station: Accelerator series.

Ichinotachi 2019-04-05 10:10

Final episode, it was fun to be honest, some good scenes here and there and I think the part where they ended is appropiate if they ever consider making another season. The animation was as bad as the one on the previous episode, not much to say. Finally Accel with white wings and Mr. Plot armor as always fixing everything.

The beginning of this season was pretty damn bad, 8-9 episodes suffered from bottom tier animation and massive rush, after that we got a change with a better pacing and improving the quality of series especially on the fights but that didn't last for long since at the end there was another drop in quality and a few episodes getting rushed again. It wasn't a good adaptation if I'm completely honest, considering all the problems it was a 6/10 at best.

Now Accel anime is next and it looks much better than Index S3 in terms of production so I hope that live up to the expectations.

FlareKnight 2019-04-05 11:28

And so ends an unbelievably disappointing third season of Index. A season that can only be remembered for being unbelievably rushed to the point that the plot was nearly incomprehensible. There were some good moments sprinkled throughout. But there was no way they could cover as much ground as they did without it just being a total mess. Which I'm guessing they didn't care about since they just want to get to the material they actually wanted to adapt.

Stuff just kind of happened in this episode. Touma finished his fight with one punch, the 'war' ended, Index is fine, Last Order is good, Hamazura managed to pull off some stuff using his esper ability of plot armor, and Accelerator is on his way back feeling pretty confident.

There are just many shrug worthy moments. Like what was even the point of Mikoto appearing in this arc? She doesn't get to do anything that you couldn't have just written out of the story without anyone noticing.

In the end it's finally over. Index 3 can be forgotten and we can hope future adaptations will be less disastrous. At least there's hope that Acceerator's anime and Railgun 3 will be superior. It'd be depressing if they weren't.

magnuskn 2019-04-05 11:46

This season was fricking terrible. Rushed to the point where it was incomprehensible gibberish even to people who had seen the prior seasons.

2/10 and that only because it still had some nice character moments and at least a little Misaka.

WiliamZ0 2019-04-05 11:48

While there's some good scene, the last part should be deleted. Give Birdway her time is fine, but showing Touma alive kinda ruined it.

It as if the build up for NT1 gone. God dammit, what a mess.

Oh well, several parts can and should be removed or modified.

But kinda impressive for a project that have huge time gap & very minimal budget + time; I just want Index to be amazing series but JC just need to ruin it, didn't they?

rladls2121 2019-04-05 12:20

So cold, inside that water, and yet Touma.

Chosen_Hero 2019-04-05 14:42


Originally Posted by FlareKnight (Post 6335786)
And so ends an unbelievably disappointing third season of Index. A season that can only be remembered for being unbelievably rushed to the point that the plot was nearly incomprehensible. There were some good moments sprinkled throughout. But there was no way they could cover as much ground as they did without it just being a total mess. Which I'm guessing they didn't care about since they just want to get to the material they actually wanted to adapt.

Stuff just kind of happened in this episode. Touma finished his fight with one punch, the 'war' ended, Index is fine, Last Order is good, Hamazura managed to pull off some stuff using his esper ability of plot armor, and Accelerator is on his way back feeling pretty confident.

There are just many shrug worthy moments. Like what was even the point of Mikoto appearing in this arc?She doesn't get to do anything that you couldn't have just written out of the story without anyone noticing.

In the end it's finally over. Index 3 can be forgotten and we can hope future adaptations will be less disastrous. At least there's hope that Acceerator's anime and Railgun 3 will be superior. It'd be depressing if they weren't.

She stopped an elite assasination squad that AC sent to Russia to kill Touma (Kind of the reason she was on that plane threatening the pilot). She also stopped the Russian forces from nuking the B'thselhem star and the moment when she tries to help Touma off of the star was when Touma was at his lowest point where he was thinking if his actions (like saving Fiamma) were the right ones. He was also contemplating (out of fear of being left alone on the star) that as far as he knew, no one even knew he was there, wether his actions up to that point even mattered and wether he was important enough for someone to lend a helping hand to.

For those that don't read the LN:

When Misaka appeared in the VTOL to help him that is a pretty important moment for him personally because it helps him know that, yes, his actions mattered and that at least one person out there was willing to go that far (literally go into the middle of a war zone for him) to help him (literally do the thing he does for everyone else). At that moment his true character arc begins, so at the start of New Testament (<- by the way, for those of you that don't know, this is the true name of the series going forward after Index which ends with WW3) the groundwork for not only Touma, but also Misakas' (whose character arc began during the Acqua of the Back arc) character development, both of which are big drives for a lot of things that happens moving forward (I will leave it at that).

It's pretty sad that J.C. Staff doesn't seem to care much about this series to give it a proper adaptation (which CAN be done). I personally feel like this series would do well with a Hunter x Hunter (2011)/FMA Brotherhood like reboot, only question being, which studio would be up for the task?

So next is the Accelerator manga/anime which I still say was an unneeded addition, especially due to how much screentime he gets in the LNs and due to other reasons that make that series boring to follow.

Then there is the Railgun season 3 anime which if it is done half as well as Railgun S will be pretty awesome due to what will be getting adapted. After that there apparently is a good possibilty of a NT getting adapted, let's hope this gets the proper care the series deserve (not holding my breath, but still hoping it does).

Keila 2019-04-05 19:26


Originally Posted by rladls2121 (Post 6335799)
So cold, inside that water, and yet Touma.

The 'super leaps/punching/momentum' should probably be more of a concern than the water itself.

Based on 'precedent', it seems like it takes 3 (anime) seasons of foreshadowing for plot points to actually come to fruition. It's going to be a long wait (whether that's a good/bad point remains to be seen).

Wandering Soul 2019-04-05 19:57

The finale was done pretty well. Touma and Accelerator's part were strong, Hamazura a bit less so. They didn't really do a good job explaining why Rikou is important or what the Parameter list was. Aleister's confrontation with Fiamma was also a good scene as they make it clear that something abnormal is going on with him being there.

Overall this season was mediocre and sort of disappointing, though maybe my expectations were high. There was some good episode, usually the beginning of some arcs, but the climaxes were ruined by some bad or lackluster animation. This was a downgrade from the first two seasons, but I have seen it get some people into the light novels and if it accomplished that I can't really call it a complete failure.

I am still sort of glad this was made (mostly because it did manage to get some people in the series and helped me find more places to discuss the series) and the staff seems to be aware of the complaints and problems with this adaption, so hopefully, they'll bring their A-game if/when New Testament gets adapted. If not or if they don't at least change staffs, then I don't even know if I want an NT anime.

Time to see how Accelerator and Railgun 3 will turn out.

OH&S 2019-04-05 20:51

Aaand into the trash heap this season goes. I don't even think I want an adaptation of New Testament anymore. If they threaten us with a new anime season, I want Nishikiori and JC Staff to keep their dirty hands away from it. At this point they've proven that they either don't understand don't care about what made this series special and resilient for the past 15 years such that its consistently stayed in the top 10-15 in terms of popularity. Shame on them all.

Marcus H. 2019-04-05 21:17

This season was a massive monkey's-paw wish granted. Dammit all.

serenade_beta 2019-04-05 21:19


...This was horrible. What is really sad is that up until I watched this pile of s***, my impression of JC Staff is
"At worst, something average"

Which really makes me wonder what went wrong here. I personally think what happened is that they wanted to make anime of a bunch of spinoffs, so they used this 3rd season as a scapegoat of sorts.

Anyways, as for season 3... There just wasn't anything good.

...The first cour was especially. Not even average. Just plan, noticeably, obviously bad.
Especially facepalming at when that boobs girl did this weird repeated motion.

So why did they change the SE of Imagine Breaker? Did some new guy come into the staff and say "I'm soooooo much beeeetttteiiierrrr at making SE. Let's replace the old ones with my sexy jet engine SE!"

Even Glasslip had one or two episodes that didn't leave a question mark on my head.

Okay, I know the original LN is pretty bad too, but I think at least half of the responsibility of why not a single episode was really understandable belongs to the anime.

First of all,
-Explanation of what is going on
-Explanation of why the characters can do what they do
-Fanservice and "comedy"

For some reason, the most important aspect of the story, the top one, is completely ignored and all of the time is spent on the two parts that don't really matter.
At this point, they could just have the author pop out of the screen and go
This character can do this... because I am god and I say they can
When I listen to the characters give long explanations of their power, I am reminded of when in elementary school
I use Barrier!
I use a sword that pierces through barriers!
No, my barrier negates piercing of barriers!
It's not more of an explanation than it is self-pleasuring excuses.
Now, if the story was interesting or fun to watch, that could be ignored to an extent, but it isn't, so...

And I think the story is just rushed in the anime too. Rushing already makes it hard to understand, but when you rush what is already bad? It's not a good chemical reaction.
For some reason, it was hard to even keep track of one story, yet they have the nerves to proceed with like... three stories at once.
And behold?! Lesser Panda devil girl thing faints and un-faints between scenes, Touma can survive freezing temperatures, Accelerator sprouts wings only to be next scene captured, "Let's check if it is off" "Click!", godman guy is still alive even though long-hair wants him dead...
It's stupid! Just... stupid!

Oh, and lol, they are still introducing new characters at the end.
Boy, your computer is already full and its performance is degrading thanks to it. Clean it up before you download some new files.

Fortitude 2019-04-05 22:23

Anyone here can guess what was Touma trying to say to Index before he destroyed her controller?

Chosen_Hero 2019-04-05 22:33


Originally Posted by Fortitude (Post 6336066)
Anyone here can guess what was Touma trying to say to Index before he destroyed her controller?

He was trying to tell her about his amnesia, which he can't because he doesn't want to have her think that the Touma that saved her back in the beginning is dead.

Fortitude 2019-04-05 23:08

Thank you.

alex_drian 2019-04-05 23:43


So much for the savior, frail as fucking crystal. Yep, when you do Aleister stand up in his two foot, you know that the shit is real. I think they make a good job in show that there is something bizarre about Aleister, well aside the mention of that he is at the same time that is here kicking ass he's also in his tube in AC.

You think you have seen all of Hamazura? see you in NT.

Actually I giggled a little in White Winged Accelerator. I don't imagine him so...DI-VI-NE.

Ollerus was fine. But we had to sacrifice Gunha for that goddamit.

Actually I think something was changed, I kinda remember Fiamma mentioning the amnesia while Index was in John Penn, but I maybe I wrong, so much time has passed.

Actually I appreciate they show the outcome of the battle with Gabriel. I don't know how to feel about the last scene. I suppose they didn't want to finish in a grim note for who-know how many years.

Overall the quality of the season has been average at best as a whole but I prefer this to nothing after so many years. That's my opinion. That's right, I'm a novel reader, but if I wasn't, I would be pretty lost half of time. That makes me thing this is aimed mainly to novel readers, that or JC suck ass.

The problem is that is so much content to adapt and little will to do so. Railgun III and Accelerator shouldn't have this problem if they think of adapt 1 manga arc + filler arc.

Definitely Gabriel has seen better days. Someone can think for a moment what a shitty day has been for the poor angel?

- You are dragged to earth for Super Christian dude cosplaying as their brother for fucking unclear reasons.
- You are forced to follow command and everyone fucking try to kill you, that includes armies, 2 royal babe blondes with legendary swords, a white dude and a strange abomination similar to yourself.
- You don't even have your full power and are forced to fight in 50% and for the summon you have more bugs than fucking Windows 10.
- Even worst, when you are winning a dude similar to the son of the boss and cosplaying as yourself somewhat reduces even more your power and are forced to use Explosion.
- You recover your full power only to being rammed for the fucking giant fortress.
- You are punched in the face and forced back home.

Pretty sure he/she would be anxiously waiting for the next order of cleaning.

Cosmic Eagle 2019-04-06 00:27


Originally Posted by OH&S (Post 6336048)
Aaand into the trash heap this season goes. I don't even think I want an adaptation of New Testament anymore. If they threaten us with a new anime season, I want Nishikiori and JC Staff to keep their dirty hands away from it. At this point they've proven that they either don't understand don't care about what made this series special and resilient for the past 15 years such that its consistently stayed in the top 10-15 in terms of popularity. Shame on them all.

I am quite certain JC has exclusive rights to this title unfortunately. Am honestly dreading New Testament anime now (I was sure they would screw this season up but this went beyond expectations. Watching the various MADs of this season's volumes on Nico/YT from years back was a much better experience than this)


Originally Posted by serenade_beta (Post 6336054)

...This was horrible. What is really sad is that up until I watched this pile of s***, my impression of JC Staff is
"At worst, something average"

Which really makes me wonder what went wrong here. I personally think what happened is that they wanted to make anime of a bunch of spinoffs, so they used this 3rd season as a scapegoat of sorts.

Anyways, as for season 3... There just wasn't anything good.

...The first cour was especially. Not even average. Just plan, noticeably, obviously bad.
Especially facepalming at when that boobs girl did this weird repeated motion.

So why did they change the SE of Imagine Breaker? Did some new guy come into the staff and say "I'm soooooo much beeeetttteiiierrrr at making SE. Let's replace the old ones with my sexy jet engine SE!"

Even Glasslip had one or two episodes that didn't leave a question mark on my head.

Okay, I know the original LN is pretty bad too, but I think at least half of the responsibility of why not a single episode was really understandable belongs to the anime.

First of all,
-Explanation of what is going on
-Explanation of why the characters can do what they do
-Fanservice and "comedy"

For some reason, the most important aspect of the story, the top one, is completely ignored and all of the time is spent on the two parts that don't really matter.
At this point, they could just have the author pop out of the screen and go
This character can do this... because I am god and I say they can
When I listen to the characters give long explanations of their power, I am reminded of when in elementary school
I use Barrier!
I use a sword that pierces through barriers!
No, my barrier negates piercing of barriers!
It's not more of an explanation than it is self-pleasuring excuses.
Now, if the story was interesting or fun to watch, that could be ignored to an extent, but it isn't, so...

And I think the story is just rushed in the anime too. Rushing already makes it hard to understand, but when you rush what is already bad? It's not a good chemical reaction.
For some reason, it was hard to even keep track of one story, yet they have the nerves to proceed with like... three stories at once.
And behold?! Lesser Panda devil girl thing faints and un-faints between scenes, Touma can survive freezing temperatures, Accelerator sprouts wings only to be next scene captured, "Let's check if it is off" "Click!", godman guy is still alive even though long-hair wants him dead...
It's stupid! Just... stupid!

Oh, and lol, they are still introducing new characters at the end.
Boy, your computer is already full and its performance is degrading thanks to it. Clean it up before you download some new files.

But is it worse than Kemono Friends 2?

Chosen_Hero 2019-04-06 00:37


Originally Posted by alex_drian (Post 6336081)
Actually I think something was changed, I kinda remember Fiamma mentioning the amnesia while Index was in John Penn, but I maybe I wrong, so much time has passed.

No, Fiamma did say it and Index did hear it so she does know, it is just that Touma himself doesn't want to tell her because he doesn't want to make her sad.

And don't worry, this isn't even considered a spoiler because it doesn't even matter, like, at all and is just hand waived to the side.

OH&S 2019-04-06 01:35


Originally Posted by Cosmic Eagle (Post 6336087)
I am quite certain JC has exclusive rights to this title unfortunately. Am honestly dreading New Testament anime now (I was sure they would screw this season up but this went beyond expectations. Watching the various MADs of this season's volumes on Nico/YT from years back was a much better experience than this)

Kill me now. At least whip the upper management to stop overloading their animators with too many bloody projects. And still dump Nishikiori and find someone with a better vision for the series.

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