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Kairin 2019-01-31 23:09

To Aru Majutsu no Index III - Episode 17 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for To Aru Majutsu no Index III, Episode 17.

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Ichinotachi 2019-02-01 14:44

WW3 HYPE! oh man can't wait for this arc. Watching aiwass in this episode was great too, especially in the fight vs accel, Hamazura as always a badass and finally getting his rewards on the plane.

Kuroageha 2019-02-01 16:32

That sad feeling when this is the second and last kiss on the series.

Keila 2019-02-01 17:59


Originally Posted by Kuroageha (Post 6319361)
That sad feeling when this is the second and last kiss on the series.

There's always hope (and the next series), besides what is a 'kiss' anyways? There are plenty of intimate acts, it just depends on your perspective.

alex_drian 2019-02-01 18:41


Originally Posted by Kuroageha (Post 6319361)
That sad feeling when this is the second and last kiss on the series.

First? I don't remember another.

faiz blaster 2019-02-01 20:18

Okay, here is my two cents about this episode.

1) they couldn't have picked a better voice cast for Aiwass. Miyamoto Mitsuru is really the best when it comes to that kind of mysterious, slightly high-handed characters (>.> looks at Bunko Stray Dogs).

2) once I saw the expression that Mugino made at the very, very end, my first thought was "somewhere in the globe, a ferret is squealing like a fan-girl".

rladls2121 2019-02-01 20:37

My god, this episode.
Accelerator hugging Last Order.
Shiage and Rikou kissing.
And Touma walking in the snow at the end.

The girls they are trying to protect are in bad condition and the scales of the battle expands more than just Academy City and Britain.

Kuroageha 2019-02-01 22:07


Originally Posted by alex_drian (Post 6319398)
First? I don't remember another.

Spoiler for season 2:

serenade_beta 2019-02-01 23:29

Kuhahaha! So she just doesn't happen to kill him right away and just happens to push him into a safety capsule? :heh:
And Touma is walking in a blizzard in that outfit? :heh: Oh yes, he looks so cuueewww strutting in the cold. :heh:

And... :heh: And what's next, more throwaway characters as we move to "Russia"? :heh:

Ernietheracefan 2019-02-02 06:51

Now I know why Aleister wants Shiage dies so badly..:heh:

DragoMuseveni 2019-02-02 07:41

Quick question though . Can be answered here or in private . What was that angel form and how he was able to beat Accelerator so quickly ? I`m not yet up to date with the light novels so feel free to spoil me

magnuskn 2019-02-03 04:07

Sooo, what ultra-happened to Whats-her-face The Panty Flasher?

Wandering Soul 2019-02-03 13:39


Originally Posted by magnuskn (Post 6319821)
Sooo, what ultra-happened to Whats-her-face The Panty Flasher?

She was captured by Academy City and is now being kept in their custody.

magnuskn 2019-02-03 16:16


Originally Posted by Wandering Soul (Post 6319899)
She was captured by Academy City and is now being kept in their custody.

Okay, thanks. She was kinda cute, despite her speech impediment. :p

RPG_Fanatic 2019-02-09 09:50

Oh man were the fights rushed this episode. I find it funny that Mugino's arm is messed up now despite the anime cutting it out during the Battle Royale Arc.

They nailed Aiwass' appearance and voice, so I am happy about that. I had almost forgotten cute Shiage and Rikou are together.

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