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NoSanninWa 2018-09-30 06:57

Attack on Titan - Episode 48 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Attack on Titan, Episode 48.

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Wandering Soul 2018-09-30 15:32

Due to the typhoon, the episode won't be airing this week.

Kanon 2018-10-07 15:45

The old theory that somebody tempered with Eren's equipment during his training and that every anime watcher has probably long since forgotten about finally got resolved.

Keith said his story was insignificant to mankind but it did reveal/confirm something major: Grisha came from outside the walls. That basement definitely holds a lot of secrets.

blakstealth 2018-10-09 08:51


Originally Posted by Kanon (Post 6283928)
The old theory that somebody tempered with Eren's equipment during his training and that every anime watcher has probably long since forgotten about finally got resolved.

Keith said his story was insignificant to mankind but it did reveal/confirm something major: Grisha came from outside the walls. That basement definitely holds a lot of secrets.

ah, yes. the dang basement. :heh:

So why did Keith sabotage his gear? To stop him from joining the military in a way to save him or something?

Cloudedmind 2018-10-09 09:41


Originally Posted by blakstealth (Post 6284544)
ah, yes. the dang basement. :heh:

So why did Keith sabotage his gear? To stop him from joining the military in a way to save him or something?

Yep, pretty much.

frodonk 2018-10-15 03:35

Did Mikasa just stopped Eren and Historia from talking because she was jealous? Really? Was I interpreting that scene right?

Kanon 2018-10-15 12:17


Originally Posted by frodonk (Post 6286937)
Did Mikasa just stopped Eren and Historia from talking because she was jealous? Really? Was I interpreting that scene right?

Yes. I think her expression said it all.

Anh_Minh 2018-10-15 15:05


Originally Posted by frodonk (Post 6286937)
Did Mikasa just stopped Eren and Historia from talking because she was jealous? Really? Was I interpreting that scene right?

It's one interpretation and that's what it looked like at first. But it's also possible she was worried about Eren's health. She's not the only one to have remarked on his weight loss. So she thought the last thing he needed was manual labor, and was put out with Historia for giving him some.

Guido 2018-11-01 23:43

I would've scored this episode higher had it been the season's finale. Nonetheless, the focus came on instructor Keith Shadis delivering his personal insight upon meeting Grisha Jäger in his youth as well as him sorting out his existential tribulations.

To be honest, Keith remained one of the most obscure and, yet, unceremonious characters as he was meant to play the role of bystander providing our heroes the needed push when they first all enrolled as cadets. After they graduated, he fulfilled his purpose and was gone out of sight while the story kept on advancing.

Perhaps, his story as a mere witness was ramblings of an old man who formerly deluded himself to be a special existence meant to set his life ablaze outside the walls, nevertheless, that story has its merits as it allowed the audience to peer personally into the persona of Grisha Jäger with specific details on how he came in contact with the walls and his life within them.

But, perhaps, a greater truth held Karla since in the past she made a point to a mentally disillusioned and battered Keith that all life being borned into the world, no matter how bleak and cruel it is, is in and by itself beautiful even if some lives are not meant to be special existences at all.

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