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Kairin 2018-08-10 03:26

Mahouka LN - Invasion (Volume 26) Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Mahouka [LN], Invasion (Volume 26).

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    If you need to reference something that would spoil a future event, reply directly with a private message, or seek out a more appropriate thread.
  • Discuss your expectations of the volume or arc if it has not yet been released.
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techroses 2018-08-10 18:41

No message until now? Let's begin then.

Illustrations was impressive as always. Especially, Lina's and Katsuto /Mayumi's. I cannot wait for the battle pages.

YbKWzNEb 2018-08-10 19:15


Originally Posted by techroses (Post 6267723)
No message until now? Let's begin then.

Illustrations was impressive as always. Especially, Lina's and Katsuto /Mayumi's. I cannot wait for the battle pages.

Its mostly because the discussions are more busy in the discord server if anything. :heh:

Jord 2018-08-10 21:00


Originally Posted by YbKWzNEb (Post 6267727)
Its mostly because the discussions are more busy in the discord server if anything. :heh:

Any relevant information or summaries yet?

bakato 2018-08-10 21:35


Originally Posted by Jord (Post 6267741)
Any relevant information or summaries yet?

All on discord.

Jord 2018-08-10 23:17

^Just read all of it plus various comments, thanks for the reminder.

I must say that this volume is pretty good so far, lots of fights, important developments for Lina, Tatsuya and Miyuki plus a lot of political stuff that affect everyone in an international level. I'm surprised to see how strong is Minoru after reading about his fight against Mayumi and the twins, even more impressed about what happened to Retsu and his death.

For now it seems that Tatsuya and the Yotsubas have the upper hand on this conflict but I guess the final boss will be either Raymond or Minoru at this point, probably Tatsuya will be able to use the new SCM. Another detail related to Lina is how are they going to deal with her, she belongs to USNA (for now), I wonder if there is any way to free her from them and let her stay on Japan, I can see Lina and tatsuya fighting together in the next volume too.

YbKWzNEb 2018-08-11 02:46


Originally Posted by usaamahahmed101 (Post 6267768)
Is there any relationship developing(romance?) between mayumi and juumonji now?

Why do you think so? It was just him rescuing mayumi? :confused:

Alexb37 2018-08-11 04:54

link to discord please

apostle 2018-08-11 08:16

Well...Satou may be teasing a Katsuto and Mayumi ship...but that's about it (Satou is a tease master). Its been hinted that he's felt something for her..but she's never seen him as a potential partner. The illustrations are nice though. Seems more like a one sided thing if anything.

Nice 2018-08-11 10:37


Originally Posted by usaamahahmed101 (Post 6267768)
Is there any relationship developing(romance?) between mayumi and juumonji now?


Well...Satou may be teasing a Katsuto and Mayumi ship...but that's about it (Satou is a tease master). Its been hinted that he's felt something for her..but she's never seen him as a potential partner. The illustrations are nice though. Seems more like a one sided thing if anything.
It depends on the context more than anything.
During the bath scene with Tatsuya and Miyuki a few volumes ago, i was certain their relationship would deepen but instead the situation was more comedic and if anything, shows Tatsuya is uncomfortable with Miyuki's advances and wants to avoid them.

Still, that one image finally gave legitimacy between Katsuo and Mayumi. Before i had no idea where anyone got the idea they would be a couple since, story wise, Mayumi and Tatsuya have more chemistry in their interactions and had the rumors about them when Mayumi was still in high school would make her lose her cool. And any suggestions of them being a couple (like the student who debated her in vol 5 i think) or being married (From Minami suggesting that if they got married then Miyuki would become Izumi's "Onee-Sama") just made her lose her composure.
Then she went to college and aside from a few minor rumors about her and Katsuo that neither really cared for, there wasn't a lot to suggest any interest or romance in their relationship. Hell, when Mayumi was in a cafe watching all the 'lovey dovey couples', she became annoyed since she also wanted that. Then Katsuo arrived and all thoughts of love or romance disappeared in an instant and they got straight to business.
The only thing to suggest a romance we had at the time where that Katsuo as a candidate for her marriage partner, the two laughing at Mayumi's comment of her father being a sly fox (or Tanuki?), and the LOST ZERO art that usually paired them together which had nothing to do with the story.
Aside from that, their talks and interactions where too basic and civil to suggest much.

It really depends on how they interact in the Hospital when the sisters (Mayumi too i think) are telling Tatsuya about their fight with Minoru, and if there Katsuo is there, or if the story suggests Katsuo or Mayumi are too worried about the other and show a lot more caring than usual, or if they simply move on as if one friend saved another and nothing else.

If the story does go for Mayumi and Katsuo then, story wise, the author will still have to undo all of Mayumi's feelings for Tatsuya to make it a bit more legit because for all her developing moments for falling for Tatsuya such as her bath scene where she thinks about Tatsuya so much her body heat make the hot water cold, her bikini pic where Tatsuya accidentally see's her in the cliche "accidental Perv" (although in this series it legitimately accidental) manner, Mari confronting her about her feelings for Tatsuya, Mayumi being drunk with a love heart around Tatsuya, and the umbrella scene.
For all that undone by 1 image and scenario seems pretty cheap and lazy. And Mahouka is way too detailed and advanced (especially when it comes to details like in the magic) to be cheap and lazy.

if Mayumi ends up being thankful and bashful afterwards then they could work.
Its unlikely Katsuo would be the bashful one. But then its hard to tell if he even has a loving side. And even if he does, I get the feeling that even if he does like Mayumi, he's willing to let her be with someone that makes her happy, which is probobly why he had no problem suggesting Tatsuya marry her in the 9 school competition. But emotionally, the mans more closed off than Tatsuya.

unless i know the details of Mayumi's and Katsuo's reactions after the events of the image happened and anything to suggest their friendship could change, The same image that gives their pairing legitimacy may also doom it.

Because lets face it, if a scene like that doesn't blossom any romantic interest between them, then what will?
If Mayumi is thankful and the two just continue their friendship as it has been, then the image just furthers the proof that the 2 just don't have that spark for love.

apostle 2018-08-11 11:47


Originally Posted by Nice (Post 6267902)
It depends on the context more than anything.
During the bath scene with Tatsuya and Miyuki a few volumes ago, i was certain their relationship would deepen but instead the situation was more comedic and if anything, shows Tatsuya is uncomfortable with Miyuki's advances and wants to avoid them.

Still, that one image finally gave legitimacy between Katsuo and Mayumi. Before i had no idea where anyone got the idea they would be a couple since, story wise, Mayumi and Tatsuya have more chemistry in their interactions and had the rumors about them when Mayumi was still in high school would make her lose her cool. And any suggestions of them being a couple (like the student who debated her in vol 5 i think) or being married (From Minami suggesting that if they got married then Miyuki would become Izumi's "Onee-Sama") just made her lose her composure.
Then she went to college and aside from a few minor rumors about her and Katsuo that neither really cared for, there wasn't a lot to suggest any interest or romance in their relationship. Hell, when Mayumi was in a cafe watching all the 'lovey dovey couples', she became annoyed since she also wanted that. Then Katsuo arrived and all thoughts of love or romance disappeared in an instant and they got straight to business.
The only thing to suggest a romance we had at the time where that Katsuo as a candidate for her marriage partner, the two laughing at Mayumi's comment of her father being a sly fox (or Tanuki?), and the LOST ZERO art that usually paired them together which had nothing to do with the story.
Aside from that, their talks and interactions where too basic and civil to suggest much.

It really depends on how they interact in the Hospital when the sisters (Mayumi too i think) are telling Tatsuya about their fight with Minoru, and if there Katsuo is there, or if the story suggests Katsuo or Mayumi are too worried about the other and show a lot more caring than usual, or if they simply move on as if one friend saved another and nothing else.

If the story does go for Mayumi and Katsuo then, story wise, the author will still have to undo all of Mayumi's feelings for Tatsuya to make it a bit more legit because for all her developing moments for falling for Tatsuya such as her bath scene where she thinks about Tatsuya so much her body heat make the hot water cold, her bikini pic where Tatsuya accidentally see's her in the cliche "accidental Perv" (although in this series it legitimately accidental) manner, Mari confronting her about her feelings for Tatsuya, Mayumi being drunk with a love heart around Tatsuya, and the umbrella scene.
For all that undone by 1 image and scenario seems pretty cheap and lazy. And Mahouka is way too detailed and advanced (especially when it comes to details like in the magic) to be cheap and lazy.

if Mayumi ends up being thankful and bashful afterwards then they could work.
Its unlikely Katsuo would be the bashful one. But then its hard to tell if he even has a loving side. And even if he does, I get the feeling that even if he does like Mayumi, he's willing to let her be with someone that makes her happy, which is probobly why he had no problem suggesting Tatsuya marry her in the 9 school competition. But emotionally, the mans more closed off than Tatsuya.

unless i know the details of Mayumi's and Katsuo's reactions after the events of the image happened and anything to suggest their friendship could change, The same image that gives their pairing legitimacy may also doom it.

Because lets face it, if a scene like that doesn't blossom any romantic interest between them, then what will?
If Mayumi is thankful and the two just continue their friendship as it has been, then the image just furthers the proof that the 2 just don't have that spark for love.

Couldn't have put it better. It would be bull if Mayumi out of nowhere developed feelings for Katsuto (just cause he saved her cliche). For years now--even recently it's been hammered down that she only sees him as a friend and a respectable leader (finds rumors about them being together annoying). And that miyuki and Tatsuya bath scene was really telling--she's basically ready to go at any moment and he clearly still sees her as a sister still. (I'm not saying Mayumi and Tatsuya are gonna get together either tho soo dont get your hopes up people!) I see Mayumi moving on with a no-name in an epilogue or staying ambiguous--also Tatsuya and miyuki staying as siblings but still close.

Aika Natsume 2018-08-12 08:41

Miyuki is becoming more and more like little Maya in the illustrations.

So basically, Minoru is the new enemy right now with his parasite thing?
Cant Tatsuya just one kill him or Miyuki use cocytus yo obviously one shot that parasite inside him?

bakato 2018-08-12 09:10


Originally Posted by Aika Natsume (Post 6268134)
Miyuki is becoming more and more like little Maya in the illustrations.

So basically, Minoru is the new enemy right now with his parasite thing?
Cant Tatsuya just one kill him or Miyuki use cocytus yo obviously one shot that parasite inside him?

Minoru and Raymond have teamed up. Tatsuya took care of STARS in the background while the Saegusa sisters fought Minoru.

u2L2rQ 2018-08-12 09:53


Originally Posted by bakato (Post 6268143)
Minoru and Raymond have teamed up. Tatsuya took care of STARS in the background while the Saegusa sisters fought Minoru.

Fixed it for you.

Aika Natsume 2018-08-12 11:11

Why are the Saegusa's the one fighting Minoru? What are the Yoteuba doing?

~oNe~ 2018-08-12 12:50


Originally Posted by Aika Natsume (Post 6268164)
Why are the Saegusa's the one fighting Minoru? What are the Yotsuba doing?

Saegusa incharge in this case (refer back volume 24/25) if i not mistaken, Youtsuba working on mechanism to detect parasite and it works except for detecting Minoru need more time to adjustment.

Im happy Tatsuya ask help from his friends especially Mikihiko to seal Parasite and alongside with Leo fought Parasite agent in the last part.

What im curious now now is info about next chapter and where Mizuki not help in to detect Parasite? Oh and Erika to:confused:

Ultragunner 2018-08-13 22:43

We have a Mahouka discord? Can some kind souls send me the name please? :heh:

bakato 2018-08-14 08:40

Try this.

Aika Natsume 2018-08-16 10:59

Is Lina now staying at the Yotsuba household??

~oNe~ 2018-08-16 11:18


Originally Posted by Aika Natsume (Post 6269109)
Is Lina now staying at the Yotsuba household??

No, she stay at Miyakijima Island own by yotsuba

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