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Kairin 2018-06-18 19:17

High School DxD 0 -ZERO- Discussion
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CCPDarkraiRules 2018-06-18 19:30


It seemed like on that day…my fate’d changed when I met that woman.

High School DxD 0

Prince of the House of Gremory. Will you change the Underworld? –– Grayfia Lucifugus

The tale to be told this time is a forbidden one ––

Sirzechs, your power deviates too much from Underworld’s standards. And abnormal power…is/will be ostracized by the government. –– Zeoticus Gremory

Underworld after first generation Yondai Maou have been lost ––

Grayfia Lucifugus, I heard rumors about her/you. I’d like to have a contest with her/you once to know who is stronger. –– Serafall Sitri

Passionate next heir of the House of Sitri was wishing to fight strong people.

I think there is a great meaning in that the power of destruction dwells within you, you know? –– Venelana Gremory

Abnormal demon born from the House of Gremory ––

Woking is losing. No, would it be good if Underworld becomes such a place where I don't have to work? –– Falbium Glasya-Labolas

Strong demons were born other than blood relatives of Maou.

Even if it’s Maou’s blood relatives, I can’t let anyone/you lay hands on Sirzechs. He’s one of my few friends after all. –– Ajuka Astaroth

A young man from Astaroth, who possesses transcendental power rivaling Sirzech’s.

Ha-a, what a bother. Because father and the rest died, I’m troubled/it’s troublesome here. –– Rizevim Livan Lucifer

There was nothing that would pique his interest in the Underworld of that time ––

The power that dwells within me… How can it help the Underworld…? –– Sirzechs Gremory

The power that far surpasses even that of Maou’s blood relatives ––. It seized the fate of Underworld.

Sirzechs, Ajuka, Serafall, Falbium… …Because demons that surpass even Maou’s blood relatives were born, I think it’s time to prepare befitting [Maous] for the new Underworld. –– First generation Bael, Zekram Bael

In the Underworld that lost first generation Maou, old devils' plans move.

We should wish to resume war. Unless we destroy Azazel and Michael, it can’t be called a true victory. What, no matter how many low-lifes perish, if we, Maou’s blood relatives, survive, demon’s existence won’t waver. –– Bidlade Basharun Beelzebub

Maou’s family––for them it’s okay if only their own relatives remain.

Looks like there’s movement at devils’ side. Now then, who will win this political struggle: Maou faction or anti-Maou faction? –– Fallen angels Governor Azazel
Fallen angels that share Underworld with devils were also watching over movements in devil’s world.

You, the likes of Gremory, don’t come near my older siste-e-e-e-e-er! –– Euclid Lucifugus

Distorted love pointed it’s hatred towards Sirzechs.

Between Maou’s blood relatives and anti-government forces, the hearts of the two waver––.

I’m Lucifer’s vanguard. It’s the highest priority. But you still––want me? Sirzechs. – Grayfia Lucifugus

Yes, I still want you, Grayfia. Because I fell in love with you at first sight––. –– Sirzechs Gremory

This is a legendary love story told in the Underworld––.

At that time they met each other.

High School DxD 0 –Zero-

Part 1 Crimson-haired Ruin Prince
Translated by Le Fay on Discord.

Lucidrago 2018-06-18 20:01

This is going to be epic.

DragonOsman 2018-06-18 20:05

Thanks for having this thread opened.

Now, I'm excited for this.

It says that Falbium and Serafall also surpass the blood relatives of the Maou, which in this I can think we can assume to mean "Maou's direct children" like Bidlade and Rizevim. It's possible it's talking about each of the ones who were to inherit the name of the particular Maou Houses: Sirzechs is being compared to Rizevim; Serafall to the daughter of Leviathan; Falbium to the child (should be "son" in this case) of Asmodeus; and Ajuka Bidlade who seems to be the son of Beelzebub. So this may mean that Falbium and Serafall are respectively stronger than the child, each, of the original Asmodeus and Leviathan. And I think it's likely for the direct child of a Maou to be at least Maou-class. Shalba and Katerea may have been weaker than the original Maou because they're distant descendants.

I could still be wrong, though, so I'll wait and see for now.

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to this. Getting to read about the Devil Civil War and about how Grayfia and Sirzechs met would be good.

Raptor178 2018-06-18 21:38

I wonder how many parts we're getting, and from what points of view from which they're going to be told.

B214 2018-06-18 22:09

4 parts only.

aw454wtr 2018-06-18 22:25

Seems that for the original maou, only rizviem surpassed the power of the originals, while the others even with ophis snakes could not

Ariel_Saeba 2018-06-18 23:55

Well, as expected, it was Zekram's plan all along.

Parry999 2018-06-18 23:59

So this novel spoils Risevim to anime onlys and Euclid? How the hell did the fallen angels ever think they could win?

Lex79 2018-06-19 01:04

I wasn't aware of this. It's Sirzechs story, right? Looks interesting.

Ariel_Saeba 2018-06-19 03:05

Devide et Impera, my dude, at least that was how Azazel was thinking at first, before realizing that our bloke Sirzechs is not that bad of a chap.

Lucidrago 2018-06-19 03:08

Well the Underworld was most likely a monarchy when the original Maou were still alive. After they died, that was Zekram's chance to gain the power he never truly had when the original Maou were alive.

While they're well-suited to be Maou, Zekram knows that in the Underworld that highly values bloodlines and heritage, that they would never have the influence or authority the original Maou did. They would have the power but not the bloodline. That's a really important fact to consider. In an Underworld that highly values bloodlines and heritage, Sirzechs and the others would never be fully recognized as Maou. It was the perfect opportunity for Zekram to shape the Underworld in his own way and create the perfect balance of power between the Maou and the Great King.

That's why someone like Vali would be a threat. Think about how many devils would gather under him because of his name and power. He has the two most important things for ruling the Underworld. His power could easily surpass Sirzechs' in the future.

What if Vali had the same fanatical ideas as the Old Satan Faction? That would be very scary. Descendant of Lucifer, huge reserves of demonic powers, and Divine Dividing. Yeah I would kill him before he properly matures if I was Zekram just to prevent him from possibly claiming his birthright in the future.

Or Issei who has become a hero like no other in the Underworld. But he would have run into the same problems Sirzechs and the others did. Until Diehauser screwed everything up.

Blazor 98 2018-06-19 03:18


Originally Posted by Lucidrago (Post 6248439)
Well the Underworld was most likely a monarchy when the original Maou were still alive. After they died, that was Zekram's chance to gain the power he never truly had when the original Maou were alive.

While they're well-suited to be Maou, Zekram knows that in the Underworld that highly values bloodlines and heritage, that they would never have the influence or authority the original Maou did. They would have the power but not the bloodline. That's a really important fact to consider. In an Underworld that highly values bloodlines and heritage, Sirzechs and the others would never be fully recognized as Maou. It was the perfect opportunity for Zekram to shape the Underworld in his own way and create the perfect balance of power between the Maou and the Great King.

That's why someone like Vali would be a threat. Think about how many devils would gather under him because of his name and power. He has the two most important things for ruling the Underworld. His power could easily surpass Sirzechs' in the future.

What if Vali had the same fanatical ideas as the Old Satan Faction? That would be very scary. Descendant of Lucifer, huge reserves of demonic powers, and Divine Dividing. Yeah I would kill him before he properly matures if I was Zekram just to prevent him from possibly claiming his birthright in the future.

Or Issei who has become a hero like no other in the Underworld. But he would have run into the same problems Sirzechs and the others did. Until Diehauser screwed everything up.

Then why give Vali the condition that he has to reach the top 4 just to b3 a Maou candidate?

Lucidrago 2018-06-19 06:40

While Zekram has a lot of political power and influence, him and a lot of the other old devils have lost a lot of their influence. He has to settle for a compromise. He can't just straight up reject it. Vali's a Lucifer and defeated one of the two Evil Dragons controlling Trihexa. And now the devils have lost three of their leaders. Issei and Vali would naturally be top candidates to become Maou. So Zekram can't stop something like that so he made a compromise saying that they have to reach the Final 4 if they actually want to become Maou.

DragonOsman 2018-06-19 10:07

Yeah. And he'll lose even more influence if Ise and Vali do become Maou. But someone on the DxD Universe Discord proposed the idea that maybe Zekram only set that condition to shut up the nobles on his side who were against Ise and Vali becoming Maou. He himself still stands to lose a lot more of his influence, but he did also tell Ise to become a Maou before. He may still want to make it harder now, himself, as well, since he does stand to lose a lot more influence from it happening.

@Raptor: It's about the Devil Civil War, how Sirzechs and Grayfia met, and how Sirzechs and the other three became Maou. And it might be from Sirzechs' point of view.

And as we an see in the quotes, it seems like Sirzechs fell in love with Grayfia first since she's asking him if he still wants her even though her duty as the vanguard for Lucifer is her top priority (unless she was also already in love with him and was just not sure if she should betray the Old Maou Faction for him). Either way, I'm looking forward to reading this. As the quotes mention, it's a legendary love story told in the Underworld even now.

Lucidrago 2018-06-19 11:31

Issei becoming a Maou would have been no problem before the balance of power was broken(thank Diehauser for that). Issei would have the power but not the bloodline so even if he became Maou he wouldn't be fully recognized as Maou. Same roadblock Sirzechs and the others faced.

Compared to Vali who is the descendant of Lucifer and who has extraordinary power. Before the events of Volume 20, Vali was the only one who would be fully recognized as Maou.

Issei would have never been fully recognized as Maou even with all his deeds unless there was a major reformation in the Underworld. Or something happened where the old devils lost a lot of influence.

Palmito 2018-06-19 12:30


Originally Posted by Lucidrago (Post 6248526)
Issei becoming a Maou would have been no problem before the balance of power was broken(thank Diehauser for that). Issei would have the power but not the bloodline so even if he became Maou he wouldn't be fully recognized as Maou. Same roadblock Sirzechs and the others faced.

Compared to Vali who is the descendant of Lucifer and who has extraordinary power. Before the events of Volume 20, Vali was the only one who would be fully recognized as Maou.

Issei would have never been fully recognized as Maou even with all his deeds unless there was a major reformation in the Underworld. Or something happened where the old devils lost a lot of influence.

Vali would not be fully recognized because he is not a pureblood devil. Even thirty years into the future if Vali and Issei become a Maou they will still have several Devils (especially the elders) who will not recognize them as worthy of being a Maou.

Royalknightftw 2018-06-19 12:59

I agree with Lucidrago here

Ever since king piece fiasco, The old devils reputation have hit rock bottom. Straight out disagreeing with Ajuka's proposal regarding Issei and Vali's candidacy for Maou position, would certainly make their position (old devils) sink to shit hole. So, what they had to do is a politic of compromise.

@palmito Compared to Issei, Vali's bloodline has more value in devil's Society, even though he is just a half breed. Lucifer's blood is running through his vein after all

DragonOsman 2018-06-19 13:08

Purist Devils would still have a problem even with Vali, though. But he'd be more better off than Ise. But the number of people who have a problem would be in the minority after the King Piece fiasco.

Lucidrago 2018-06-19 13:24

It should be well-established in this series that Power>Whatever you have.

Vali isn't some typical half-blood devil. He's the great-grandsib of Lucifer and has one of the 13 Longinus. Being a half-blood would be pretty insignificant compared to the other two points.

In the devils' world, no matter your lineage, they can't ignore extraordinary power like that. And they can't ignore someone with the blood of the original Lucifer whether he's a half-blood or not.

Believe it or not, there would be little to no argument brought up against Vali. That is how much of an advantage he would have.

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