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Kairin 2018-02-25 10:49

High School DxD [LN/M] - Volume 25 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for High School DxD [LN/M], Volume 25.

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Gary29 2018-02-25 10:50

Spoiler for Preview:

Forgive any minor translation mistakes.

Bennia Lover 2018-02-25 11:07

Ocean of Milk and the reference of Samudra manthan (explaining the origin of the nectar of immortality) is obviously saying this milk ocean is Issei's nectar lol

Vergil Lucifer 2018-02-25 11:16

I am really enjoy who would be Issei trainer

Bennia Lover 2018-02-25 11:18

I say now it's someone from Hindu mythology since he's going to their world.

EternalDragonGod Ise 2018-02-25 11:20

I read the Preview and i am already scared that there will be more dissgusting Powers :( Man Ichiei why must you be a fu**cking Pervert. Curse yoou. Sorry, its just I think we are at a Point were the Series should be more serious, but i can not take this serious if Ichiei always come with these dissgusting and just wrong Powers. Yeah at the start it was ok and funny, but there is a point were the Author should become more serious. But that is just my Opinion.
I hope he will have now some decent Powers.
Yeah i also belive it is someone of the Hindu Mythology, most likely Shiva or Mahabali or Yama?
Dream Fight: Ise (with Great Reds Poweror AxA) vs Typhoon
Hades really is annoying, hope he dies. Yama or Yomi could replace him.

DragonOsman 2018-02-25 11:23

@Bennia Lover (about Post #3): Yeah, it sounds kind of perverted. Ocean of Milk. Think back to him being submerged in a tank full of breast milk. Yeah.

Anyway, the preview is interesting.

Poor Asia with Fafnir bringing out her panties again. And the way it was brought up when referring to Irina not winning in a decent fight was funny.

I like how Rias is telling Ise to decide what he thinks of Rose, while Akeno is saying the same to Rose herself in regards to Ise. Hopefully both of them will take a step forward in their relationship with each other with this. Ise is also thinking about it, I guess, as seen in his own quote:

The other party is a god!

But, you only have to do it!

To survive in this tournament、 also for Rossweisse!

I'll defeat you here!

Rossweisse is my friend, an important comrade, and――

――Issei Hyoudou・Red Dragon Emperor
The "Also for Rossweisse!" and the "Rossweisse is my friend, an important comrade, and--" bits. What's he saying in the "and--" part, I wonder? Very interesting and curious. [Though I think that since it's Ise, he must be calling her "Rossweisse-san". Because that's what he calls her.]

It's also pretty good how Kuroka and Koneko are becoming more bold in showing their respective affections to Ise after the proposal. Though it's not like Kuroka wasn't already bold to begin with. Either way, I'm happy for these two.

Since Roygun is talking as though both Innovate Clear and Telos Karma are in one place in her quote, I wonder if it means they really are both in the possession of one person. Either or at least on the same team.

@Bennia Lover: Wait, didn't Ajuka transport Ise to his personal dimension? So he was actually transported to the Hindu Mythology's world?

Ariel_Saeba 2018-02-25 11:26

And in case you're wondering, Apollon is the Homeric Greek spelling version. Be careful not to misidentify it with Apollyon.

PS. The Sea of Milk line can also mean sea of breasts, so it's a double entendre here.


PS.PS.PS. I'll post my alt translation in about an hour.

Bennia Lover 2018-02-25 11:30

The Ocean of Milk is a place in Hindu mythology. It's where the nectar for immortality comes from.

EternalDragonGod Ise 2018-02-25 11:32

^Yeah i read it, too so who you think it is who trains him. Bova has Crom so Ise needs some badass God. I mean he is the furture 3rd Dragon God if Ophis plan works.

DragonOsman 2018-02-25 11:35

That was just Ddraig's speculation as far as we know right now. Ophis might really be trying to do that, but let's wait and see for now.

And yeah, hopefully a really high-level Hindu God will be training Ise.

Ariel_Saeba 2018-02-25 11:35

Yes, and inlore the authority of it belongs to either the Sage Durvasa (who has specific relations to Vishnu and Shiva) or Vishnu himself. I'm guessing that he would have a role in Issei's training, if not other figures like (Maha)Bali or even Shiva himself giving the permission.

Bennia Lover 2018-02-25 11:36

Or maybe Kamadeva will pop along. He will understand Issei the best lol

EternalDragonGod Ise 2018-02-25 11:37

Shiva :D He is the highest that there is. Indra is a big No Ise know that Sakrą will kill him if he became a Threat (Yeah he already is you idot God). Yama could also be. We don`t know what Hindu Gods are sealed so my bet first goes to Shiva.

Bennia Lover 2018-02-25 11:40

Also about Brynhildr, it's Commanding Officer of the Valkyrie Corps not Captain.

DragonOsman 2018-02-25 11:42

Kamadeva really would understand Ise the best. The God of love, attraction and sexuality. I know you'd hate that, though. But it still suits Ise.

As for Indra, he just said he'd kill Ise if he became a threat to the world. Ise hasn't really become a threat to the world.

Edit: One post late.
@Bennia Lover: Thanks for the correction.

Bennia Lover 2018-02-25 11:43

Ah wait nevermind, it can be captain or commanding officer basically. Captain sounding much better.

DragonOsman 2018-02-25 11:44

Well, yeah, they do seem like they're the same thing.

EternalDragonGod Ise 2018-02-25 11:47

I don`t would hate it if ise would learn from Kamadeva but to the yeah not so good (dissgusting)Powers were he needs help from Oppai he should lern some REAL nice epic Powers like the Destruction Beam Ophis can fire with her Hands or that he can use various Forms of the Sorching Fire. Like make it in Balls in fire the or a make it a beam and fire it with his Hands, or a True Ise Form like Sirzechs.
He should use his Dragon Powers like the Aura Crom can make. I belive that Issei could also use it.
He is wasting his Time with Oppai related Powers when he could use his Time to train in other aspects too. What if there are no oppais then that Power is useless. I want Ise to become more independent, and with the Oppai Powers is is impossible.
Don`t know if u can understand me on this. But this is my Opinion.
I mean if he learns some boring Powers with oppai, okai BUT he should also lern some Dragon related or other Powers that does not need the help from Oppais.

DragonOsman 2018-02-25 11:53

Keep in mind that he also got Balance Breaker using breasts. He did have to train with Tannin as well, but the catalyst he needed to actually get Balance Breaker still ended up being breasts (poking Rias' nipples). He can replenish his aura if he gets hit from a beam from Rias' breasts. He was healed by being submerged in a tank filled with breast milk mixed with a bit of Phoenix Tears after the first use of Dragon Deification. His serious power-ups also come mostly from breasts. What's your point?

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