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Kairin 2017-11-24 20:24

Love Live! Sunshine!! Second Season - Episode 8 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Love Live! Sunshine!! Second Season, Episode 8.

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Requiem-x 2017-11-25 14:57

You thought it was a Maru episode? Too bad, it's Ruby's!

Well, definetly can't complain about Ruby getting more screentime, and since this will be a two parter, there's more imouto to look forward to. Same with Lia (what the hell is up with those subs?!), who finally showed some emotion besides discomfort and anger.

On the expected side, I sure didn't exect that to happen to the rivals. No wonder they (or Seira, rather, and again, what is up with that translation?) were being set up as friendly previously, since you probably aren't supposed to do the Nelson laugh at their screw up. Gotta admit, a part of me feels dissatisfied, but I can let go. Could tthis mean the third years leaving will be handled differently this time? I hope so. I want Mezashi to dedicate a bit of time to this new ship.

blakstealth 2017-11-25 15:09

Wow, I wasn't expecting my eyes to water a bit in this episode. I loved it. They really did Ruby some justice with the extra screen time. I was so so so excited for Ruby to take the initiative and got together with Leah at the end. She was extra adorbees in episode 8! I wasn't expecting Saint Snow to fail, but the focus on Ruby noticing Leah's shaking hands in the dressing room spelled trouble. I was really looking forward to another awesome performance. It's also disappointing that they didn't even qualify for the finals. That must be heart-breaking for Sarah.

It looks like we're gonna see more of them in the next episode, so I hope they do an awesome collab!

Requiem-x 2017-11-25 15:39


Originally Posted by blakstealth (Post 6168281)
It looks like we're gonna see more of them in the next episode, so I hope they do an awesome collab!

Somebody wake up You, there are outfits to be made :heh: I know Ruby can make them too, but this is kind of a rush job.

AntonKutovoi 2017-11-25 16:24

"What, you wanted another Saint Snow song? Pfft, sucks for you"

blakstealth 2017-11-25 20:06


Originally Posted by Requiem-x (Post 6168293)
Somebody wake up You, there are outfits to be made :heh: I know Ruby can make them too, but this is kind of a rush job.


Originally Posted by AntonKutovoi (Post 6168307)
"What, you wanted another Saint Snow song? Pfft, sucks for you"

I hope we get the whole song and performance shebang. It's the only way to redeem the show after skimping on this episode's performance!

Requiem-x 2017-11-25 20:12


Originally Posted by blakstealth (Post 6168376)
I hope we get the whole song and performance shebang. It's the only way to redeem the show after skimping on this episode's performance!

Ruby made it sound like it would be a proper performance, with how that blunder shouldn't be her last one,

blakstealth 2017-11-25 20:32


Originally Posted by Requiem-x (Post 6168385)
Ruby made it sound like it would be a proper performance, with how that blunder shouldn't be her last one,

It would be history in the making if it happens!! Ah, it's gonna be so cool if they really do it!

Requiem-x 2017-11-25 21:05


Originally Posted by blakstealth (Post 6168389)
It would be history in the making if it happens!! Ah, it's gonna be so cool if they really do it!

Well, making history is what Aqours is aiming for, so it would be nice practice. Mind you, it could also be a duet (Lia is obviously better at those anyway), so don't expect anything as massive as a full Aqours live,

blakstealth 2017-11-25 23:25


Originally Posted by Requiem-x (Post 6168407)
Well, making history is what Aqours is aiming for, so it would be nice practice. Mind you, it could also be a duet (Lia is obviously better at those anyway), so don't expect anything as massive as a full Aqours live,

I'll take a Ruby x Leah song and dance! They must awaken the power!

Requiem-x 2017-11-25 23:48


Originally Posted by blakstealth (Post 6168446)
I'll take a Ruby x Leah song and dance! They must awaken the power!

You know, for some reason, that doesn't sound like a good name for a tribute song to your big sister. Then again, showing they can do a cool performance will be more than enough for the onee-chans to be satisfied, I'm sure.

Kanon 2017-11-26 11:54


Originally Posted by AntonKutovoi (Post 6168307)
"What, you wanted another Saint Snow song? Pfft, sucks for you"

You can't imagine how disappointed I was. Their performance in the first season might just be my favorite in the entire franchise. I got super hyped when the music started, and then suddenly it cut to the (terrible) aftermath. I couldn't believe what just happened. I'd been looking forward to it all season.

That said, the episode was very good. Ruby finally received some focus this season. I'm curious to hear her collab with Leah. I'd like it to be more of a Saint Snow song, but it wouldn't really fit Ruby's high pitched voice. But perhaps she has more range than I think.

Ernietheracefan 2017-11-26 15:43


Originally Posted by Requiem-x (Post 6168276)
You thought it was a Maru episode? Too bad, it's Ruby's!

Well, definetly can't complain about Ruby getting more screentime, and since this will be a two parter, there's more imouto to look forward to. Same with Lia (what the hell is up with those subs?!), who finally showed some emotion besides discomfort and anger.

On the expected side, I sure didn't exect that to happen to the rivals. No wonder they (or Seira, rather, and again, what is up with that translation?) were being set up as friendly previously, since you probably aren't supposed to do the Nelson laugh at their screw up. Gotta admit, a part of me feels dissatisfied, but I can let go. Could tthis mean the third years leaving will be handled differently this time? I hope so. I want Mezashi to dedicate a bit of time to this new ship.

Umm, Sarah & Leah are the official translation of the St. Snow..:heh:

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