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xris 2017-11-13 19:52

Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya Movie: Sekka no Chikai Discussion / Poll
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Ruki0089 2017-11-14 01:00

Hmm... The animation is normal... I thought we will see ufotable's level animation.... Especially UBW snow part...

Renchan 2017-11-16 03:59

Just watched it on local cinema. Seconding Ruki0089, the animation and direction didn't get much update despite being a movie. Even the new UBW's appearance looks so... Bland. The fights are still cool as always (loved those cameos).

Ruki0089 2017-11-16 04:53

But never thought Keyneth actually figure who EMIYA is...

ReddyRedWolf 2017-11-25 22:47

Interesting part at the beginning there is a parallel between Kiritsugu from Fate Zero and Shirou. They both encounter girls with underdeveloped personalities. Their interactions with them humanizes the girls that turns to love. For Kiritsugu and Irisviel it is romantic love. For Shirou and Miyu it is sibling love.

At the end we see the beginning from Miyu, Sapphire and Luvia's POV.

Kanon 2018-02-04 13:43

The BD came out. It was a really great adaptation. Miyu was cute, Shirou was badass, the fights were great, and the references were nice. I'd even recommend it to Fate/Stay Night fans who haven't watched Prisma Illya, it works as a cool alternate Shirou story.

As for the animation, it wasn't movie quality, but it was good enough (I heard there were improvements over the theater release).

One thing I'm disappointed about is that they cut out a key discussion between Shirou and Julian that strongly hinted at Julian's true intentions. On the other hand, I was happy they showed us who the other masters in this war were. Kayneth as Lancer, and Kariya as Rider (he and Sakura pretty much traded servants in Prisma). I didn't recognize who Caster was though. And it sucks we didn't get to see Berserker.

DragoMuseveni 2018-02-05 11:37

I liked this movie but i`ve found it kinda ..... lackluster in some departments
Well the fight between Shirou and Gilgamesh was kinda .... boring . Also i dont like the new Emyia remix . My opinion though .

traviskeshav 2018-02-05 20:47

I picked up the Blu-Ray as well; the graphics were kind of disappointing, but the story and presentation was fine overall. I was kind of surprised they didn't bookend it by showing the rest of the characters, since if memory serves, the end of the last series led into Shirou telling the story.

Kanon 2018-02-06 12:33


Originally Posted by traviskeshav (Post 6196194)
I picked up the Blu-Ray as well; the graphics were kind of disappointing, but the story and presentation was fine overall. I was kind of surprised they didn't bookend it by showing the rest of the characters, since if memory serves, the end of the last series led into Shirou telling the story.

They're probably keeping Illya and the others' reaction for the next series. What we got instead was more fitting for is basically a prequel movie.

rladls2121 2018-02-15 17:55

Sakura actually looks cuter on this version when she was still alive.

Comparing the original Holy Grail War and this one.
Though Masters and Servants rule looks cooler to me, using a card and installing it to the user makes me feel more safer.
As a Master, i might as well as run away from fights and leaving fights to the Servant.

Dengar 2018-05-15 05:42

I'm really late to the party but I really loved this film. I have never been one to harp on animation, so long as it's not actually bad. Conveyance to me is most important, and it did this just fine. I had a really easy time empathizing with the characters.

...Does this mean that the Sakura we saw at the end of 3rei was just another puppet? Feels Bad Man. :(

Kanon 2018-05-15 10:55


Originally Posted by Dengar (Post 6236216)
...Does this mean that the Sakura we saw at the end of 3rei was just another puppet? Feels Bad Man. :(

Yup. She's definitely dead. It explains why she acted so crazy too.

The Green One 2018-05-15 20:30

Yep she died and was brought back wrong. That's why she's unhinged.

FlareKnight 2018-05-22 19:52

Just makes rewatching 3rei all the more tragic. Died like that and then brought back as this messed up puppet. Though I suppose it could be worse. Could have been turned into that puppet with her rationality intact, but still forced to nearly kill someone she cares about.

In a sense the whole cards thing really works. Shirou is the type of character that ends up putting himself on the front lines anyways. At least in this situation he can actually take care of himself and face opponents on a similar level.

As a whole I still really like this movie. It develops Shirou nicely through a good stretch of time, has some emotional gut punches (Miyu's capture and Sakura's death), and ends on a pretty good bit of self-sacrifice by Shirou. I like this version of Shirou more than most that I've seen. I get where he's coming from and his arc ends in a place that I can respect.

Mad Pierrot 2019-03-17 10:56

I wonder why the movie hasn't been licensed considering the tv series was picked by English distributors.

Then again, while I enjoyed the film a lot (probably my third favorite Fate project behind Zero and UBW), I wondered why they made the Holy Grail so anticlimatic. It's obvious they focused more on the fights that involved Shinji and Angelica. Also, poor Sakura. It's like a rule that she has to suffer a lot in every story.

Mad Pierrot 2020-09-27 21:44

So it was already released in English regions as Vow in the Snow. Kept you waiting?

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