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Kairin 2017-09-28 13:10

Railgun Manga - Jailbreaker Arc Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Railgun Manga, Jailbreaker Arc.

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  • Raw requests and offers are not permitted anywhere on this forum.
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    If you need to reference something that would spoil a future event, reply directly with a private message, or seek out a more appropriate thread.
  • Discuss your expectations of the volume or arc if it has not yet been released.
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KiharaRonin 2017-10-01 17:08

Speculation time. Misaka gets trapped, framed, or (possibly or due to misunderstanding) is labelled an Esper Offender and has to stage a jailbreak.

Seafoam 2017-10-01 17:45

A 2 page preview is out for this arc and it shows two interesting individuals. Someone in prison with the lighting conveniently covering their face, and the other being a person in a school uniform (?) with some bear mask on their head. I'm hoping one of them is the #6. Unless that's supposed to be the same person. Either way, with all the memes dropping like flies lately we may as well check this one off the list soon.

Inept Forum User 2017-10-25 16:25

Spoiler for Ch97 Fragments:

Edit: It seems there's been some fiddling with the chapter numbers again.

OH&S 2017-10-25 22:38

Looks like it. What should have been Chapter 98 is now Chapter 97 which means that chapters have been merged together in the tankoubon (probably that really short chapter).

DragonXX 2017-10-25 23:34


Originally Posted by Inept Forum User (Post 6156523)
Spoiler for Ch97 Fragments:

Edit: It seems there's been some fiddling with the chapter numbers again.

If it not post OT16 it would be around OT16 time of Oct.11.-Oct.12.

The bigger question is it happening before WWIII which started in Oct.19 and ended on Oct.30 or before it or around Acqua of The Back Arc. Which give us the dates of Oct.11-Oct.18

DragonXX 2017-10-25 23:36


Originally Posted by OH&S (Post 6156622)
Looks like it. What should have been Chapter 98 is now Chapter 97 which means that chapters have been merged together in the tankoubon (probably that really short chapter).

I want to know if they plan on doing something for Railgun 100 chapter like a colour page or something?

If they change it to Chapter 97 by the end of the year as long as they don't skip a month it will end which Chapter 99.

itine 2017-10-26 14:29

3 week ago I see a dragon?
Spoiler for Spoiler:

could be Daihasei (Railgun) Arc?
or Acqua of the Back Arc?

DragonXX 2017-10-26 18:00


Originally Posted by itine (Post 6156814)
3 week ago I see a dragon?
Spoiler for Spoiler:

could be Daihasei (Railgun) Arc?
or Acqua of the Back Arc?

It would be from the Daihasei Arc because most people think so far that this happen just before Touma first get his butt kick by Acqua but after he fell onto Itsuwa from a future page in the chapter having Mikoto thinking back to that.

Marcus H. 2017-10-26 20:06

People have confirmed that Akikawa Mie has appeared on this chapter.

OH&S 2017-10-26 22:00

Kihara Noukan, Angel head of the Dragon Strike, Akikawa Mie, post OT16 confirmed, Kouzaku Mitori and double chapter release.

Lots of things to sink my teeth into.

salamander750 2017-10-26 23:42


Originally Posted by Marcus H. (Post 6156913)
People have confirmed that Akikawa Mie has appeared on this chapter.

Huh? What how when who? Where is she?

OH&S 2017-10-27 00:10

There is a girl that claims to have seen the Dragon Strike. The girl with her (with the jacket tied around her waist) is Akikawa Mie.

Marcus H. 2017-10-27 04:04

Anyone who has read the Liquid Diamond chase would know how Mie was described.

"Shoulder length dark hair... transparent nail polish... white long sleeved sailor uniform, short skirt and cardigan... sports bag..."

Inept Forum User 2017-10-27 05:27

Just out of curiosity, physical appearance aside, was her name used?

Marcus H. 2017-10-27 06:08

Nope. People just associated the narrative descriptions with the gyaru that showed up in Chapter 97.5.
I'll take out the links to Akikawa Mie for the meantime, as it's not totally confirmed so far.

itine 2017-10-27 08:27

The name of "Jailbreaker Arc" come a month ago (3 days before the official announcement),
Of course We meme'ing Itsuwa many-many years ago too
Today we really got Itsuwa cameo, plus bonus Noukan
What next? hint: Akikawa Mie?
There is no way this is a coincidence!

DragonXX 2017-10-27 18:28


Originally Posted by itine (Post 6157086)
The name of "Jailbreaker Arc" come a month ago (3 days before the official announcement),
Of course We meme'ing Itsuwa many-many years ago too
Today we really got Itsuwa cameo, plus bonus Noukan
What next? hint: Akikawa Mie?
There is no way this is a coincidence!

Kamachi is always Watching like Crowley was to AC.

Seafoam 2017-10-27 19:54

Wow, Kamachi just teased the shit out of the Invisible Thing. Wonder if Noukan will be relevant in this arc too, or maybe him the AAA are connected to it.

Hiss13 2017-10-27 20:45

Invisible Thing and Dragons. Some day. Some day.

That being said, seeing MIE-CHAAAAAAAAAAAAN in the Railgun manga was a bit of a surprise for me. Still hoping for an illustration of her in the novels some day...some day.

Uiharu also gives really shitty advice for romance.

With regards to the actual meat of the chapter, I have to wonder if the incident at the Reformatory in OT15 was what spurned this all, especially with the challenge to Level 5s being made. It has nothing to do with breaking Itsuwa out of prison so my interest may have slightly dropped. RIP Purple jailbreak.

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