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Kairin 2016-09-04 04:13

Re:Zero - Episode 23 Discussion / Poll
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AB079 2016-09-04 11:49

What an incredible episode, the best was how it seems WF didn't rushed volume 8.

Basically Rem's attack was because she believe that Subaru was a traitor who join forces with the enemy, so glad this didn't go further. One interesting details is the fact that Julius is not only a skilled fighter, he also can use magic.

Then we moved out to the town, the people there still have some bad thoughs about Emilia which is in some way understandable considering she really looks like Satella and everyone believes she's nothing but some sort of reincarnation. Is really nice to see how Julius is supporting Subaru all the way, same goes for Ferris.

After that the first attack was done, at first sight it looked like Ferris died but it glad that didn't happened. Finally! Emilia was there to save the day, is really sad to see that even after saving the rest of the people in the town, they still look at her in a wrong way.

Then the best part of the episode was how Betelgeuse took Subaru's body and how was Subaru itself the one begging to Ferris and Julius to kill him, that literally was overwhelming, especially after looking how Ferris cried and finally how Julius finished the job.

Overall excellent episode, can't wait to see the next one.

PS: There are some rumours about episode 25 being 1 hour long, I don't know if this is true or is just an assumption spread out on different forums but I really want to believe.

larethian 2016-09-04 12:31

^ You should really spoiler tag it as it's not on CR yet. Well it's probably not a rule but considerate.

I can't believe they still put in the OP. We are done with volume 8 with this. Just 2 episodes for volume 9.

A tidbit about the preview for episode 18:

Fimbulvetr 2016-09-04 13:06

No need for spoiler tags for what happened in the very episode that this thread is for.

If Betelgeuse really can just jump to anyone he pleases then why didn't he try physically stronger people, knights wearing armour or even Emilia? For now I'll just assume he can only take over people with no real magic talent, like Subaru or the villagers.

So, is Subaru dead, and if yes, at what time will he respawn? The way things were going for the last episodes I was sure there would be no more dying for Subaru, because there's not enough episodes left. But maybe if the trip back in time is short enough..

Klashikari 2016-09-04 13:17

As some of us excepted, Betelgeuse can transfer his soul to another body and gains complete control on them. Makes you actually wonder if the first one was the original or just one of Betelgeuse borrowed body over years/centuries.


Originally Posted by Fimbulvetr (Post 5938191)
If Betelgeuse really can just jump to anyone he pleases then why didn't he try physically stronger people, knights wearing armour or even Emilia? For now I'll just assume he can only take over people with no real magic talent, like Subaru or the villagers.

Probably compatibility. Even Betelgeuse commented how Subaru's body was a fine vessel even though he has no special trait nor good mana gate.The fact he is "loved" by Satella is most likely one of the criteria.

zeross87 2016-09-04 13:20

i think subaru is just compatible enough with the cult for betelgueuse to take his body, he even thought he was one of them at first.

at the end of the ep i was like "ù^$ù!$m* next week already please !" :heh:

i really thought this would be the correct loop without death, it seem weird to fail off now. maybe they didn't kill him and just badly injured him to scare betelgueuse away from his body and emilia will come and save the day ?

if his really dead i really hope the backtracking wont be too long like before the white whale....

but i don't really know what else he could have done, they could have killed the infiltrated cult member before but would that prevent his body from beiing possessed ?
also what an useless spirit, running away at the first sign of trouble :(

sryroo 2016-09-04 13:24

Hmm, I wonder why? I feel really sad when Subaru dead. Is it because Subaru determined to die? is it because Julius? Or is it because Ferris' tears?.....

Ferris tears, I called it.

Haak 2016-09-04 13:27

You gotta be shittin' me...

FIBC 2016-09-04 13:31


Originally Posted by AB079 (Post 5938156)
What an incredible episode, the best was how it seems WF didn't rushed volume 8.

Basically Rem's attack was because she believe that Subaru was a traitor who join forces with the enemy, so glad this didn't go further. One interesting details is the fact that Julius is not only a skilled fighter, he also can use magic.

Then we moved out to the town, the people there still have some bad thoughs about Emilia which is in some way understandable considering she really looks like Satella and everyone believes she's nothing but some sort of reincarnation. Is really nice to see how Julius is supporting Subaru all the way, same goes for Ferris.

After that the first attack was done, at first sight it looked like Ferris died but it glad that didn't happened. Finally! Emilia was there to save the day, is really sad to see that even after saving the rest of the people in the town, they still look at her in a wrong way.

Then the best part of the episode was how Betelgeuse took Subaru's body and how was Subaru itself the one begging to Ferris and Julius to kill him, that literally was overwhelming, especially after looking how Ferris cried and finally how Julius finished the job.

Overall excellent episode, can't wait to see the next one.

PS: There are some rumours about episode 25 being 1 hour long, I don't know if this is true or is just an assumption spread out on different forums but I really want to believe.

it's not a rumour. when they began streaming rezero. they said first episode and last episode will be doubled length

SMT 2016-09-04 13:46


Originally Posted by FIBC (Post 5938208)
it's not a rumour. when they began streaming rezero. they said first episode and last episode will be doubled length

I'm drooling right now. Thank you.

Best episode in a while. Finally we get to see Emilia again, missed her a lot. :)

The end was something I can only expect of this author. I cannot wait for the showdown. :D

AB079 2016-09-04 13:48


Originally Posted by FIBC (Post 5938208)
it's not a rumour. when they began streaming rezero. they said first episode and last episode will be doubled length

Thanks for the confirmation! you made my day.

That means we have technically 3 more episodes for Volume 9 - end of Arc 3.

SeaDoor 2016-09-04 13:50

OMG! What an episode! What an ending!

apr 2016-09-04 13:55


Originally Posted by FIBC (Post 5938208)
it's not a rumour. when they began streaming rezero. they said first episode and last episode will be doubled length

I'm not saying this is false, but the official website lists BD vol 9 as containing episodes 24 and 25 with a total runtime of 50 minutes:
BD vol 1 on the other hand contains eps 1-2 at 75 minutes.

In addition, a TV schedule site is listing ep 1 as a 60 minute slot, while ep 25 has a 30 minute slot:

So, well. Maybe it's unlikely, at least. I'm sure the above information could be mistaken, however.

HandofFate 2016-09-04 13:55

crazy cliffhanger.
I wonder since it was in the struggle of the body, wonder if that might affect Subaru's Return to Death.

What if he returns back but in Betelgeuse's other body before the group raided him. And it turns into a body swap, and Betelgeuse(Subaru) has to try to stop Subaru (Betelgeuse) while everyone else is trying to stop him.

Wandering Soul 2016-09-04 13:56


Originally Posted by zeross87 (Post 5938198)
also what an useless spirit, running away at the first sign of trouble :(

The spirit protected Subaru quite a few times, so I would hardly call it useless. I don't think there is anything that it could have done once his body was taken over. Not even Felis, the best healer in the capital could do anything.

zeross87 2016-09-04 13:58


Originally Posted by Wandering Soul (Post 5938221)
The spirit protected Subaru quite a few times, so I would hardly call it useless. I don't think there is anything that it could have done once his body was taken over. Not even Felis, the best healer in the capital could do anything.

i know, i'm just being sour because i'm mad at the cliffhanger :heh:

blakstealth 2016-09-04 14:13

So Ia was the thing that saved Subaru from last episode, too? Interesting. So Julius planted her in him for a while.

And that end...holy mother of god, that ending. Freakin awesome!

Tempester 2016-09-04 14:14

Somebody get Kobayashi Yuusuke an award because his voice acting for Subaru in this show is absolutely awesome, and his Betelgeuse voice at the end of this episode just enforces how talented he is.

AB079 2016-09-04 14:14


Originally Posted by apr (Post 5938218)
I'm not saying this is false, but the official website lists BD vol 9 as containing episodes 24 and 25 with a total runtime of 50 minutes:
BD vol 1 on the other hand contains eps 1-2 at 75 minutes.

In addition, a TV schedule site is listing ep 1 as a 60 minute slot, while ep 25 has a 30 minute slot:

So, well. Maybe it's unlikely, at least. I'm sure the above information could be mistaken, however.

So in the end, we're still in the dark about episode 25 :(

DemonneoPT 2016-09-04 14:19

Did those ungrateful villagers made my adorable Emilia cry??? Even after she saved them! Bastards :(
I did not find the action scenes as impressive as the ones in previous episodes. It felt a little rushed and the direction was not the best imo. Including the Emilia part. Something was missing there and i can't figure it out what exactly.

The cliffhanger (again :heh:) however made the episode. If Subaru actually died, we may finally have another hint about how the waypoint respawn actually works. Is it time dependant or objective dependant? Or both? We already had a loop where he died severall hours after today's episode (assuming he is dead) so if he respawns a few minutes/hours before his death it would be a game changing factor.

So, some of us were right and Betelgeuse could actually transfer his conscience between bodies. And then i read this:

Originally Posted by HandofFate (Post 5938219)
What if he returns back but in Betelgeuse's other body before the group raided him. And it turns into a body swap, and Betelgeuse(Subaru) has to try to stop Subaru (Betelgeuse) while everyone else is trying to stop him.

That would be an insane We do not know how Betelgeuse's power really work. What if the conscience/soul of the bodies he takes go elsewhere instead of being dorment inside the possessed body? Imagine if Subaru is actually not dead and is just lost in some weird dimension or could even manifesting himself in the form of a lesser spirit :eyespin:

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