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Kairin 2016-03-25 19:56

Durarara!! X2 Ketsu - Episode 12 Discussion / Poll
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Stark700 2016-03-26 11:40


I almost cried a little. Can't believe there's no more DRRR! episodes left! Glad to see that they kept Varona relevant as well towards the end. Izaya and Shizuo's fight was quite entertaining imo mostly because it was more than just to see who can beat up who. Lol Mikage, almost felt bad for the dude.

Very good way to wrap up the show to give the main characters their futures. And to be quite honest, I'm satisfied with the overall series/franchise. 8/10. I think I rated all three seasons with a similar score.

Wade Wilson 2016-03-26 12:32

Oh man I don't know what to say, at the end of this episode I just felt something going on my back, started to remember the first season and how everything started.

It was a long ride but for me is one of the best. I love this story so much, each character has their own problems, his own life and personalities, the city and the people who lives there it is all so good.

Shinra as always is the real man, love that relationship between him and Celty, amazing love story.

Goodbye DRRR! it was great, and for a last score 9/10.

Kopi 2016-03-26 12:42

Wish there was more of Shizuo and Varona scene. Really liking this pair since she was introduced.

Izaya taking a punch from Shizuo in the face and still standing did surprised me though his arms were broken later. Noticed that Shizuo has very long and weird arms when he swing that vending machine :heh:

Tbh a little disappointed that it ended like this after following this series for a long while. Probably because I wanted to see more of the characters and doesn't want it to end.

Mad Pierrot 2016-03-26 14:21

Right in the feels ;_;

Goodbye Durarara!!

ultramanfanz12 2016-03-26 23:04

quick question:

who is the girl holding snake that appear in celty flashback?

i've watched all drrr ketsu episode every week and that girl never appear in any episode?

fuff 2016-03-27 00:41


Originally Posted by ultramanfanz12 (Post 5811693)
quick question:

who is the girl holding snake that appear in celty flashback?

i've watched all drrr ketsu episode every week and that girl never appear in any episode?

prob form the first season...the drr which came out back in 2009-2010

awww its sad to see it go :( we didnt get mikages background...but the ending hints to DRR SH! one day looks like since im sure those where mairu and kairus voices

Iron Maw 2016-03-27 00:43

And so it ends... Overall this series was pretty fun ride. This episode concluded the show pretty well even if there weren't to many earth-shattering changes. I a couple things I like to note in the wake of it:

-Wow did Takashi ever get a BAD END or what? I'd almost feel a ting of pity if he wasn't one of the most degenerate assholes in this show. Well deserved in any case.

-So Seji and Mika are heading to Chicago? Sounds like fun! I'd bet they would meet up with the other crazies other there from Baccano and end up have coffee or something. :heh:

-So Izaya once again gravely injuries though this time he decides to leave Ikebukuro, prehaps for good. Surprised Manami was the one to save him however, not as much as him surviving Shizuro's punch. I guess the later's multiple wounds had dulled some of his power.

-Kasane finally meets her niece and despite what she says in reality she actually protecting Ruri.

-Shizuro x Vorona is now a thing isn't? :heh:
It seems like Awakusu-kai let Sloan finally go now since he payed his debts.

-Nebula finally gets the "head" they been after since the 1st season. I suppose it's for the best if Celty wishes to remain Ikebukuro since her "head" won't allow it.

-I enjoyed Akabayashi with Aoba a lot. It's about time he got put in his place for a 2nd time. Weird didn't show what happened to Ran though. He was the only member of Izaya's league of villains not show up at all.

-Mikado don't stab wounds for people who can handle it, your gonna make them really sad if you die. It's the thought that counts I suppose. Glad to see Ari and him are finally taking the next step.

-Celty and Shinra are back to way they always are, though think at this point Kuzuhara just like chasing Celty more than ever catching her. :heh:

All and all good show. Interesting enough the ending had some subtle sequel so maybe one day SH might actually get animated. In anycase I plan to marathon the entire series once the dubs comes out.


Originally Posted by ultramanfanz12 (Post 5811693)
quick question:

who is the girl holding snake that appear in celty flashback?

i've watched all drrr ketsu episode every week and that girl never appear in any episode?

Hmm, could you post a screenshot of what your talking about?

fuff 2016-03-27 00:52


Originally Posted by Iron Maw (Post 5811752)
And so it ends... Overall this series was pretty fun ride. This episode concluded the show pretty well even if there weren't to many earth-shattering changes. I a couple things I like to note in the wake of it:

-Wow did Takashi ever get a BAD END or what? I'd almost feel a ting of pity if he wasn't one of the most degenerate assholes in this show. Well deserved in any case.

-So Seji and Mika are heading to Chicago? Sounds like fun! I'd bet they would meet up with the other crazies other there from Baccano and end up have coffee or something. :heh:

-So Izaya once again gravely injuries though this time he decides to leave Ikebukuro, prehaps for good. Surprised Minmai was the one to save him however, not him surviving Shizuro's punch. I guess the later's multiple wounds had dulled some of his power.

-Kasane finally meets her niece and despite what she says in reality she actually protecting Ruri.

-Shizuro x Vorona is now a thing isn't? :heh:
It seems like Awakusu-kai let Sloan finally go now since he payed his debts.

-Nebula finally gets the "head" they been after since the 1st season. I suppose it's for the best if Celty wishes to remain Ikebukuro since her "head" won't allow it.

-I enjoyed Akabayashi with Aoba a lot. It's about time he got put in his place for a 2nd time. Weird didn't show what happened to Ran though. He was the only member of Izaya's league of villains not show up at all.

-Mikado don't stab wounds for people who can handle it, your gonna make them really sad if you die. It's the thought that counts I suppose. Glad to see Ari and him are finally taking the next step.

-Celty and Shinra are back to way they always are, though think at this point Kuzuhara just like chasing Celty more than ever catching her. :heh:

All and all good show. Interesting enough the ending had some subtle sequel so maybe one day SH might actually get animated. In anycase I plan to marathon the entire series once the dubs comes out.

Hmm, could you post a screenshot of what your talking about?

the ending def hints at SH being animated...prob when more volumes are out since only 4 are out now and who knows how long its gonna be. i bet in the future we will see...though drr to drrx2 took about what 5years or so to come animtated again?

edit: why wasnt roochi caught by celtys web? is it because he never was affected by her?

Mister Twit 2016-03-27 03:55

Sad to see it go. This show was a 10/10 for me, a perfect example of how chaos theory can create a good narrative. Although it almost wanted to get overly philosophical with the "what is a human, what is a monster" thematic it always pulled itself back before going too far off the rails.

Of course my favorite part of the finale wasn't anything to do with that, but the fact that the soda machine that Shizuo was about to crush Izaya with said "COLALALA" on the side of it.

Renchan 2016-03-27 05:05


Originally Posted by ultramanfanz12 (Post 5811693)
quick question:

who is the girl holding snake that appear in celty flashback?

i've watched all drrr ketsu episode every week and that girl never appear in any episode?

She was in early ten, during Hollywood arc.

Kanon 2016-03-27 10:21

They hyped Izaya and Shizuo's confrontation for so long, yet nothing particularly special happened. I feel cheated. I thought their feud was finally going to end. Izaya left town for now, but let's not kid ourselves, he'll come back at some point. He can't help himself.

Actually, the fate of all the antagonists were disappointing. Aoba got away scot-free after all the shit he pulled, Kasane fell into irrelevancy at some point even though she was supposed to be the main antagonist, and we didn't even see what the fuck happened to Izumi. Only thing I was satisfied about was Takashi ending up in Haruna's rape dungeon.

At least the raira trio and Celty's stories were resolved. That makes for a good enough conclusion to the series. I just wish we had seen more of their future lives.

Benigmatica 2016-03-27 12:12

Well, glad that everyone got a happy ending... except for Nasujima-sensei, Izaya, and Aoba-kun!

It was a fun ride watching all 36 episodes of this second season. It's sad to see it go!

Iron Maw 2016-03-27 16:05


Originally Posted by fuff (Post 5811755)
the ending def hints at SH being animated...prob when more volumes are out since only 4 are out now and who knows how long its gonna be. i bet in the future we will see...though drr to drrx2 took about what 5years or so to come animtated again?

Who knows? It just won't be anytime soon if does happen after essentially doing 3 cours of it. I would like Shuka tackle another Narita work like Vamp!? at one point though.


edit: why wasnt roochi caught by celtys web? is it because he never was affected by her?
I think he just got lucky and not everyone got caught in it, Simon and Co were just fine for example.


Originally Posted by Kanon (Post 5812173)
They hyped Izaya and Shizuo's confrontation for so long, yet nothing particularly special happened. I feel cheated. I thought their feud was finally going to end. Izaya left town for now, but let's not kid ourselves, he'll come back at some point. He can't help himself.

Yeah, it was bit anticlimatic. Still I think make sense in context of where Shizuo's development had being heading. No doubt about your 2nd point though. :heh:

Wandering Soul 2016-03-27 16:21

Well its over and the series was overall a fun ride. Takashi got what he deserved and I feel no pity for him. I actually got a slight grin when I saw what happened to him.

The other antagonists fates are left up in the air and aren't getting their comeuppance anytime soon. Though it does seem like redemption might be possible for Kasane.

Seems like Shizuo x Varona is basically confirmed at this point.

The ending hints at a SH sequel, but it won't be anytime soon.

Yu Ominae 2016-03-28 03:25

Can't help but feel that Shinra's a bastard for "forcing" Celty to stay in Japan by using his Saika to hack her head away...

Doesn't help in the slightest that Nebula was the big bad that wanted it...

Kurohane 2016-03-28 18:21

Ah, the three friends finally together again. That was the highlight of the episode for me. The final scene just made me feel very warm inside. Goodbye, Durarara. You will be missed.


Originally Posted by Yu Ominae (Post 5812779)
Can't help but feel that Shinra's a bastard for "forcing" Celty to stay in Japan by using his Saika to hack her head away...

Doesn't help in the slightest that Nebula was the big bad that wanted it...

Believe me, you're not alone.

fuff 2016-03-29 02:03

but celty kinda wanted to stay but i guess with head she knew it was wrong so when he cut it off she didnt care...?

shmaster 2016-03-29 03:49

Their original plan was to let Nebula keep her head until Shinra dies of old age anyway.

Celty eventually is going back to her old way of life anyway.

Nachtwandler 2016-03-29 04:03


Originally Posted by Yu Ominae (Post 5812779)
Can't help but feel that Shinra's a bastard for "forcing" Celty to stay in Japan by using his Saika to hack her head away...

Doesn't help in the slightest that Nebula was the big bad that wanted it...

But he said this himself.

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