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Kairin 2016-03-19 23:00

Schwarzesmarken - Episode 11 Discussion / Poll
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Stark700 2016-03-20 13:10

Damn, now even Gretel is gone too. No one is safe in this show, no one.

On a negative note, I'm rather disappointed by the lack of characterization of Beatrix this season even though she has a prominent role in this episode.

Heir of the Void 2016-03-20 15:55

Huh. So Schmidt was the only one with a brain after all.

Seihai 2016-03-20 20:05

I'm glad they gave some proper moaning to Lise. Also positively surprised that in the end she gave Theo the whereabouts of Iris.

R.I.P. Gretel. So much for bulletproof. Lol Damn Axmann though...

Good fights this episode. Can't wait to see Theo's new mech beast in action. And with his imouto's keepsake ribbon on his cockpit no less!

Heir of the Void 2016-03-20 20:18


Originally Posted by Seihai (Post 5806956)
R.I.P. Gretel. So much for bulletproof. Lol Damn Axmann though...

That's a solid example of why you say a snazzy one-liner after you've shot someone.

Five or six times in Axman's case, because it seems like it would pay to be certain with a guy like that.

The bulletproofing is representative of a quality-control problem that was endemic to East Block countries, though. That happens when you make performance evaluation solely based on quantity and the end user doesn't get another choice.


Originally Posted by Seihai (Post 5806956)
Good fights this episode. Can't wait to see Theo's new mech beast in action. And with his imouto's keepsake ribbon on his cockpit no less!

Should be interesting, though the TSF fights mostly seemed to be one side getting hammered when the other side sprang a trap, flip and repeat. :p

...And now for some reason I have this image stuck in my head of Theo ripping a latex disguise mask off of his TSF and revealing that he's actually Dio piloting an F-22.

B214 2016-03-20 20:57


Originally Posted by Heir of the Void (Post 5806795)
Huh. So Schmidt was the only one with a brain after all.

How so? He's just trying to destroy Germany.

Last Sinner 2016-03-20 22:14


Again, there are changes. Most of them for the better.

Spoiler for Changes compared to relevant VN volume, not spoilerish for the final episode but hey, some people get mad about comparisons that aren't tagged:

I really wish they gave Beatrix's character some proper showing before this episode. There is a lot more to her and given how much has to be done in the final episode, I don't think it will get a proper mention at this rate. Which is a real pity.

Oh week until we see how they wrap things up. Wouldn't surprise me if the episode length for the finale is longer than normal.

But one thing is for certain - it's going to be a very bloody ending. Hopefully the core characters get enough time.

Heir of the Void 2016-03-20 22:35


Originally Posted by B214 (Post 5806973)
How so? He's just trying to destroy Germany.

Well, its not as if what they're doing is working by any, by any stretch of the imagination. They're in more or less a perfect position to go nuclear without a lot of major drawbacks; they have a solid east-facing fortified defense line with plenty of artillery that forces the BETA to mass to attack it with a reasonable chance of success.


But muh fallout!
Not nearly as big of a concern as most people are convinced it would be in this situation. There are situations where a atomic detonation generates a lot of fallout, and this isn't one of them for the following reasons:
  • Unless you are completely brain dead, you'd use airbursts for purely tactical reasons, and airbusts produce negligible fallout
  • You have the easy option of using high fusion-fraction high-yield bombs that generate few fission fragments and kick them way up into the stratosphere
  • The prevailing winds (the polar jet stream is right there) will blow any fission fragments that are produced right into BETA territory, where they become Not A Problem

I'm not saying that its a perfect plan, but this is a world where there are few few good options left.

B214 2016-03-20 22:53


Originally Posted by Heir of the Void (Post 5807041)
Well, its not as if what they're doing is working by any, by any stretch of the imagination. They're in more or less a perfect position to go nuclear without a lot of major drawbacks; they have a solid east-facing fortified defense line with plenty of artillery that forces the BETA to mass to attack it with a reasonable chance of success.

Not nearly as big of a concern as most people are convinced it would be in this situation. There are situations where a atomic detonation generates a lot of fallout, and this isn't one of them for the following reasons:
  • Unless you are completely brain dead, you'd use airbursts for purely tactical reasons, and airbusts produce negligible fallout
  • You have the easy option of using high fusion-fraction high-yield bombs that generate few fission fragments and kick them way up into the stratosphere
  • The prevailing winds (the polar jet stream is right there) will blow any fission fragments that are produced right into BETA territory, where they become Not A Problem

I'm not saying that its a perfect plan, but this is a world where there are few few good options left.

But the BETA have Laser-class with them. They'll just destroy the missile before it even reaches them.

Heir of the Void 2016-03-20 23:12


Originally Posted by B214 (Post 5807064)
But the BETA have Laser-class with them. They'll just destroy the missile before it even reaches them.

Ah, yes. Because knowing that the enemy has ridiculously OP Hax lasers, naturally you'd launch just the nukes and take no precautions at all whatsoever.

...That said, considering the who we're talking about, they actually might do that, and then act surprised when it doesn't work.

MgMaster 2016-03-20 23:41

And there goes Gretel as well(kinda doubt she made it out alive, even if the bullet didn't kill her).

I half-way expected Anett to bite the dust as well when her TSF got shot up a bit.

Anett,Sylvia & Walter - I don't see all of these 3 making out alive when all's said & done. If it's Walter or Sylvia, the other will prolly go down too - a couple's death(I assume they're a couple, or at least very close).

This is gonna be me if Iris dies though:

We're talking bad LoL matches salty here, or as Theodor's tears were mourning for best girl Lise this ep.

Xero8420 2016-03-20 23:43

Noooo! Gretel died! I wanted you alive! :(

Though I disagree about the bulletproof part. If shot by a rifle-caliber or a 7.62x25mm would penetrate the suit. There, clearly Axmann wasn't wielding a Makarov, but a Tokarev-type pistol. In fact, 7.62x25mm can shoot through a certain classes of bulletproof vest like a hot butter.

I felt sad for Theo to mourn on his imouto, but that had to be done or anything could gone worse than a shithole. Anett felt it too, even though Lise was the enemy.

By the way, is it me or do I find Anett looks attractive? I think she can become Theo's waifu when most of his waifu candidates died. :p :heh: :eyespin:

Schmidt was revealed to be a KGB agent all along. Just as I suspected, that the so-called Moscow faction is a KGB-affiliated Stasi, especially with a few among the top brass turned out to be a KGB proxy. After all, Stasi used to have a deep connection with the KGB during the Cold War. Because of this, at least they show to us that Beatrix do has standards when she learns that "Gregori" is in way over his head to bring in a nuclear weapon. Though it seems a little late to show that to us, cause the pacing seems sloppy.

Anyway, Theo finally earned a new MiG-23 Cheburashka-Zwei - using a salvaged Lise's headless MiG-23 body and Iris' MiG-21PF's head. His head dreams of Iris and a body of Lise he bonked - the product of his adultering life choices. :p

MiG-23 is a good leap from MiG-21 in combat capabilities. Despite this, MiG-23 wouldn't stand a chance against MiG-27 in combat because the latter is much more advanced (It's ironic how the real-life MiG-27 was a MiG-23 variant modified for ground-attack capabilities, rather than furthering enhancing speed, maneuverability & CQC). Even so, the waifu power shall help him defeat Beatrix.

May the Waifu Force be with you, Theo boy! :cool:

Heir of the Void 2016-03-20 23:51


Originally Posted by Xero8420 (Post 5807099)
MiG-23 is a good leap from MiG-21 in combat capabilities. Despite this, MiG-23 wouldn't stand a chance against MiG-27 in combat because the latter is much more advanced (It's ironic how the real-life MiG-27 was a MiG-23 variant modified for ground-attack capabilities, rather than furthering enhancing speed, maneuverability & CQC). Even so, the waifu power shall help him defeat Beatrix.

You know what would be even more helpful? An F-15. Assuming the controls were identical. And it didn't take any time to adjust to the Move-By-Wire system. But dat Move-By-Wire tho...

Xero8420 2016-03-21 00:03


Originally Posted by Heir of the Void (Post 5807104)
You know what would be even more helpful? An F-15. Assuming the controls were identical. And it didn't take any time to adjust to the Move-By-Wire system. But dat Move-By-Wire tho...

That's like comparing apple and orange - different technology generations. :/

F-15 would definitely render them both "obsolete", but neither MiG-23 nor MiG-27 made to compete F-15 to begin with. Although F-15 was designed in response to MiG-25 (But in Muv-Luv, it's in the opposite in TSF development).

It'd be better if F-15s are on the hand of the Japanese for melee combat, to further expanding its combat potential.

Still, to compare with F-15, Su-27 is an appropriate option. Both are heavies, after all.

MgMaster 2016-03-21 00:14


Originally Posted by Xero8420 (Post 5807099)
Anyway, Theo finally earned a new MiG-23 Cheburashka-Zwei - using a salvaged Lise's headless MiG-23 body and Iris' MiG-21PF's head. His head dreams of Iris and a body of Lise he bonked - the product of his adultering life choices. :p

yanzzy5 2016-03-21 03:47


Originally Posted by Heir of the Void (Post 5806963)

Should be interesting, though the TSF fights mostly seemed to be one side getting hammered when the other side sprang a trap, flip and repeat. :p

You'd be surprised how most RL dogfights play out. Anyway, I guess the director wanted TSF battles to be more like RL dogfights instead, where in like gundam whos battles are similar to infantry vs infantry or tank vs tank.

Also I read the wiki comments I pretty much have an idea how lise went down but still the feels in this episode is real ;_;

Last Sinner 2016-03-21 04:04


Originally Posted by yanzzy5 (Post 5807219)
Also I read the wiki comments I pretty much have an idea how lise went down but still the feels in this episode is real ;_;

Lise's info was legit. Turns out she was able to defy the Stasi in some way in her dying moments. Definitely amplifies the feels and allows viewers to remember her on a somewhat more positive note.

Seihai 2016-03-21 06:43


Originally Posted by Last Sinner (Post 5807228)
Lise's info was legit. Turns out she was able to defy the Stasi in some way in her dying moments. Definitely amplifies the feels and allows viewers to remember her on a somewhat more positive note.

This so much. In the anime's terms, you could say she had a "last light" glimmering before she died. Unfortunately that light was all but too late. ;_;

mergele 2016-03-21 08:55

I still don't understand why Axmann burnt the Stasi Archives. (plus that Layout looked pretty inefficient)

Is it too late or can we still rename that west german pilot to ass-girl?
Oh, and general (or whatever we was again), the word you were searching for when talking about the "intervention in force" was "invasion".

I guess once this is over I will have to either get a grip on the source material or at least read the wiki about Beatrix, it feels like there is much more to her than we got in the anime. I am generally a bit in a Muv-Luv hype right now, what is considered to be the best part of it available to us westerners?


Originally Posted by Xero8420 (Post 5807099)
Noooo! Gretel died! I wanted you alive! :(
By the way, is it me or do I find Anett looks attractive? I think she can become Theo's waifu when most of his waifu candidates died. :p :heh: :eyespin:

It is not just you. And the longer the series progressed the more she grew on me. Sadly, I don't believe she will survive the last bloodbath. #KeepAnettAlive #SaveOurWaifus

Botan_TM 2016-03-21 12:43


Originally Posted by mergele (Post 5807354)
I still don't understand why Axmann burnt the Stasi Archives. (plus that Layout looked pretty inefficient)

I think because he don't need them in paper form any more and h wants to keep them for himself.


Originally Posted by B214 (Post 5807064)
But the BETA have Laser-class with them. They'll just destroy the missile before it even reaches them.

They could plant them in ground between waves and make a nuclear mine field. :D

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