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Kairin 2016-03-04 21:46

Utawarerumono: Itsuwari no Kamen - Episode 22 Discussion / Poll
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Stark700 2016-03-05 13:09

Haku's daring plan to recuse Oshutoru is quite admirable imo this episode. I got more respect for him this episode with the courage he's shown.

Shadow5YA 2016-03-05 15:18

This still makes no sense. How does sacrificing Oshutoru as a scapegoat prevent infighting from the other seven generals? One of them is still the culprit behind poisoning the emperor and Anju, so why would they suddenly stop after Oshutoru is gone?

Nachtwandler 2016-03-05 15:23


Originally Posted by Shadow5YA (Post 5794537)
This still makes no sense. How does sacrificing Oshutoru as a scapegoat prevent infighting from the other seven generals? One of them is still the culprit behind poisoning the emperor and Anju, so why would they suddenly stop after Oshutoru is gone?

Oshutoru explained it himself. He thinks that Vurai can stop this conspiracy. And he's ready to sacrifice himself to win some time for him.

But the thing is, Vurai probably doesn't think Anju is worth to be a ruler.

Nvis 2016-03-05 19:11

Why didn't Honoka follow them? :sad:

Darthtabby 2016-03-05 20:47

It's rather sad that so many of the episodes that preceded this one sucked, because this one was actually really good.

Triple_R 2016-03-06 02:19


Originally Posted by Darthtabby (Post 5794722)
It's rather sad that so many of the episodes that preceded this one sucked, because this one was actually really good.


A much better Utawa 2 episode than any of the more recent ones. It was intense and interesting and flowed really well. Maybe even more importantly, it was Haku's best episode yet. For once, Haku took charge and organized things in a very sensible and practical way. For once, his character lived up to the hype and attention surrounding him. And the people helping him out similarly made a lot of good, sensible decisions. It was refreshing to see the protagonist cast split up the way it did, and not all insist on joining Haku in saving Oshutoru. Atui and Rurutie not getting involved was a good call, for example.

I'm also genuinely interested in seeing where the story develops from here. For whatever reason, I feel more emotionally invested in the current plot movements than I did in either of the war arcs.

watisit 2016-03-06 10:01

Improper procedure. If a guard spots intruders in a protected place his first job is raise the alarm, not subdue the intruders, otherwise you get what happens in this episode.

Also, what's with the poor prisoner protocol? Only two guards for a condemned general? And they have the keys to his cell too? The key to the prison, fine but the cell too?

And has Oshutoru so little understanding of Vurai to not understand his rule of steel?

GDB 2016-03-06 21:08

Good episode, but I agree that it took too long to get to some sort of plot like this. The story's been all over the place thus far. And with only two episodes left (I assume it's the standard 24 and not 26, at least), I don't expect much of an ending.

Also, why bother telling us and Haku about his past and connection to the Emperor if it doesn't end up actually mattering? At least let us see him make comments and other characters react to it or something. Maybe have him show some level of concern for his kind-of-niece?

Pierre 2016-03-07 01:50

Okay I have been wondering something for a while. If the priestess and anju are based on his wife and daughter, are they just made to look like them, or are they biologically them ala clones or something. Ie is Anju biologically related to the Emperor and by extension Haku? I just felt like when he gave the twins to Haku, who are allegedly the daughters of his wife clone, he didn't particularly have any great value to them as living people, but treated them more like objects. I heard he doesn't treat any of the animal people as "real", but I would think if the Anju was at least a biological clone of his daughter he would seem to care for her more.

Also whats the deal with Hakuoro? Is he dead dead, in some kind of hibernation/stasis, just hiding? I just prefer him to Haku, also I would like to see him put some dam sense into his daughter.

tsunade666 2016-03-07 07:03

Hakuoro is in deep slumber/seal. He seal himself together with his other half. If he awakens then his other half will awaken too. and that is bad end. that is why he must not be awaken.

FlareKnight 2016-03-07 11:37

It was a good episode, but I agree there was some issues too.

Is Oshutoru an idiot? How can someone who has been around Vurai for years be this utterly blind? Loyal to Emperor does not equal good person! It doesn't mean he has the same values. If it was one of the others who seem moderately decent then I could see it a bit better. But Vurai? Freaking Vurai? Oh yeah, that's a guy I'd put in charge of a kingdom. Nothing bad could possibly happen with that idea...

Was nice that Haku finally got shown some competence. Came up with a solid rescue plan, executed it, and actually fought people! Considering how the show has used Haku so far I'm surprised anyone thought sending him with Nekone to rescue Oshutoru was a good idea ;).

Also surprisingly no conversation or note with Karura and Touka about Kuon's whole assisting with the invasion of their country. Although to be fair I'm still not sure what the heck those two are even doing in this show. Forget the spy mission, I'm pretty sure they are just in Yamato to slack off. Not helping with the invasion, not really helping with this rescue, just kind of parking and boozing it up.

Sinestra 2016-03-07 14:47


Originally Posted by tsunade666 (Post 5795809)
Hakuoro is in deep slumber/seal. He seal himself together with his other half. If he awakens then his other half will awaken too. and that is bad end. that is why he must not be awaken.

This part still drives me crazy even now years and years later since the first series animated. Although obviously its good for him to be sealed because of him other self. Im still holding on to hope that one day he gets to wake up or someone develops a seal that allows on one half of himself to awaken, while the other bad half stays asleep. Hakuoro was such a dynamic and amazing character still one of my favorites.

thundrakkon 2016-03-09 05:44

Dynamic tag cannot be rendered. (PrintableThread)
The series is 25 episodes long, so there are 3 more episodes.

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