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Kairin 2016-02-12 22:18

Utawarerumono: Itsuwari no Kamen - Episode 19 Discussion / Poll
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Stark700 2016-02-13 13:06

Atui's father is a pretty chill guy :D
I can totally understand that he is quite overprotective of his daughter though.

Tong 2016-02-13 14:48

5 episodes left and only know they seem to aknowledge Haku's qualities lol
If they werent so busy with the fanservice stuff this could've happened much earlier, and he would be a more interesting character, like Hakuoro was.

FlareKnight 2016-02-13 15:52


Originally Posted by Tong (Post 5778403)
5 episodes left and only know they seem to aknowledge Haku's qualities lol
If they werent so busy with the fanservice stuff this could've happened much earlier, and he would be a more interesting character, like Hakuoro was.

Yeah, it's a bit late in the game to try and make people buy Haku as someone everyone relies on to turn situations around. I terms of the anime he's just the master of gutter cleaning. If that somehow helps them take a fortress that's fine, but...I doubt it :heh:. He hasn't really had many tactical breakthroughs outside of episode 2.

Pen3 2016-02-13 22:31

Munechika seems to be a very likable character in Itsuwari no Kamen and my favorite so far. I hope she doesn't become the 'bad guy'.

Spectacular_Insanity 2016-02-14 02:16


Originally Posted by Pen3 (Post 5778627)
Munechika seems to be a very likable character in Itsuwari no Kamen and my favorite so far. I hope she doesn't become the 'bad guy'.

From my perspective, they're all "bad guys", though they have honor.

I can't wait until Dekoponpo gets what's coming to him, though. Benawi's gonna mop the floor with Yamato's forces.

serenade_beta 2016-02-14 04:40

I don't get this title. What's burning? Maybe getting "flamed" on the internet, but there was more fire on my stove than this episode. You chilled out at the beach, went on a ship, and a stupid bird did stupid things. Cannot exactly recall Haku doing enough to be relied on so much, but...
Or maybe the withered Leaf is finally going to burn and disappear? I don't know, just move the story and stop inserting comedic (attempt?) scenes here and there and everywhere.

tsunade666 2016-02-14 04:59

is the war with tsukuru on the way? was it shown in this episode? to be honest.... this show is boring that I ended up dropping it around the episode with fake kidnapping. I just can't take it seriously if I compare it to the previews series but with the hype from what I read for the war against tuskuru. I'm willing to give it another chance but its only when the war is already starting and the old war generals had shown up.

Nachtwandler 2016-02-14 05:18


Originally Posted by Tong (Post 5778403)
5 episodes left and only know they seem to aknowledge Haku's qualities lol
If they werent so busy with the fanservice stuff this could've happened much earlier, and he would be a more interesting character, like Hakuoro was.

Not 5. Six. And the problem is that scriptwriters cut most of the action parts. Especially from the first half.

watisit 2016-02-14 08:01

Wait, who's Nosuri's father? Was he also a sailor or something?

MeanMachine 2016-02-14 08:33


Originally Posted by Nachtwandler (Post 5778816)
Not 5. Six. And the problem is that scriptwriters cut most of the action parts. Especially from the first half.

Exactly. Someone named Fai over at MAL constantly tries to justify this change between the game and the anime, and not many people are buying it, including myself. I mean, I'm alright with the BL and stuff, but that was part of the SOL part of the game's story, and it's plain to see the these elements have taken precedence in the anime. And it's killing the story, and crippling Haku's character.

And really, if the anime creators wanted to avoid action and battles (it's at least obvious that it's not exactly their forte from what I've seen in terms of action so far) , they shouldn't have taken up bloody Utawarerumono.

erneiz_hyde 2016-02-14 08:45


Originally Posted by MeanMachine (Post 5778917)
Exactly. Someone named Fai over at MAL constantly tries to justify this change between the game and the anime, and not many people are buying it, including myself. I mean, I'm alright with the BL and stuff, but that was part of the SOL part of the game's story, and it's plain to see the these elements have taken precedence in the anime. And it's killing the story, and crippling Haku's character.

And really, if the anime creators wanted to avoid action and battles (it's at least obvious that it's not exactly their forte from what I've seen in terms of action so far) , they shouldn't have taken up bloody Utawarerumono.

I've been wondering. Do we know for a fact they did this on their own, or did Aquaplus intended the anime to be this way in the first place?

Nachtwandler 2016-02-14 09:18

The thing is that most of the staff worked on S1. And that even players were dissatisfied how second game changed the focus from action and politics to SoL and conspiracy. I think it was just a misjudgment from the producers, who planned to make SoL, comedy and moe parts more appealing this time and planned anime S2 this they beforehead instead of waiting for players reaction.

ReddyRedWolf 2016-02-14 09:31

When Kokopo got distracted I thought those other guys are so dead. They care or that group cause they care for Kuon. Mooks not so much.

MeanMachine 2016-02-14 09:34


Originally Posted by erneiz_hyde (Post 5778927)
I've been wondering. Do we know for a fact they did this on their own, or did Aquaplus intended the anime to be this way in the first place?

Well, what I know is that the anime IS different from the game. I can't say if the decision was coming from the anime studio, or the game one. But either way, I still think the changes from game to anime were a bad call.

And while the second game did indeed focus more on SoL elements than the first one, at least there was a semblance of balance there with a decent amount of action. But it's no so in its anime adaptation. So I can definitely see why, if players of the first game did not like the second game for having too many SoL elements and too little action, they would loathe the second anime.

Nvis 2016-02-14 17:19


Originally Posted by Pen3 (Post 5778627)
Munechika seems to be a very likable character in Itsuwari no Kamen and my favorite so far. I hope she doesn't become the 'bad guy'.

Nosuri is mine(claimed).

Pen3 2016-02-14 21:52


Originally Posted by Nvis (Post 5779289)
Nosuri is mine(claimed).

You can have the puking gurl ;)

Psyco Diver 2016-02-14 22:57

I wonder why the Emperor decided now to attack, I think it has to do with Haku being introduced to his past and interestingly enough he is being sent over there. Maybe he sent him to take over the space laser? Something more maybe?

Tong 2016-02-15 00:34


Originally Posted by Psyco Diver (Post 5779497)
I wonder why the Emperor decided now to attack, I think it has to do with Haku being introduced to his past and interestingly enough he is being sent over there. Maybe he sent him to take over the space laser? Something more maybe?

How so? He's just an ordinary human.

AkitoW013 2016-02-15 02:33


Originally Posted by Psyco Diver (Post 5779497)
I wonder why the Emperor decided now to attack, I think it has to do with Haku being introduced to his past and interestingly enough he is being sent over there. Maybe he sent him to take over the space laser? Something more maybe?

Because he wasn't sure there was a lab in Japan until now, when he asked to go in, they refused, so with the impatience of a dying old man, he used war as his last resort.

And he already has the space laser since centuries.

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