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Kairin 2016-01-24 05:04

Schwarzesmarken - Episode 3 Discussion / Poll
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B214 2016-01-24 13:21

This episode is a freaking huge disappointment. Not just did they cut out many events, they even compress Kurt's character into nothingness and even made him and his troops into losers. Seriously how did they even managed this.

Marvelous Cnidarian 2016-01-24 13:58

As an adaptation, this whole thing has been a wash.

Stand alone wise, it's not that bad, just rushed and suffering from a mostly unlikable cast (seriously, they removed all of Iris's bad jokes, the monsters), imbalance towards drama (no lighthearted or funny stuff in this adaptation), and one-dimensional villains (give me back my VN Beatrix!).

Also, they totally cut the crazy stasi lieutenant chick, who should've been the biggest antagonist of this episode and killed Kurt!

Hakuro 2016-01-24 14:11

This episode wasn't good at all.

There are lots of important things being butchered, the character development in this adaptation is not working on any aspect - mainly because the rush and cuts are doing this - so at this point I don't know what can I expect from this.

All what is left in my mind is just one word: Dissapointment.

Stark700 2016-01-24 14:13

Oh man, RIP Kurt. That was just...godly. I mean, the way he went out with a bang proudly without fear and lighting his last cigarette. Classic moment.

I kinda liked this episode mostly as a standalone. (haven't read most of the source anyways)

The background storytelling is interesting about Statis as it further shows how cruel they can be. The action and violence was good too (BDs will probably be less censored). Now, I am not surprised by Lise's appearance this episode or at all. There has been hints throwing around that she is still alive (was taken anyways) so I'm curious to see her role for the rest of this season.

Hmm.... 2016-01-24 17:13

From anime only viewer standpoint, this episode feel rushed as hell. It seem like they tried to cramp everything together and every character simply do a 180 just to move the plot forward. I wouldn't mind all this outcome........if there is some proper development in between.

And Kurt, he feel kinda like that mechanic guy who helped Yui destroy the gun in Total Eclipse. Apparently, he was more important than that ?? lol

Anyway, now that he blow an entire fortress up. Does that mean Berlin has become a front line ?? :heh:

Heir of the Void 2016-01-24 18:44

One thing I've noticed is that, compared to the numbers we see in TE, the BETA seem to have far more Laser-class and signfigantly fewer large strains; I'm not sure we've even seen a Destroyer here. Which is good, I guess, as Destroyer-class units are pretty good at frontal assaults on fixed positions.

The other thing I find strange is the equipment of the NPA Infantry. The assault rifles seem largely insufficient, and the numbers of the BETA make using RPGs a questionable choice, especially as they don't appear to be one-shot kills on the Tank-class an alarming amount of the time.


Originally Posted by Marvelous Cnidarian (Post 5763124)
The problem with the stasi is that the anime makes them one dimensional cartoonish villains.

Thing is, they really were that bad without an invading horde of giant alien locusts.

Wandering Soul 2016-01-24 19:46

Even without being familiar with the source material I can tell this was rushed. The characters just seemed to change their stances and beliefs with little to no build up.

At least Kurt went out in an awesome way.

MgMaster 2016-01-24 20:30

Pham lives! Kurt & everyone else at the fort dies though...but at least he went out with a bang. *salutes*

It's easy to see how Theodor's breakthrough was rather rushed, though it wasn't actually bad, IMO.

Didn't expect to see Theodor's sister to come to them, although since she was seen with the Stasi in ep one it makes sense for her to infiltrate squad 666 as a spy. Expecting her to join Irisdina group after seeing her bro's here though(or die trying, this show's rather dark after all).

Nvis 2016-01-24 23:14

I bet the little sister got mind-raped.

It's a hand toss between Sylvia and Irisdina on who's the hottest. :eek:

Tong 2016-01-25 00:43

That smug face, she's up to something.

Episode felt pretty rushed though, Theo's character development was way too sudden. He basically hated Kate in the previous episode lol.

Maybe I should read the source material... or not? Will it make me dislike the anime maybe?

relentlessflame 2016-01-25 01:13

I want to remind everyone that, please, absolutely no VN or LN spoilers in anime threads at all. There are spoiler & comparison threads that allow it, but anime episode threads are 100% anime-only. Please move all comparisons to the appropriate threads.

Cicili 2016-01-25 21:06

Kurt was kinda cool. And it was censored quite a bit that im not too sure what happened to Vivi. (Not that i want to find out though)

The episode played out quite as expected because even as someone who hasn't read the source. It was quite obvious that all the people at the fort were quite "expendable". But at least they all went out in a cool way. Kurt was also exceptionally boss.

Heir of the Void 2016-01-25 21:53


Originally Posted by Cicili (Post 5764038)
Kurt was also exceptionally boss.

Kurt wins the Honorary Guardsmen Medal. Ave Imperator.


Originally Posted by Cicili (Post 5764038)
Kurt was kinda cool. And it was censored quite a bit that im not too sure what happened to Vivi. (Not that i want to find out though)

The episode played out quite as expected because even as someone who hasn't read the source. It was quite obvious that all the people at the fort were quite "expendable".

The problem, of course, being that the BETA can do expendable far better than you can. The Chinese tried that. The fact that it appeared the BETA were approaching the fort without being fire on, though...

IceHism 2016-01-27 05:16

This show moves at the speed of light.

But I liked the outcome of if.

mergele 2016-01-27 15:48

For how they always say nobody can complain due to the Stasi they sure do complain alot about it.

Kurt has sawg. "Just the lower half of my body beeing crushed, who'd make a fuss about that?" I am not sure if I want to know the side effects of the pain killers they use in this universe.

It seems we got our first instance of the Stasis listening in on someone, one their core capabilities.

Episode felt indeed pretty cramed, probably contained material for 1.5-2 episodes.

Is this how it usually feels for japanese audiences? When you can simply stop the video and just read these unimportant little bits of text that are completly ignorable and know that large percentages (is it large percentages?) of viewers won't be able to understand them? Damm it feels so GOOD it's outright ridicoulous.

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