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Kairin 2016-01-16 00:48

Utawarerumono: Itsuwari no Kamen - Episode 15 Discussion / Poll
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Stark700 2016-01-16 12:48

No wonder the Eight Pillar Generals lives up to their reputation.

Pretty intense episode and might be my favorite one of this season so far.
Vurai is seriously not to be messed with

Ultragunner 2016-01-16 12:55

for a moment there I thought I was watching some superhero anime with giant monsters :heh:

FlareKnight 2016-01-16 13:42

Well that was some good fun, back to the slice of life shenanigans next week though :(.

Some good drama to be sure. Things just went purely to hell. As expected Yamato just massacred their enemies in a brutal manner. You just can't fight a war against this kind of group with standard armies. Otherwise you'll get exactly this...a one-sided massacre.

No shock that Haku was really messed up by all this. A completely unnecessary slaughter. It would have taken longer to get rid of the guys there, but certainly could have been done without wiping out a huge section of the city and all the civilians within.

The mindset of Vurai is a terrifying one. He goes past the whole "shoot the hostage" concept to "shoot the hostage....and the entire city around the hostage."

kari-no-sugata II 2016-01-16 13:44

Hmm, so finally some battle but it quickly becomes a kerb-stomp? Bit boring...

Tchadnis 2016-01-16 14:29

this episode was just wow , i want one of this mask!

AC-Phoenix 2016-01-16 14:49

On the episode: Well Denkoporo survived (sadly) and the invaders returned.
What I didn't exactly understand is whether Varunai (or whatever his actual name is) recognized Haku and thus attacked him on purpose or not.

The implication that magic casters like Kamyu or the twins can actually withstand one of those Witsuarunemitea attacks also puts on a nice stopry addition.


Originally Posted by Tchadnis (Post 5756758)
this episode was just wow , i want one of this mask!

Pfft Liberty Prime from fallout would roast Varunai and his mask :P
(For some reason a fight I want to see since about a month ago :heh:)

Godslayer 2016-01-16 17:27


Originally Posted by AC-Phoenix (Post 5756772)
What I didn't exactly understand is whether Varunai (or whatever his actual name is) recognized Haku and thus attacked him on purpose or not.

Well, Vurai didn't even attack the village in the game so Haku running out to him like a retard was all anime original.
But I guess he just want to kill everyone in the village without caring who was there until he noticed the twins' power.

Incest Emblem 2016-01-16 18:06

This makes me wonder: Does Dekoponpo's masquerade mask also have this kind of power?

thundrakkon 2016-01-16 18:50

Considering the title of the series is False Faces, I'm pretty sure these masks are imitations and do not have full power. They might be destructive, but faced with a real mask user, they will probably lose, I'm guessing. This is further shown when the twins were able to block Vurai's full force attack.

Also, there are only 3 masks I see. Oshutoru, Mikazuchi, and Vurai are the only ones to have masks.

Although this episode had a lot of action, and it finally showed the powers of each general, I felt it was not very exciting. It felt like snippets of exposition as they curb-stomped the invaders.

As for Kuon, I see that she is building quite a fighting force for herself here. She is definitely someone who is manipulating behind the scene with her cute face. :heh:

Angrypokstick 2016-01-16 20:50


Originally Posted by thundrakkon (Post 5756886)

Also, there are only 3 masks I see. Oshutoru, Mikazuchi, and Vurai are the only ones to have masks.


you are forgetting muniechika, she has the 4th yamato mask.

erneiz_hyde 2016-01-17 00:19

Finally, the Akuturuka rampage. So the reason they showed Yakutowaruto first is because they changed how this event goes, not bad. The main purpose of this rampage is to show to both the characters and the players (or this time, watchers) just how strong those masks are. And as a bonus we get to see snippets of the powers of the twins with how they blocked Vurai.

Incest Emblem 2016-01-17 01:37


Originally Posted by thundrakkon (Post 5756886)
Considering the title of the series is False Faces, I'm pretty sure these masks are imitations and do not have full power.

My original thought was that they were pieces of real masks, with Mikazuchi and Vurai's being the left and right halves of one mask, and Oshutoru and Munechika's being the upper and lower halves of another mask.

But upon closer look, Mikazuchi's and Vurai's seem to be slightly different.

eiyuuou 2016-01-17 03:29

Avu-Kamuu feels like a small toy in te presence ofg these masks...

serenade_beta 2016-01-17 03:57

I guess the title comes from the people somehow being able to harness the power of Hakuoro's mask and storing them in copies.

...What's with the staff's tendency to use the 3-camera thing? I couldn't help but laugh when it happened the 3rd time. :heh:

Anh_Minh 2016-01-17 04:53

I kinda wonder why they bother with armies and their logistic problems when they can - and do - just use a handful of people. I can't say I like this aspect.

And I thought Dekonpopo was bad. Vurai should never be unleashed for anything less than an actual existential threat to the empire.

thundrakkon 2016-01-17 06:40

Dynamic tag cannot be rendered. (PrintableThread)
I never even considered that as a mask with powers. All the masks we've seen so far have been only for the upper half of the face. Her ninja like bottom half mask did not even register to me that it was the same thing.

Nachtwandler 2016-01-17 07:37

But it is. Out of ten generals this four are mask-barers

watisit 2016-01-17 09:14


Originally Posted by Nachtwandler (Post 5757242)
But it is. Out of four generals this four are mask-barers

Is this game knowledge or inference? Though I agree it's likely Munechika's is a mask too.

Nachtwandler 2016-01-17 09:24

Game-readers already posted this info.

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