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Kairin 2015-12-19 02:02

Owarimonogatari - Episode 12 Discussion / Poll (Shinobu Mail Part 6 - Finale)
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Stark700 2015-12-19 12:08

Holy shit. *Clap*

That was one of the best episodes/arcs I've seen this entire year. Everything from the stylistic fight that was highly decorative, unique, extravagant and whatever other explosiveness the show tried to do...worked. VERY WELL.

It was great seeing some of my favorite characters in the final episode too including Senjougahara, Kanbaru, Shinobu, etc.
The way the dialogues were used were extremely appealing as well. Shinobu eating Seishiro's remains is like an iconic moment just like when Araragi won his fight.

Glad to see Ougi one last time as well. That girl is one of the most mysterious characters I've ever seen. Great show overall, easily one of my favorites for this season. Can't wait for Kizumonogatari next year~

HandofFate 2015-12-19 15:13

got a bit teary when shinobu appeared.
I felt bad for the first, but that's just how it goes.

Looks like Ononoki took Hachikuji's spot for Araragi to bounce dialogue off of.

Pen3 2015-12-19 23:17

Just so i am clear, Senjougahara and Hanekawa aren't immortal right?

chaos_alfa 2015-12-20 08:30


Originally Posted by Pen3 (Post 5734760)
Just so i am clear, Senjougahara and Hanekawa aren't immortal right?

They are not immortal.

thundrakkon 2015-12-20 10:31

Is there any news on when they will have the 2nd cours of Owarimonogatari? It is pretty much a given at this point that Shaft will make that series at some point, especially with Koyomimonogatari airing in a couple of weeks. Kizumonogatari is being milked as 3 movies, but it is pretty much the beginning of the whole story (which would have helped make sense of a lot of the story if it aired earlier).

As for the series finale, it was as usual. It just ends the current arc, but the story feels like a lot of still missing and going to happen, just like any of the previous series in Monogatari. I might consider re-watching this in chronological order someday to make sense of things and put together how everything relates to one another. I actually finished putting a table together to figure out the chronology and title summary between the different works, so I should use it at some point.

novalysis 2015-12-21 03:41


Originally Posted by chaos_alfa (Post 5735108)
They are not immortal.

Which means that the downside of immortality, would eventually no longer be theoretical to Araragi. Growing old together with Senjougahara, with all it's implications of age and mortality is an impossibility.

In a certain morbid way, this means that Araragi is on a lifetime loan to Senjougahara, but at the end of the day. Shinobu will always be the Last girl standing. And when Senjougahara and Hanekawa departs, then Araragi would truly leave his mortality behind.

Kanon 2015-12-21 08:34

Shinobu's scene was really sad. I felt bad for Seishiro, I think he did just want to be reunited with her.

Benigmatica 2015-12-21 08:51

All I can say that it was a nice ending after Koyomi defeated Shinobu's first servant, which is then followed by Shinobu's appearance who ended Seishirou Shishirui's suffering by eating his remains. Disturbing, but that's how it is!

Sadly, I won't be seeing more of SHAFT's adaptation of NisiOisiN's Monogatari Series for the time being as they're busy making the Kizumonogatari film trilogy.

Altima of the Gates 2015-12-21 13:46


Originally Posted by novalysis (Post 5735809)
Which means that the downside of immortality, would eventually no longer be theoretical to Araragi. Growing old together with Senjougahara, with all it's implications of age and mortality is an impossibility.

In a certain morbid way, this means that Araragi is on a lifetime loan to Senjougahara, but at the end of the day. Shinobu will always be the Last girl standing. And when Senjougahara and Hanekawa departs, then Araragi would truly leave his mortality behind.

It's pretty dark all right. Araragi has the chance to have his humanity back fully, while making sure Shinobu is all right by becoming a god, and as we see in Nadeko Medusa, he won't take it. His issues get skirted a lot because people only find him to be cool, but to be frank, it's not fair at all to Hitagi, or to Shinobu that she essentially will "win" by default. Or to him claiming monogamy with Hanekawa.

So he is effectively two timing with no repurcussions, and I think he subconsciously knows it. Hanekawa wouldn't take that, so his rejection, while aggravating, is honestly better for her in the long run. But it also means he could see that she would firmly not stand for a situation like that, and wanted to be straight with her.

Harbinger 2015-12-24 14:03

To think I watched every season this year. I'm in love with this series.

risingstar3110 2016-01-04 23:28


Originally Posted by HandofFate (Post 5734412)
got a bit teary when shinobu appeared.
I felt bad for the first, but that's just how it goes.

Being a blond loli vampire is sinful....

On another topic, frankly I could not figure out the timeline, nor remember all the season/arc name and every event anymore. Was suprised that this incident was happening in the same time with Tsubaru Tiger for example

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