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Kairin 2015-12-05 00:02

Owarimonogatari - Episode 10 Discussion / Poll (Shinobu Mail Part 4)
Welcome to the discussion thread for Owarimonogatari, Episode 10.

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Stark700 2015-12-05 12:06

Wow that was great. The theories coming from Gaen about Shinobu's arrival to town and the amount of interactions Kanbaru had with the others.

Loved the word plays as usual and I think that cliffhanger sets up well for next time too.

Izumo 2015-12-05 12:08

Ok so everything was Araragi's fault when they used the enery acumulated in the shrine to save Hachikuji, with that they dstroyed Meme's countermeasures. I'm surprised how it all makes sense now, from Kizu to the this arc everything is connected and the center of everything is Shinobu.

We're getting closer to the end of Shinobu Mail since the first servant already got human form, the last battle is coming.

omimon 2015-12-05 12:32

Holy bishounen Batman!

I'm feeling things that I KNOW is wrong!

EroKing 2015-12-05 15:13

As expected of Araragi, just when he thought he could go into
Dynamic tag cannot be rendered. (PrintableThread) he runs into the big bad :heh:

HandofFate 2015-12-05 16:47

I find it amusing how they keep mentioning Kagenui but there's always an excuse why she can't show up.

Vallen Chaos Valiant 2015-12-05 17:53


Originally Posted by HandofFate (Post 5722875)
I find it amusing how they keep mentioning Kagenui but there's always an excuse why she can't show up.

As the episode indirectly inferred, she is the "Godzilla Option".

As in, she is only summoned when things couldn't get any worse. When you are so desperate that you are willing to bring a deathray spewing giant nuclear lizard into your country to deal with an even bigger threat.:heh:

Kanon 2015-12-06 06:26

The ending shocked me. Seeing him from behind, I thought a new girl was about to get introduced. It wasn't until he spoke I realized how he was :heh:

R.LocK 2015-12-06 15:54

Ararararararagi just can't buy a porn mag without an incident waitin for him now, eh.

Shadow5YA 2015-12-13 07:38

Was there any light novel in particular that they were parodying in this episode, or was it a jab at light novels in general?

silvercover 2015-12-13 09:50

well its not quite parody, but that imagery with araragi in the rain was a reference to shawshank redemption book/movie.

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