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Kairin 2015-11-21 00:05

Owarimonogatari - Episode 8 Discussion / Poll (Shinobu Mail Part 2)
Welcome to the discussion thread for Owarimonogatari, Episode 8.

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Stark700 2015-11-21 11:55

Well that was fairly interesting.

We got Gaen calling and a good amount of interactions between Araragi/Ononoki. The Araragi/Kanbaru parts were amusing too. I found the majority of the abstract word plays to be stylistic. Glad to see Shinobu make her appearance in this arc at last. Fun fun. What she cryptically reveals this episode is fairly interesting too about the "monkey" and that armored samurai from the previous episode.

I think Araragi may develop a feet fetish after this episode lol

Izumo 2015-11-21 12:08

Interesing episode, I was following what's happening until Shinobu mentioned the Monkey... as far as I can remember it was the Tiger but seems like I'm wrong.

The first half with lots of fanservice from Ononoki and then some others scenes with Kanbaru, I'm so glad to see Shinobu again. Seems like the next episode is another fight between kanbaru/araragi/shinobu vs "the monkey".

One special detail is the OP, for me it is the OP of the season specially for the animation and the music.

blakstealth 2015-11-21 13:26

Damn, how have I missed Ononoki. I would've loved to see her right with that "monkey" alongside Shinobu. And damn, how have I missed Shinobu. Kanbaru melting over her was so perverted, but yet so cute. #doublestandards.

And what in the lord's name was that abomination at the end??

whitecloud 2015-11-21 14:03

Hmmmm....I don't think we ever see yotsugi, shinobu, hanekawa fighting monkey at previous monogatari right?

Altima of the Gates 2015-11-21 14:52

No you likely won't see it. Iirc, that fight is skipped over.

Classic Nisio, leaves out the interesting tidbits.

Though males one wonder, Shinobu still has scratches, but Hanekawa will wake up with only dirty feet.

Good ep, but not enough of the good stuff.

whitecloud 2015-11-21 15:24

Is it skipped in the LN too?

Anh_Minh 2015-11-22 03:40


Originally Posted by blakstealth (Post 5711822)
Damn, how have I missed Ononoki. I would've loved to see her right with that "monkey" alongside Shinobu. And damn, how have I missed Shinobu. Kanbaru melting over her was so perverted, but yet so cute. #doublestandards.

And what in the lord's name was that abomination at the end??

It looked like a crab.

Kanon 2015-11-22 05:30

It seems like the apparitions from Bakemonogatari are all coming back. Shinobu battled a monkey, Araragi and Kanbaru got lost because of a snail/cow, and now a crab shows up. Gaen obviously knows what's going on since she mentioned all of the Bake apparitions. Then again, is there anything she doesn't know?

silvercover 2015-11-22 06:37

when was the last time we had a monogatari ep that actually had the characters move from one location to another in one ep?

also, looks like kaiki is kill.

Kopi 2015-11-27 14:44


Originally Posted by Kanon (Post 5712507)
It seems like the apparitions from Bakemonogatari are all coming back. Shinobu battled a monkey, Araragi and Kanbaru got lost because of a snail/cow, and now a crab shows up. Gaen obviously knows what's going on since she mentioned all of the Bake apparitions. Then again, is there anything she doesn't know?

Hype for this. Upon closer look at the figure at the end and from what Shinobu said, it's the monkey in raincoat that had its right half blown off which it then took in the crab for its missing half. So maybe we are getting all the apparitions into one single entity? Sounds scary.

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