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Kairin 2015-11-12 12:50

Owarimonogatari - Episode 7 Discussion / Poll (Shinobu Mail Part 1)
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Izumo 2015-11-12 12:52

Shinobu Mail PV:

Stark700 2015-11-14 12:06

Pretty nice episode overall.

Good to see Kanbaru in action against that wicked samurai as well as another familiar face return at the end. And oh, the new OP song is quite stylish. The Hajime Ueda art feel is quite unique. Loved the word play usage this episode too. I'm excited to see more of this arc.

moodie 2015-11-14 12:10

Kanbaru fan service episode I thought Hanamonogatari was good but Kanbaru here is back to her quirkiness. Reminds me of Bakemono. The back and forth is soo much fun. While the last arcs were a bit serious. This one is getting back to the fun. Yes i know all about the back and forth between silly and serious arcs.

Why cant I take Kanbaru's virginity!!!!!

YES a Nurse Komugi reference!!!

The first 2 chapters were done really well I didn't even realize I was in the half way mark even though the conversation consisted of virginity and asking 1 question. Now the second half went by just as fast with all that action. The playback wasn't needed but it was stylish indeed. Ararararararargi getting manhandled back and forth like the good ol days lol. Love the use of eyes as dialog they done it many times but not like this, as a means of communication.

So the information presented this episode gives us a bit more on what to expect for the future. Hanekawa almost saved the day well she did already. And the real hero was Ononoki. All in all the animation and art were great barely anything out of the ordinary gatari quality.

Forgot to mention but yes the OP was obviously not going to have Shinobu singing she already said she didnt want to so i wasnt expecting anything like that. The visuals for it is fine as well. Thats the drawback with having a Shinobu arc. While i love Shinobu and her arcs the OP was bound to be something a bit like this.

Izumo 2015-11-14 12:30

Sasuga SHAFT, this first episode of Shinobu Mail was perfect 10/10.

The scenes in the OP were a nice addition to that music, personally I think this OP is better than the one on Sodachi arc. This time we can see how some events leads to others like Hanekawa's tiger burning the school and how Araragi and Kanbaru were busy atm (I remember the dialogue between Senjougahara and Hanekawa on Tiger arc).

Now this new enemy, someone who knows Shinobu pretty well is coming to fight against Araragi.

blakstealth 2015-11-14 14:02

God, I'm so lost on the timeline, BUT I DON'T MIND.

I missed the heck out of Kanbaru AND Yotsugi; it's so good to have them back.

necrolyte 2015-11-14 17:30

This episode was incredible. I really don't know what else people may need from a single episode. After watching it I really feel like watching again Tsukimonogatari or Kanbaru arc from Bakemono :)

Kopi 2015-11-14 18:03

Tbh I was getting annoyed in the first half. While the conversation is interesting, the topic kept on getting derailed and then back to the topic numerous times :heh: Thankfully, the second half was better but I was already spoiled by the trailer.

Harbinger 2015-11-14 20:19

Since the last time I posted here (first episode and being confused as hell), I watched every episode since the first season.

Oh boy, that was a long ride...

Pretty entertaining series :)

Azuma Denton 2015-11-15 00:17

This is the same timeline as Nekomonogatari 2 right?

HandofFate 2015-11-15 01:09

Kanbaru always fun to listen to and she's really quirky.
Though, after all we been thru so far, I'm not sure what to make of her, and the purpose of her banter with araragi.

Like with Senjougahara, Hanekawa, and Miyuki, I can place the meaning under their conversations mostly and there's usually a theme around them, but Kanbaru I get a bit lost in.

Marcus H. 2015-11-15 03:34

Fortunately, I still remember NekoWhite. The nighttime meeting at Eikou Cram School happened as soon as Hitagi picked up the stray kitten named Tsubasa Hanekawa and allowed her to sleep over Tamikura-sou. The three clues from NekoWhite are the text message by Koyomi, the cardboard-and-desks bed by Hanekawa, and the pink-white flames by Kako.

Now though, I have to sort out the rest of the events.
I guess Shinobu Time happened before Mail?

eiyuuou 2015-11-15 05:29

Kanbaru theme: monkey magic?

DorkingtonPugsly 2015-11-15 05:49

The piece of ost that started off the episode was really nice.

Kanon 2015-11-15 07:38

A disembodied samurai with vampiric qualities that wants Kokorowatari back. Yep, that's definitely Shinobu's first servant. Given what he looks like, I guess the darkness resurrected him?

Araragi and Kanbaru's banter was as fun as usual. Love how things always get perverted whenever Kanbaru is involved. The previous two arcs were too tame.

Altima of the Gates 2015-11-15 08:02


Originally Posted by Marcus H. (Post 5706081)
Fortunately, I still remember NekoWhite. The nighttime meeting at Eikou Cram School happened as soon as Hitagi picked up the stray kitten named Tsubasa Hanekawa and allowed her to sleep over Tamikura-sou. The three clues from NekoWhite are the text message by Koyomi, the cardboard-and-desks bed by Hanekawa, and the pink-white flames by Kako.

Now though, I have to sort out the rest of the events.
I guess Shinobu Time happened before Mail?

This arc is the immediate sequel to Shinobu Time, Araragi was fulfilling Gaen's request to meet Kanbaru and do something for her as compensation for 'helping' with Hachikuji.

Boukenxha 2015-11-15 09:30

Yeah it's interesting that the gaps in Monogatari S2 are being filled up with what's happening simultaneously in Owarimonogatari, I guess it would be a good idea to revisit some of S2 of this. As of now, something I don't quite understand is how Kanbaru could have made the connection between the white flames and Hanekawa, did she saw something?

Kotohono 2015-11-16 02:14


Originally Posted by Azuma Denton (Post 5706010)
This is the same timeline as Nekomonogatari 2 right?

Yup it was the arc that was skipped over in S2 (by the books thus the anime as well).

While I really enjoyed the Sodachi Lost arc, I've been curious and wondering what the hell happened in that skipped event for such a long time.

And thus far it hasn't slacked at all, excellent episode for it. The banter was very funny and story taking interesting turn.

blakstealth 2015-11-19 22:56


Originally Posted by Izumo (Post 5703914)
Shinobu Mail PV:

you know your show is the goddamn shiz if each arc gets their own trailer.

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