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Kairin 2015-09-11 10:02

Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA☆ILLYA Hertz - Episode 8 Discussion / Poll
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Stark700 2015-09-11 14:04

Yay, my favorite character from the franchise is here at last with a funny debut at the end.

Nice to see Caren show up as well this week.

ACertainStark 2015-09-11 15:08

Illya! How could you! It's fine, you had gloves. :heh: This Gil is the best. Good to see more Caren throughout the episode.

Next week, I've been waiting for this since seeing the Opening!

FlareKnight 2015-09-11 15:25

Well that was purely hilarious.

Illya truly has harem protagonist powers here :heh:. Get the reverse of the accidental grope :heh:. Not a bad way to bring some hilarity into events before things get serious once again.

All that tension and now we have a tiny Gilgamesh. I guess this is the result of Illya messing with what he was doing there. Interfering knocked him out before he could fully 'humanize'. I think Illya's instinct was right on the money. If Gilgamesh became....well Gilgamesh without any interference they would all be utterly screwed. Not sure if there being technically two of him makes him that much weaker....but it probably was still the right move.

HandofFate 2015-09-11 15:49

wish lllya would squeeze mine

Wandering Soul 2015-09-11 17:23

I guess one way to end an episode like this was with a twist on the usual accidental grope. Don't worry Ilya, you were wearing gloves so I guess it technically doesn't count?:heh:

They may have to deal with little Gil but that seems like a huge relief compared to dealing with regular Gil.

Dengar 2015-09-11 17:39

And suddenly out of nowhere... Gil-kun. The hell is going on here?

I guess the show needed some shota service to offset all the loli service we've been having.

ReddyRedWolf 2015-09-11 18:02

As Gil said he should be the one screaming. For Illya being in lewd situations with her twin is one thing but holding a random shota's dick is where she draws the line.

Speaking of lewd Caren besides being a sadist is also voyeur. Besides that is her sense of fashion. What would her father say?!

Gil was after the Greater Grail at Mt. Enzo question is why? It wouldn't work without the lesser grail which is Illya and Kuro.

For some reason Miyu recognizes the circle at Mt. Enzo. She said how could it be here?

Dengar 2015-09-11 18:04

I think the conversations are making it apparent that what's going on has nothing to do with the holy grail war we know and is in fact something related but different.

FlareKnight 2015-09-11 21:15


Originally Posted by the one above all (Post 5645904)
I guess one way to end an episode like this was with a twist on the usual accidental grope. Don't worry Ilya, you were wearing gloves so I guess it technically doesn't count?:heh:

They may have to deal with little Gil but that seems like a huge relief compared to dealing with regular Gil.

Yeah, good twist on the usual trope there :heh:. We'll see if Illya can rationalize it as not counting since she was wearing gloves.

Yeah, I think Illya's instinct was on the money this time. A full-sized Gilgamesh....everyone would die. I'm not sure a small one is all that safe, but it has to be better. Although now there is two of maybe it's not all that better. We will have to see.

The Green One 2015-09-11 21:45

Goodness Illya. You bad, bad girl. I know Gil-kun's charisma is hard to resist......

Looks like something bad happens to Miyu according to the preview. Next week is going to be good.

Om Nerabdator 2015-09-11 22:14


Originally Posted by The Green One (Post 5646067)

Looks like something bad happens to Miyu according to the preview. Next week is going to be good.

u sadist lol

The Green One 2015-09-11 22:33

My lawyer has informed me to neither confirm nor deny that remark.

JustThisOne 2015-09-11 22:48


Originally Posted by ReddyRedWolf (Post 5645927)
Speaking of lewd Caren besides being a sadist is also voyeur. Besides that is her sense of fashion. What would her father say?!

Caren's choice of dress is a way to tempt men, but since she is nun is also serves to troll them as well. Considering all of that, her father would be very supportive of her fashion sense.

alex_drian 2015-09-12 02:19


Originally Posted by JustThisOne (Post 5646107)
Caren's choice of dress is a way to tempt men, but since she is nun is also serves to troll them as well. Considering all of that, her father would be very supportive of her fashion sense.

I don't think so...He was a conservative man...Yeah, he wanted to watch burn the world, but he was conservative, like...that is that and this is this

Cloudedmind 2015-09-12 03:16

Tiny Gil! So cute. Illya if you keep squeezing it like that it won't stay soft and squishy for long. :P

Anyway little Gil wrecks havoc next week, looking forward to it.

Ernietheracefan 2015-09-12 05:51

Is that Aya Endou..?

And Caren, your fashion sense is COOL...!! (Ryuunosuke mode on)

Polarpew 2015-09-13 16:10

lol so Gilgamesh in middle of being reincarnated interrupted = Ko-Gil?

HandofFate 2015-09-13 16:56

For Caren, on the church side.
is 'God' real?

Like the magus does their magic stuff. What do the church people draw their power from, or do they both do the same thing, the church just have different outlooks.

Dengar 2015-09-14 02:21

It's unknown whether or not God is real. People of the church seem to honestly believe that He does exist. And the abilities they use are different from magecraft.

I'm not an expert on church matters though. They elaborate a lot less on how holy abilities work VS how magecraft works.

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