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Kairin 2015-09-09 23:25

High School DxD Light Novel - EX Sidestories Discussion
Welcome to the discussion thread for High School DxD EX Sidestories.

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  • Raw requests and offers are not permitted anywhere on this forum.
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    If you need to reference something that would spoil a future event, reply directly with a private message, or seek out a more appropriate thread.
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  • Do not post multiple times in a row. Please edit your existing post if you wish to add additional thoughts.

GrrDraxin 2015-09-09 23:57

Yay, now maybe one the conversation that's been in the other thread will come here and let me catch back up on the 30 some-odd pages I've missed.

The 48th Ronin 2015-09-10 00:33

Let the (sometimes unreasonable) rants begin. :heh:

B214 2015-09-10 02:15

Ise is a lousy father, Xenovia goes OOC, this makes no sense etc. Yeah it's worth the wait.

Archilla 2015-09-10 09:08

Issei's main son is Future Trunks.

That is all.

B214 2015-09-10 10:07


Originally Posted by GDK1 (Post 5644662)
Issei's main son is Future Trunks.

That is all.

Now that you mentioned it Future Trunks did use a sword when he first appeared.

Archilla 2015-09-10 11:44


Originally Posted by B214 (Post 5644727)
Now that you mentioned it Future Trunks did use a sword when he first appeared.

And is from a depressing alternate future where he's the child of two main characters, and has taken on a massive burden because an evil force has appeared and the great hero of their time has been removed from the equation and can't fight.

He uses a sword, has a tense relationship with his father, shoots magic blasts, eventually will save his timeline, and eventually will be born in the original timeline as well.

Biohazardous 2015-09-10 12:10

What in the world GDK for your signature lol.

Archilla 2015-09-10 12:17


Originally Posted by Biohazardous (Post 5644835)
What in the world GDK for your signature lol.

It's a joking play on the famous SSJ3 speech. I might get rid of it, it's a little much.

Chichiryuushintei 2015-09-10 12:23

It's hilarious. xD

amtro 2015-09-10 12:37

EX1 Summary

EX2 Summary

EX3 Summary

EX4 Summary

EX5 Summary

Archilla 2015-09-10 12:44


Originally Posted by amtro (Post 5644850)
Keep up this faggotry and I'm abandoning y'all


Biohazardous 2015-09-10 12:56

Nani? :eyespin:

DragonOsman 2015-09-10 13:01


Originally Posted by GDK1 (Post 5644813)
And is from a depressing alternate future where he's the child of two main characters, and has taken on a massive burden because an evil force has appeared and the great hero of their time has been removed from the equation and can't fight.

He uses a sword, has a tense relationship with his father, shoots magic blasts, eventually will save his timeline, and eventually will be born in the original timeline as well.

It said Ise had to pay a price when he ended the war, but I don't know if it really means that he can't fight at all. I think we need some sort of confirmation for this. And in Future Trunks' timeline, Goku had died from a viral heart disease that they didn't have a cure for before he could fight, which didn't happen to Ise in the future Ichs came from.

This other part I agree with, though. It's indeed quite similar for both series.

Ariel_Saeba 2015-09-10 13:18


Let's keep the Alternate Universe talk heat up in this thread....

The DBZ shout-out seems to be getting out of hand in EX, doesn't it?

I'm more interested with Loki's appearance, though, and I need confirmation: Is Loki that appear in the BorN timeline the Loki from the LN timeline, thus possibly creating a subtle paradox of two Lokis appeared at the same timeline and in turn give birth to EX storyline?

DragonOsman 2015-09-10 13:22

The future being alluded to in EX is in the same timeline, so the Future Loki we see in it is from the LN's future. Or at least he should be, if I'm right.

About you saying, "Orooooooo": Isn't that something Kenshin from the manga Rurouni Kenshin likes to say? That, and the fact that you have a Kenshin avatar, tells me that you are a Kenshin fan. *looks at his own Kenshin avatar* . . . And yeah, so am I.

Ariel_Saeba 2015-09-10 13:52

I see. Seems that this is a part of my confusion in the time-travel storyline shenanigans (well it is always messy, whether from the Eastern or Western end of the spectrum :heh:).

EDIT: BorN and EX didn't show two Lokis, so yeah, gues I'm the one screwed up.


Originally Posted by DragonOsman (Post 5644877)
About you saying, "Orooooooo": Isn't that something Kenshin from the manga Rurouni Kenshin likes to say? That, and the fact that you have a Kenshin avatar, tells me that you are a Kenshin fan. *looks at his own Kenshin avatar* . . . And yeah, so am I.

Yep. I'm a big fan of RK, all of it (manga, anime, or the live-action film). part of the reason why I am learning kenjutsu in the first place :D.

The 48th Ronin 2015-09-10 20:26

Is it allowed to repost the previous spoilers here? Just a heads-up for new viewers.

amtro 2015-09-11 02:28

Yes, by all means. Do try to get some actual discussion in here.

DragonOsman 2015-09-11 12:15

Is it okay to bring in the same discussion from the other thread about EX? Or would you not like that.

@Ariel: Yeah, BorN and EX didn't show two Lokis, that's indeed true. But we still know that there's one Loki who came from the future.

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