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Kairin 2015-08-01 00:32

Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA☆ILLYA Hertz - Episode 2 Discussion / Poll
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The Green One 2015-08-01 00:36

More comedy as Ruby continues to be the best troll of the series and has a lot of fun at Illya's expense. More foreshadowing going on in the background as the battle with the 8th card draws nearer and being Shirou continues to be suffering, yet hilarious. There were a few subtle changes between the manga and the show which added some freshness without changing anything important. Great episode. Looks like another side episode next week with more Yaoi hilarity to balance out all the Yuri fanservice. At least it's equal opportunity. :heh:

jeroz 2015-08-01 00:58

now 200yen extra. However I feel like the anime isn't as snappy as the manga counterpart. It feels draggy in several scenes and not as explosive.

can't wait for ep3

Kanon 2015-08-01 03:20

That was just hilarious. The truth serum part was the best, Shirou said what all of the viewers have been thinking all along.

Next week is going to be just as funny. They're animating one of the special bonus comedy chapters from Drei.

novalysis 2015-08-01 04:18

"What's the meaning of a birthday?"

It's getting to live to see another year in this timeline, as opposed to dying in any number of horrible ways in alternative timelines, Illya- say, UBW for example.

Ernietheracefan 2015-08-01 08:48

Suzuka yaoi mode is epic, Tatsuko's brothers have Gil hairstyles, hilarity ensues

I wonder if Tatsuko would be uncensored on BD..? (and baseball club budget cut complain in next preview, it's like UBW epilogue when Ayako complained to Issei)

ReddyRedWolf 2015-08-01 09:38

We finally got the Beach Chaos episode. Some things were omitted. Tatsun didn't get hit by a car. Shirou didn't mention he bought the girls gifts with help from Rin. Ruining the mood for Illya and Kuro. Since the omake wasn't animated Illya didn't have prior knowledge of the love potion.

We also got confirmation Shirou is attracted to little girls who grow up fast for their age.

Maybe Mama Iris is right with the threat of castration.

GDB 2015-08-01 09:42

Just because you notice something doesn't mean you're attracted to it.

FlareKnight 2015-08-01 10:32

In some ways this episode just showed off the insane Shirou harem power. Kind of a fun thing to see from Illya's point of view. She has her view of Shirou and his life, but it's a reminder that he's got a lot going on that she isn't aware of.

This was just pure hilarity and chaos, especially near the end. Even ice-cream seller Bazett was involved in this :).

The birthday scene itself was nice and I like what they did with it. A good moment to tap into the further mystery that is Miyu and actually Shirou some nice moments and lines.

Ruby just doing a great just trolling. That truth serum really gave some hilarious comments towards Luvia and Rin :).

ReddyRedWolf 2015-08-01 10:58

Also Shirou has another girl, Nanami, in his harem but was victimized by Rin and Luvia.

Nanaki saw the best way to win for her sister is through Illya. Luvia already thought of that. Rin followed suit. Issei is weird.

What they don't know Illya has the hots for Shirou.

Levani 2015-08-01 11:53

I laughed my ass of, that was some quality humor.

Everytime I hear Luvia say Sherou, I die in laughter.

Wandering Soul 2015-08-01 11:57

This episode was just chaotic and filled with humor.. Shirou's harem skills are amazing as always.

The truth serem part was hilarious. Really showed what Shirou thinks of Luva, Rin, and Ilya's friends which made for some funny remarks. Bazett was also good for a few laughs.

The actual birthday scene was sweet.

ACertainStark 2015-08-01 12:06

This was one of my favourite chapters in the manga. So funny. :heh:

I missed Ruby.

Pen3 2015-08-01 14:12

It will be a funny episode every time Tatsuko appears.

mergele 2015-08-01 15:30

You have defiled the sacred god of volleyball! You can't play volleyball without some basic rule set. They may play keep-the-ball-in-the-air, but NOT awesome volleyball. (Volleyball lover rant over)
And now I forgot what else I wanted to say, damm.

HandofFate 2015-08-01 17:37

wow this series is intense

rladls2121 2015-08-02 02:13

Issei's very first appearance.
In this universe he has to deal with not only Rin, but also Luvia.

Tatsuko, Nanaki, Suzuka, and Mimi they are the best.

I wish there is the drama cd arc in the anime.
If anyone already listened to the drama cd, you know what im talking about.
And it is before the eighth card battle.
It can be a filler I guess.
Still, I don't want the next episode to become serious just yet.
It is only two episodes to watch relaxing scenes.

Stark700 2015-08-02 03:15

Bazett stole the episode this week imo with her presence.

Unknown Soldier 2015-08-02 18:52


Originally Posted by novalysis (Post 5609129)
"What's the meaning of a birthday?"

It's getting to live to see another year in this timeline, as opposed to dying in any number of horrible ways in alternative timelines, Illya- say, UBW for example.

This is a fun moment to link Wikipedia.

Essentially, if you accept the Many-Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics to be true, and this is the interpretation used for many things in sci-fi because of how interesting it is, then you accept there is a version of you in the infinite multiverses which is immortal because every time this version of you has a chance to die, you manage to avoid it somehow. :heh:

Conversely, there is a version of you in the multiverse which is dead right now. You got hit by a car yesterday and were killed in this alternate universe. It's a sobering thought.

Steins;Gate is notably also based on this interpretation.

Kuroageha 2015-08-04 21:32


Originally Posted by novalysis (Post 5609129)
"What's the meaning of a birthday?"

It's getting to live to see another year in this timeline, as opposed to dying in any number of horrible ways in alternative timelines, Illya- say, UBW for example.

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