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Kairin 2015-07-24 22:44

Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA☆ILLYA Hertz - Episode 1 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA☆ILLYA Hertz, Episode 1.

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mergele 2015-07-24 23:13

Porno threshold crossed.

The Green One 2015-07-25 00:01

We pick up were we left off last season with the girls getting ready to go to the beach with the usual hijinks as we deal with Illya's unruly friends and Kuro's mana needs as Illya and Kuro have a completely wholesome and family friendly moment together. Thank you Mimi for filling in as the audience surrogate for us. Atta girl. Also being Shirou continues to be suffering, an envious yet painfully hilarious situation for him.

It's good to be back.

ReddyRedWolf 2015-07-25 00:39

They skipped Luvia's delusions when Iris offered them to stay at their house!

Damn the OP has spoilers!

Shirou with those reactions Sella might be right you are a lolicon.

ACertainStark 2015-07-25 00:45

Ah I missed this show. The OP is good as always, but makes me wonder how far we're going...

I made sure to get watch the Kuro x Illya scene as many times as possible. :love:

FlareKnight 2015-07-25 02:29

It's good to have this show back.

I enjoyed it as a whole. Of course Kuro needed a recharge after that crazy fight they were just in. But damn they sure went all out for that one :heh:.

And while they joke about it, Shirou really does have quite the harem going. You have the younger trio and group more his age :heh:.

Wandering Soul 2015-07-25 02:47

It feels good to have this show back.

Ilya helps Kuro recharge like good family members do. Miyu was also there to provide some humor through some harsh treatment of her classmates.

I really don't know whether to envy Shirou or pity him:heh:.

blitz1/2 2015-07-25 05:25

Dat Drei spoiler, oh gosh. Just waiting for it.

novalysis 2015-07-25 05:30

Coming in from UBW, seeing Illya having a life this wacky and cheerful and so, so carefree is an amazing contrast. One for the better.

Be happy Illya. Be very, very happy.

Also, after this episode, I don't think Illya would be looking at Dolphins in quite the same way ever again...

Kanon 2015-07-25 06:29

That kissing scene was way too lewd. It might have been the hottest kissing scene I've ever seen in anime. What's really amazing is that the one from the OVA seems to be even better. Prisma Illya is pushing the boundaries.

Dextro 2015-07-25 10:42

Being Shirou is suffering.

Also I feel like I should probably not watch this episode ever again lest it cross some laws that I'm not aware of... That was far too lewd!

Unknown Soldier 2015-07-25 12:58

The kissing scene is straight from the manga and they played it for all it was worth.

There's an enormous amount of 3rei almost-spoilers in the OP and also added stuff into the episode as well. I don't know if Silver Link thinks they'll make a 3rei anime or not but they veer really close to blatant spoilers territory multiple times already.

edit: It's Herz, not Hertz.

Random Wanderer 2015-07-25 13:25


Originally Posted by The Green One (Post 5602936)
as Illya and Kuro have a completely wholesome and family friendly moment together.

Yep. Move along. Nothing to see here. :p


Porno threshold crossed.
The cover image for the chapter midway through the beach episode wouldn't be out of place in an ero-manga/doujin. A thing I try to warn people about before they get into this series is that 2wei amps up the loliciousness. Fortunately (or unfortunately, depends on what you're looking for) this kiss scene and some stuff at the beach are probably the biggest ecchi moments in 2wei: just a little break to have some fun in the middle after nearly getting killed by Bazett, and before heading in to deal with the 8th card.

FlareKnight 2015-07-25 21:56

Yeah, 2wei really amped up that aspect of the show. All thanks to Kuro that's for sure. Throw in the opening chaos with Miyu and Kuro in with this incident with Kuro and Illya and that will definitely leave an impact.

All kinds of crazy reactions over some simple life saving treatment :).

Stark700 2015-07-25 23:15

Oh the amount of yuri....

I mean, it reminded me of the episodes in the previous season. *rolls eyes*

Boukenxha 2015-07-26 09:58

That was lewd for sure, but did no one find the episode hilarious?

Miyu fla$hing the gold card, Tatsuko making a scene, the fake laughing gag, what's her name peeping and her reactions lol, Miyu's burning remarks, Liz and Sella (thank god after UBW!), the gang up teasing of Shirou... I had a bunch of good laugh out of this episode and I don't remember Fate/Kaleid ever being so funny at once.

I like that this ep did a great job getting me warmed up to the characters again. Also I notice some heavy foreshadowing in the OP, not sure what's gonna come as I don't read the manga but really hope we'll get more into Miyu's back story this season.

Polarpew 2015-07-26 20:55

ILYA IS ALIVE!!! woooooo

Ernietheracefan 2015-07-28 08:47


Originally Posted by Kanon (Post 5603134)
That kissing scene was way too lewd. It might have been the hottest kissing scene I've ever seen in anime. What's really amazing is that the one from the OVA seems to be even better. Prisma Illya is pushing the boundaries.

That could be more lewd in BD..:heh:

Levani 2015-07-28 12:51

I need Sakura in this show... and less loli fanservice.

The Green One 2015-07-28 13:32

You're most definitely watching the wrong series if you don't want to see loli fanservice.

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