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Kairin 2015-03-20 21:22

Log Horizon S2 - Episode 24 Discussion / Poll
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Stark700 2015-03-21 06:46

Looks like they may go for a big climatic finish next time. This week's episode was nice though with the the tense struggles but also a decent amount of teamwork.

aohige 2015-03-21 08:39

Novel got updated today, but it only covers half this episode.
The latter half is completely Anime-first territory!

And holy molly the danger level just got cranked to 11 blazingly fast.

Gundamx 2015-03-21 14:45

Is it me or someone change hist hair style?

And it look like Shiroe finally decided to unlock two time ending

ChampDream 2015-03-21 16:54

It look like Shiroe have decide to go all out in reaching the 2 objetives.

Gatmar 2015-03-21 16:59

Well they answered m question as to how a player city got turned into a raid zone, Akihabara i could understand cause of the defense system shut down but the other s i was worries but it turned out well.

Hmm i am still so puzzeled by all of this...i mean sure at this point we can safely say that the Genius are the Main Antagonists but they are not the one who caused the catastrophe or who/what made the world of theledesia with game mechanics and why it was connected to the Adventures world as a game.

Still a lot of questions left to answer with only 1 episode left? yeah they need to anwser so yeah it needs a season 3.....

~Yami~ 2015-03-21 17:23

I was really surprised to see Shiroe really incorporate all members of Log Horizon in his raid party
Wow.. bringing under lvl 50 members in raid (and it is their first raid!) is totally a gamble
but at last, it is them who slapped some sense to Shiroe (well, the one who slapped him is Henri though)

Ein's concern is understandable as well. But I don't really understand about Shiroe's warning to him.. Is he suspect him to do some betrayal to Round Table?

That raid dungeon... is hell :heh:
I can't imagine someone would finish that
I prefer to fight one or two lvl 120 bosses than against countless lvl 90 mobs :heh:

anyone could confirm whether there is a Honesty member in Shiroe's party or not?
I think it is only DDD, LH, Westwind Brigade, and Marielle's guild
Black Sword is guarding Maihama so I think Honesty should be included

ah! it is also a mystery about why there are some people didn't fall asleep (our sleepy princess didn't get affected.. hmm..)

Flower 2015-03-21 17:26

A pretty good ep, and when where we finally enter into terrotory beyong what has been published eh? Very nice.

Am very much looking forward to next week's finale, and to see Shiroe go into super serious mode. :D

Props to Henrietta by the way. Someone needed to begin the process to snap Shiroe out of the over-intensified focus on intellectual/emotional tangle he had found himself stuck in. And her method in this case worked nicely!

Random14 2015-03-21 17:48

Ooh, nice to see Shiroe in another raid (and even a Silver Sword cameo). Was wondering if this was another Minami attack, but they're in trouble too (even their defense system was taken out, so at least Akiba isn't missing out on anything right now).

Wow, so the anime is ahead of things, this is truly unknown territory. Too bad Shiroe was hesitating this episode, but considering the stakes, its understandable. I wonder if they'll explain the bad timing (how Shiroe himself noticed that Shibuya is suddenly a raid zone right when they find out about the communicator there). Nice to see everyone pitch in, though bringing the junior members is a stretch, but guess they really are desperate. Too bad we had to have a "main protagonist hesitates" episode, but at least it means next week Shiroe is really going to go all out. And there goes the second season then, it was a nice ride, here's hoping for a good ending point.

FlareKnight 2015-03-21 18:37

So basically they all stand up and say it's fine if they can't get home right away....and then give Shiroe an out where he doesn't have to pick one? So basically that scene was mostly pointless? Just teleport them to the respawn, have them find out about the boss and then charge out without a need for a slap or anything.

The episode itself was good. It created a very high stakes situation. If you destroy the antenna the people may be safe but not the people who desperately want to go home. But if you don't and figure out a way to go home you leave a lot of damage behind. It's a lose/lose situation no matter what you pick. The third option is all they have to work with.

They'll have to make it work and hope that they can get the best case scenario out of this.

Wandering Soul 2015-03-21 18:45

Heneritta really gave Shiroe the slap that he needed. Got his head in the game and made him get over his worries.

Looking forward to the fianle nect week and the plan Shiroe comes up with this time.

Bakaizer 2015-03-21 19:39

are they going to cram things a lot in the last episode? a lot of things have been unresolved, unless S3 is coming

ScarNerd 2015-03-21 20:51

My question is will the jr members of log horizon get plvled since they are so weak? I mean lvl50ish vs lvl 90+ major EXP there.

Benigmatica 2015-03-22 00:33

Wow, Shiroe almost got wrecked if it wasn't for Henrietta's slap. Glad that she did that to the Villain in Glasses!

By the way, I hope Mamare-san is still involve on the finale as his light novel got taken over by this anime adaptation. Let's hope that there's the 3rd and final season to wrap things up, once Log Horizon finished at 15 volumes!

Skaddix 2015-03-22 02:01


Originally Posted by ScarNerd (Post 5476596)
My question is will the jr members of log horizon get plvled since they are so weak? I mean lvl50ish vs lvl 90+ major EXP there.

Probably although they probably should just get wrecked. Its hard to live as lvl 50 even with 90s at that lvl against lvl 90 foes

Nvis 2015-03-22 02:20

Kushiyatama - who is she(what guild, etc)? We saw her too briefly in the all-girls raid. :heh:

Two clerics in party 1? Really, Shiroe? (not counting the weak lvl 50 members)

aohige 2015-03-22 02:57

Couple of fun bits from the episode:
- Since the dungeon is actually the NHK building, the respawn zone Shiroe & co took refuge in is the set of the children's show that airs right before Log Horizon on NHK-Education. :heh:
- The Genius name in the anime is misspelled. It should be Tacritan, the Genius of Summoning. Dunno if anime made the mistake or Mamare did.


Originally Posted by Nvis (Post 5476889)
Kushiyatama - who is she(what guild, etc)? We saw her too briefly in the all-girls raid. :heh:

She's yet another fan-created character from a fanfic. Mostly a bonus cameo in the anime.
She was a commander of DDD and one of the best players in all of Yamato, but left the guild and went independent. A friend of Rieze.


Originally Posted by ~Yami~ (Post 5476354)
Ein's concern is understandable as well. But I don't really understand about Shiroe's warning to him.. Is he suspect him to do some betrayal to Round Table?

The anime cut out a few dialogs during the Plant Hwyaden meetings, one of which

Yan3242 2015-03-22 10:58

Shiroe face at that last moment.... Someone gonna get trolled hard next episode :heh:

Well shiroe did bring the under level because as it said before, he bring the one who resist the sleeping debuff, which so far works allright.

Being (seriously) under level in high level raid is not that scary actually, especially if your group raid is compose of your best bro/friends, even if they going against level 90 mobs as long as their tank keep aggroing and position himself ahead of the mobs (mobs back facing the dps), its 90% safe with aoe attack is your only concern, and under level shouldnt be able to compete with aggro so its pretty much free hits.

aohige 2015-03-22 11:07


Originally Posted by Yan3242 (Post 5477347)
Shiroe face at that last moment.... Someone gonna get trolled hard next episode :heh:

Well shiroe did bring the under level because as it said before, he bring the one who resist the sleeping debuff, which so far works allright.

Being (seriously) under level in high level raid is not that scary actually, especially if your group raid is compose of your best bro/friends, even if they going against level 90 mobs as long as their tank keep aggroing and position himself ahead of the mobs (mobs back facing the dps), its 90% safe with aoe attack is your only concern, and under level shouldnt be able to compete with aggro so its pretty much free hits.

Eh, depends on the game.
In WoW, even a sligtht AoE will instantly kill someone 40 levels below you, as you wouldn't even have 1/10 of the HP. :heh:

It works here because Elder Tale isn't exponential in stat difference between latest content and before.

frodonk 2015-03-22 11:41

That was indeed fast paced, and I can't help but smile when anytime I had a question about a certain scene, like say for example how Shibuya transformed into a raid zone right after they mentioned that it could communicate with the moon, the word "aliens" suddenly springs to mind and everything suddenly makes sense :D

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