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Kairin 2015-03-13 21:15

Log Horizon S2 - Episode 23 Discussion / Poll
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aohige 2015-03-14 05:30

Anime is caught up to the novel.
In fact few minutes of this episode is actually ahead of the novel now.

And.... oh boy whatever left of the budget went down the drain. That was awful. :heh:

Stark700 2015-03-14 08:13

Yeah, some parts of the latest episode had budget issues...I hope it means that they poured it into the upcoming battle for the next two weeks. And oh, Issac is a certain kind of awesome from this episode.

That tool he used seems pretty dandy also.

Benigmatica 2015-03-14 08:22

Gotta love Isaac on this episode, simply because he cared about protecting Icelus!

On the other hand, those Westlande assassins sure learned their stuff from Plant Hwyaden. Now the only thing the Round Table Conference needed is an antidote for that poison pollen.

Tormenk 2015-03-14 10:13

How did Chang'e become a moth? :heh: Double entendre?

Gundamx 2015-03-14 10:21

LH most important lesson: Never trust someone with glasses :heh:

Anyway, why the princes and princess still awoke?

ninjastarforcex 2015-03-14 10:32

finally level 91 monsters?

LKK 2015-03-14 12:37

Methinks Miss Isuzu has finally realized that Rudy is more than just her dog. :D

I was a little surprised that Tohya wants to go home, knowing that he'd return to his wheelchair-bound life. He was one I was expecting to want to stay.

I've never been too impressed by Isaac until this show. I guess you could say he leveled up in my opinion?? :heh:

frodonk 2015-03-14 12:45

So we're in uncharted territory now?

Looks like it will be full of action up until the end. I hope it ends with them being able to travel freely between worlds.

Crossheart 2015-03-14 12:47

Wait, so.. the anime is more advanced than the novels now?
What's gonna happens for the next two episodes then??

Wandering Soul 2015-03-14 13:48

Little surprised that Tohya actually wants to ge home. He is one of the people that you woupd suspect would want to stay.

Now all the people of the land are fainting for mysterious reasons l.

aohige 2015-03-14 13:57


Originally Posted by frodonk (Post 5468189)
So we're in uncharted territory now?

Looks like it will be full of action up until the end. I hope it ends with them being able to travel freely between worlds.


Originally Posted by Crossheart (Post 5468194)
Wait, so.. the anime is more advanced than the novels now?
What's gonna happens for the next two episodes then??

Yes, at least for a day or two.
By Monday we'll likely have the new novel chapter, which will likely put novel ahead for a week.

ChampDream 2015-03-14 15:20

Issac was cool this episode.
It look like they left us with a cliffhanger.

~Yami~ 2015-03-14 15:58

I see the connection right now
Lennesia - Crusty
Iselus - Isaac
:heh: so that's the setup.. by assigning two strongest guild leaders in Akiba to escort the Maihama's heir

well, Isaac is cool in this episode.. His tsundere-ness is on max
I like how Lennesia tried to teach Iselus about adventurers

several important notes are also the Tetnessia idol group which is hilarious :heh: and Tohya's statement... damn! That's a deep words, Tohya! Massive respect!

watching from the preview, it looks like this arc would be the most awesome ever! A raid in Akiba with high level monster!

I actually waiting for the revelation about Nureha's past or Intix's background story (I think novel has a chapter about this)
that's why it is little hard for me to accept the fact that the anime has caught up with novel since many stuffs still unexplained
I'm sure this is not going to end soon... we still need our Plant Hwayden Vs Round of Table battle.. and also Minami's reunion with the Debauchery members
but this arc is a perfect arc to end a season

ninjastarforcex 2015-03-14 16:08

shotacon yaoi bromance with tsundere ojii-san? :heh:

Random14 2015-03-14 19:00

I liked the younger members' discussion, it builds on their experiences from the last arc. Rudy continues to be very respectful, and Tohya has already decided to return. Sure having an Adventurer body is much better for him, but that's just the easy route for him.

The last few minutes sure were surprising, especially being a little bit ahead of the novels (I think?). A clue on how to contact the moon and what sure seems like a major attack. Nice to see that sage again.

Issac and Iselus were great, nice to see more Round Table members get the spotlight too. Excited to see how this season ends.

Xellos-_^ 2015-03-14 19:04


Originally Posted by Random14 (Post 5468499)
I liked the younger members' discussion, it builds on their experiences from the last arc. Rudy continues to be very respectful, and Tohya has already decided to return. Sure having an Adventurer body is much better for him, but that's just the easy route for him.

The last few minutes sure were surprising, especially being a little bit ahead of the novels (I think?). A clue on how to contact the moon and what sure seems like a major attack. Nice to see that sage again.

Issac and Iselus were great, nice to see more Round Table members get the spotlight too. Excited to see how this season ends.

i really don't understand these derision against "easy route."

what is so noble about struggling with disability. Ask anyone who paraplegic if they rather have the use of their legs or stay noble with their disability and i guarantee 100% will want the use of their legs.

what the hell is so noble about struggling when you don't have to?

mergele 2015-03-14 22:13

Oh yes, this will end awesome, this will end awesome, this will end awesome, this will......
I wonder what the future plans for Lenessia are?
And Isaac had some really fantastic facial expressions.
@Xellos, that is a very good question, especially since I didn't really understand Tohyas reasoning.

Boukenxha 2015-03-14 22:42

Tohya always been a strong kid, even if he had any insecurities of his disability, he showed he never to use it as an excuse. Like he said, the right thing to do is to go home and he is not even saying it to cheer up his sister. You get the feeling he truly believes in it and whatever struggles he will power through it.

Oh and btw, didn't know Rieze has a griffin, only knew the DTP completed that rare quest, or did she borrowed it?

Is it me or did the red/pink Moon looks ominous. I just notice its showed in the OP too.

Random14 2015-03-14 23:02

My interpretation is that Tohya is meant to be an example to the others. Even if they're having fun in Log Horizon right now, as mentioned it is natural to go back home, and completely abandoning their old lives would be a bit much (like their parents). Minori is worried about Tohya, since he's probably one of the ones who gained the most after being stuck in Elder Tales (which is why he saw through Nureha so quickly), but he reassures her he's willing to go back home.

It would be nice if there was a choice to stay or return, but that's a long way off. Isuzu still has issues about her life, but if Tohya is willing to return and face his problems, then she can't very well refuse either. Guilt tripping maybe, but the Log Horizon story isn't entirely about being stuck in an MMO, but more about finding comrades.

The gryphon summon is probably owned by all the top members of the top raiding guilds. DTP wasn't quite a guild but they completed the raid too, and we saw Krusty use his own gryphon before too. It makes sense that Rieze, as another top member of Krusty's guild, would also own a gryphon. Though I wonder if those whistles could be handed over to other players now, but that's a minor concern.

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