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Kairin 2015-03-06 22:31

Log Horizon S2 - Episode 22 Discussion / Poll
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aohige 2015-03-07 06:53

Huge reveal episode. I'm sure there will be tons questions flying around. :heh:

Also, we are only 1 episode behind from the current novel serialization now.
The preview for next episode completely covers the latest chapter.

Even those of us reading the raw novel weekly have no idea what's going to happen next. :heh:

Also the original fights scenes with other Genius shown in this episode are from the TRPG, not the novel.

Stark700 2015-03-07 08:10
Akatsuki confirmed as yandere.

Interesting revelations this episode of course regarding the moon, creatures, and buildup for a war. Now I wonder if they can go back to their that would be an interesting way to wrap up this season.

Get hyped.

Gatmar 2015-03-07 08:28

Amazing Episode they made Cameos of the characters and fights in the TRPG Novels....Also i spotted the characters from the Log Horizon: People of the West Wind Manga too... Magus and her two companions who stuck with her...

Plus all these revelations ...... now this story is truly back on track :p

Benigmatica 2015-03-07 10:17

By the way, I assume that Empathium are made up of memories from fallen adventurers and even landers too!

Still, I'm curious on what this series unfolds next week!

mastermind3342 2015-03-07 12:16

all the genius begin to appear in akiba now of all time, why?
because the city defence is go down or.....

Gatmar 2015-03-07 12:24


Originally Posted by mastermind3342 (Post 5460365)
all the genius begin to appear in akiba now of all time, why?
because the city defence is go down or.....

That is it exactly....the city defenses kept them outside cause they were inhabiting monster avatars...but now since the guard system down ...they are appearing more and more in the city.

Prongs 2015-03-07 12:28

imouto!! imoutooooo!!


damn never tought roe2 will be this bold...........

Flower 2015-03-07 12:41 that was quite an infodump! :twitch:

Hmm. Well, it will be interesting to see where things go from here, if the OP is any hint then we get some indications, at least.

ChampDream 2015-03-07 13:38

so much info, interesting to learn about the navigators.

Wandering Soul 2015-03-07 13:39

That was quite the info dump. Not only is there a war brewing, but the navigators also have their own agenda. There might even be a clue to leaving the world on the moon. Curious to see where things go from hete.

ninjastarforcex 2015-03-07 13:53

oh so finally they decided to insert some actual plot...

aohige 2015-03-07 14:33


Originally Posted by Benigmatica (Post 5460260)
By the way, I assume that Empathium are made up of memories from fallen adventurers and even landers too!

Still, I'm curious on what this series unfolds next week!

Yes, the fragments Shiroe and Akatsuki gave away to the waves on the moon were implied to be empathiums.

There was also a lot of minor infodumps that were cut from the anime, due to monologue heavyness and probably a bit too complex for younger viewers.
Most of it had to do with Roe2's explanation on law of the universe.
It's probably not too important for the context of the story, but they are very good info to chew our thoughts on.


I figure these sci-fi elements of discussion were omitted to not confuse the audience (especially their target demographics, little kids) and to not bore them. :heh:

LKK 2015-03-07 14:45

I thought the episode was a bit disjointed. Or maybe it's my bad head cold that's keeping me from making the proper connections. I ought to watch the show again when my head doesn't feel like a huge wad of stuffing. :(

Gundamx 2015-03-07 15:04

Great episode, and finally we have a lot of info and it's interesting to see three way war
(Vs Plant Hwyaden, Vs lander and Vs Harvesters)

And guess who gain new imouto?
(With it, it become clear why when OP strat, it show Shiroe on left(main) amd Roe 2 on right (alt)

I guess for sometime he play as Roe2 to test other class > and that when she think of her older brother (main) as slave since his main was mule character at that time :heh:

~Yami~ 2015-03-07 15:43

YES! right after Roe2 introduced herself as imouto, I was shouting "let her join Log Horizon!" :heh:

It is funny to see how adventurers managed to deal with geniuses which supposed to hold higher intelligence level than them

and those revelation dump... poor young members.... only older members are allowed to hear the secret
I guess Shiroe won't tell anything to Round Table for now too
I don't expect this apocalypse is actually alien's work.. catch me off guard there

next episode looks cute.. so Lenessia has a little brother.. it is always interesting to see the interaction between adventurers and royalty

considering the amount of episode left, is it possible for them to show us Yamato's war? (against Minami)
I'm curious about how far the novel has gone

Kirke 2015-03-07 16:13


Originally Posted by ~Yami~ (Post 5460580)
YES! right after Roe2 introduced herself as imouto, I was shouting "let her join Log Horizon!" :heh:

It is funny to see how adventurers managed to deal with geniuses which supposed to hold higher intelligence level than them

and those revelation dump... poor young members.... only older members are allowed to hear the secret
I guess Shiroe won't tell anything to Round Table for now too
I don't expect this apocalypse is actually alien's work.. catch me off guard there

next episode looks cute.. so Lenessia has a little brother.. it is always interesting to see the interaction between adventurers and royalty

considering the amount of episode left, is it possible for them to show us Yamato's war? (against Minami)
I'm curious about how far the novel has gone

I think you are confused. Adventurers are the highest ranking beings of intelligence in this universe, above the genius and travellers. That is why Roe 2 said they retain the rights to this world's resources.

aohige 2015-03-07 16:24


Originally Posted by ~Yami~ (Post 5460580)
considering the amount of episode left, is it possible for them to show us Yamato's war? (against Minami)
I'm curious about how far the novel has gone

The novel is only 1 episode ahead of the anime at this point.
Pretty sure the actual Eastal/Westelande war is going to be focus of the third phase.
Novel 11-15 and anime season 3.

Hopefully NHK will come back to Log Horizon in 2 years or so when there may be enough volumes to animate season 3.

Mamare plans to end the series with 15th volume, so it's perfect for one more season.

Vash1306 2015-03-07 17:09

Or they can be ballsy and animate the third season with Mamare's guidance :O

FlareKnight 2015-03-07 17:31

Damn things are getting interesting here. Sure it's all the more complicated now, but an actual possibility to getting home is opening up and that's a pretty massive development. Probably a good idea to keep that secret for now since even the possibility would put this current society into a chaotic state.

I agree with Shiroe though. The only real way to help the people who are depressed, frustrated, and angry at their situation is to get them home. You can't just toss money at them and have that resolve anything.

And now you've got war and everything else coming up.

In the end though I really wonder how this will all resolve. Will it be all or nothing? Everyone goes or everyone stays? If people are given a choice how many might just stay? There are some people like Tohya who are actually better off here physically than they are back home. Really it should be fun to see how this all turns out well down the road when the source material wraps up.

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