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Kairin 2015-02-13 22:49

Log Horizon S2 - Episode 19 Discussion / Poll
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aohige 2015-02-14 05:39

OMG Ghostbusters reference!

Ickarium 2015-02-14 08:04

This 'empathions' thing is interesting. Roe2 seems to be hinting that the Genius monsters are the ones gathering memories or such when you die, called 'empathion' or something. And using it for something. Perhaps to make themselves stronger or more real?

I hope we get more details on the world setting and what's going on.

Stark700 2015-02-14 08:19

I have some new respect for Tohya this episode. Same for Rudy as well.

Watching Tohya kicking some ass brings a smile to my face too~

Benigmatica 2015-02-14 10:25

Um, they forgot about Tohya as he's having his ass kicked by a Odyssey Knight! Good show for that young lad on standing up against that adventurer.

SeijiSensei 2015-02-14 10:36

Just what we needed, a new complexity to the story line with just six episodes to go, after a couple of time-wasting episodes that added little to the plot. At least this episode was a bit more interesting than the last two.

Benigmatica 2015-02-14 10:49


Originally Posted by Ickarium (Post 5438620)
This 'empathions' thing is interesting. Roe2 seems to be hinting that the Genius monsters are the ones gathering memories or such when you die, called 'empathion' or something. And using it for something. Perhaps to make themselves stronger or more real?

I was wondering if most of the lesser monsters are gathering memories of fallen adventurers too since they're getting more cunning than before?

Proto 2015-02-14 10:50

The novels are still on-going. There's bound to be a S3, so don't worry to much about episode constraints.

And what you call episode wasting I call character mingling, which I enjoyed a lot btw. :)

SeijiSensei 2015-02-14 11:04

Some shows I watch for character development, others I watch for plot. For me, Log Horizon falls more into the latter category.

Proto 2015-02-14 11:20

There can be a happy middle. I think Mamare's the authors strengths at character introspection and world creation are by far superior than his skills at plot development. Not to say that the plot in Log Horizon (and Mamare's other series, Maou Yuusha) are not bad at all, I consider William's speech (and the Elder Sister maid's I am human speech in the other series) to be by far the climax of their respective works. And their respective worlds are just so interesting, even down to the politics, that sometimes I regard the plot to be an excuse to explore them.

Of course this is just my opinion. The past episodes have been slow as you say, and on a second read of my previous post I may have been a little high handed. My apologies.

FlareKnight 2015-02-14 12:39

I can certainly understand Tohya getting pissed at that point, but at the same time is he actually accomplishing anything picking this fight? His big issue to start was that they were dragging the citizens into it, but he isn't helping any of the citizens. He's just running around losing his own cool.

Not all that surprised either to see a group of these people gathering like this. Of course a lot of people aren't going to adapt to such a change in circumstance and just want to go home. They don't care about making a society there or interacting with what is around them, they just want out. Of course they are losing their memories when they die, but also seeing their old lives. It's kind of a weird mixed situation. I doubt they are right in that dying a certain number of times will get you home, but not surprised they are trying.

At least Minori is off and moving now. She was probably the least helpful in this episode. Serious situation, maybe not the best time to delve into personal motivations :heh:.

Still kind of awesome that Nyanta is going after the source of this by himself. If he can shut down that situation then all they have to do is deal with the wyverns. Still a pain, but at least it's not a never ending flood.

Wandering Soul 2015-02-14 13:13

It's nice that Tohya stood up to those guys and hopefully he can show them a diffrent point of view. But for now they seriously need to protect the town.

It's only natural that this group was formed. Not everyone is happy about being stuck and just want to go back to their lives.

It's cool that Nyanta is going to the main problem and I'm looking forward to seeing him in action next episode.

LKK 2015-02-14 14:33

I admit it. I got lost in the discussions about the world's underpinning theories. I'm going to have to give the episode another viewing. Or maybe two. I appreciate that the show took time to try and explain the theories. Although I don't think they thoroughly succeeded in doing so. And I'm not sure that doing so while a city was being attacked was the best of timing. :heh:

Kirke 2015-02-14 14:50


Originally Posted by LKK (Post 5438955)
I admit it. I got lost in the discussions about the world's underpinning theories. I'm going to have to give the episode another viewing. Or maybe two. I appreciate that the show took time to try and explain the theories. Although I don't think they thoroughly succeeded in doing so. And I'm not sure that doing so while a city was being attacked was the best of timing. :heh:

I don't think we were supposed to understand a whole lot, other than Roe2 mentioning the Genius.

erneiz_hyde 2015-02-14 16:43

I honestly cannot comprehend the conversations between the newbie teams and Roe2 here. And apparently, I'm not the only one here! :heh:

Random14 2015-02-14 17:35

Roe2's cryptic comments aren't helping, and too bad Minori stood around for most of the episode, but guess she's confronting Roe2 in a way as well, but Roe2 isn't sharing much. Roe2 obviously isn't just a random Adventurer, but they have bigger things to worry about.

While they are reviving quickly, it is kind of disturbing watching something that almost seems like a... suicide cult (or something) dying over and over. You'd think they might as well just keep jumping off a cliff again and again if they want to get that glimpse of their past memories (or some other method of dying). Though seems to be playing into the Genius' plans, whatever those are. Tohya confronting that Odyssey Knight leader isn't helping much, but he's the most hotheaded one so it fits his personality. And while the other guy is complaining about his marriage, Tohya has experienced real pain before so seeing them trivialize death would set him off. And hard to call that world fake with Rudy as a comrade. Although so far we've seen Akiba and Minami adapt to their new circumstances mostly well, but these guys are definitely unstable.

Exciting ending, not sure how far Nyanta can go against those odds, but still awesome to see him just charging the enemy train, can't wait to see him fight again.

ChampDream 2015-02-14 18:59

Interesting information we gain about the world setting, too bad I didn't understand half of it.
Minori sure took her time to start fighting.
hope Nyanta kick some ass next episode.

eiyuuou 2015-02-14 23:24

The knights should change their name to suicide circle...

Mubyoshi 2015-02-15 01:18

To me, this episode was as confusing as Gundam Reconguista itself. This episode also felt like a giant waste of time.

FlareKnight 2015-02-15 01:20


Originally Posted by Random14 (Post 5439103)
Roe2's cryptic comments aren't helping, and too bad Minori stood around for most of the episode, but guess she's confronting Roe2 in a way as well, but Roe2 isn't sharing much. Roe2 obviously isn't just a random Adventurer, but they have bigger things to worry about.

While they are reviving quickly, it is kind of disturbing watching something that almost seems like a... suicide cult (or something) dying over and over. You'd think they might as well just keep jumping off a cliff again and again if they want to get that glimpse of their past memories (or some other method of dying). Though seems to be playing into the Genius' plans, whatever those are. Tohya confronting that Odyssey Knight leader isn't helping much, but he's the most hotheaded one so it fits his personality. And while the other guy is complaining about his marriage, Tohya has experienced real pain before so seeing them trivialize death would set him off. And hard to call that world fake with Rudy as a comrade. Although so far we've seen Akiba and Minami adapt to their new circumstances mostly well, but these guys are definitely unstable.

Exciting ending, not sure how far Nyanta can go against those odds, but still awesome to see him just charging the enemy train, can't wait to see him fight again.

In a sense Tohya and that guy are too different to really see things the same way. For Tohya he's seen enough death to be really bothered by how those guys are chasing it. Of course Tohya doesn't have the same motivations to return to their old lives either. He has his sister here and he's not disabled here either. He can run around, has freedom of movement, and can fight. A different thing for someone like that guy who has left loved ones behind and a life he was ready to embrace. These two just aren't going to be on the same page.

Look forward to seeing what Nyanta can do. Guy has been stuck on the sidelines for a long time so it will be nice to see him cut loose.

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