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Kairin 2015-02-06 22:52

Log Horizon S2 - Episode 18 Discussion / Poll
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aohige 2015-02-07 06:19

Shotacon seductress alert

Someone call the cops guards. :heh:

Stark700 2015-02-07 08:04

The way that conversation went with Tohya and Dariella seemed odd...

Decent buildup episode I guess. I hope Isuzu grows more confidence soon. And next episode should be epic in terms of action if they fight that army of wyverns.

Random14 2015-02-07 08:22

Mostly talking episode until the end, but I like hearing Rudy's thoughts on things, given his unique perspective as a People of the Land/Adventurer. Not to mention being one of the few People of the Land recurring characters and closer to the commoner point of view (compared to the royal Lenessia). Interesting, so there's an auto-translater built in (wonder if that applies to all real world languages too) and even between just the NPCs and players there's some misunderstanding.

Although it mainly gave Isuzu even more issues about her playing (not that Rudy meant to). Though its probably the same as the rest of the crafting going on in Akiba- the People of the Land were limited and never knew any better, but none of those rules apply to Adventurers. But still kind of crazy to think of there only being 42 songs ever, but their world did seem to run on game rules.

EroKing 2015-02-07 09:13

Nyanta - the man/cat that fears nothing!

On second thought, I hope he isn't thinking of cooking those wyverns. "Hmmn, I wonder what they taste like." :heh:

Benigmatica 2015-02-07 10:23

For some reason, I wonder if there's some sort of jamming in regards to the mobile temple that the Oddeysey Knights have? Plant Hwyaden would have the tactical advantage if they have that system. If that's not proven, maybe it's the wyverns that caused the jamming.

On the other hand, it's a surprise that Londark returned as a member of Plant Hwyaden.

AvatarST 2015-02-07 11:09

I knew it was all your fault deep down, Kotomineeeeeee! :p

DQueenie13 2015-02-07 11:13


Originally Posted by Benigmatica (Post 5431072)
On the other hand, it's a surprise that Londark returned as a member of Plant Hwyaden.

It was actually foreshadowed in earlier episodes. Tetora mentions, in episode 2, that he had left Susukino for Minami, and in episode 14 (I think), Londark can be seen standing next to Mizufa when she declares to head east.

FlareKnight 2015-02-07 11:43

The highlight really was the discussion between Rudy and Isuzu. It did add onto Isuzu's worries, but I think it's something that will allow her to grow. Rudy's perspective is insanely valuable. Things that you wouldn't think about without him around can be made clear. There's a darn good reason Isuzu is so popular. Obviously her singing talent isn't world changing, but just the fact that every single song she sings is adding to their culture. It's giving them a culture shock and realization that they can go beyond the limits that they didn't even think about.

Kind of creates a huge amount of pressure and responsibility to be sure. Eventually there will be a music boom in this world. But at the moment she's pretty well set to hit legendary popularity status. No matter what music comes down the road the people of the land are going to remember the first person they heard that changed that reality for them.

The bit about the auto-translator was interesting as well. Another kind of reminder of how close they are to not even understanding each other.

Tormenk 2015-02-07 12:25

Stuff is going to happen cos Nyanta opened his eyes.

frodonk 2015-02-07 12:28

Nyanta was spying on them the whole time. It's possible that real life Shiroe once used Roe 2 on a raid or some quest with Nyanta, and so he knows who Roe 2 truly is.

I'm guessing Shiroe also had told him about Nureha's world-changing magic so Nyanta also knows who Dariella is.

That bit about the auto-translator was not even something that I would've considered as essential, but it would seem that a game like Elder Tale that had different servers and players all over the world had a crude translator thing built into the game. I would've assumed that each region/server's players would've spoken the same language so they wouldn't have need translators at all, and yet Mamare in his infinite wisdom saw the need to address this apparent language barrier, brilliant!

I'm guessing that mobile temple and that wyvern horde are related somehow. Nyanta's eyes are also open when they're usually closed, that's like a universal anime sign that serious stuff is about to go down :D

eiyuuou 2015-02-07 13:47

Next episode will show Nyanta in boss mode.

Chaos2Frozen 2015-02-07 14:18

The two biggest moment in this episode for me is the Revelation of the 42 (and by extension more Lander's perspective), as well as Tohya's 'confrontation' with Dariella... I was dying to say something last week when people said he fell for her :heh:

leongsh 2015-02-07 15:21


Originally Posted by eiyuuou (Post 5431263)
Next episode will show Nyanta in boss mode.

Shiroe refers to Nyanta as Chief which when you consider Shiroe's character, it is not a title given easily. We saw a small bit of it in the first season.

dahak 2015-02-07 16:08


Originally Posted by eiyuuou (Post 5431263)
Next episode will show Nyanta in boss mode.

"It is time to remember that nothing stops me learning how to become a Full Legion Raid Boss. Cooking gives me plenty of time to think."

It wouldn't be without precedent. Nureha might be able to do it with her Full Overlay.

Tenzen12 2015-02-07 16:26

So universe, life and everything is about music? Sound legit.


Originally Posted by frodonk (Post 5431168)
Nyanta was spying on them the whole time. It's possible that real life Shiroe once used Roe 2 on a raid or some quest with Nyanta, and so he knows who Roe 2 truly is.

I'm guessing Shiroe also had told him about Nureha's world-changing magic so Nyanta also knows who Dariella is.

1)Nah, Roe existed only on beta server (moon), I doubt he could just take her and use in normal game (not to mention that on the "earth" her crippling subclass weakness would came in play)

2)Shiroe probably did, but Nyanta never saw her in person and there is no particular reason why he should suspect random person hanging with kids quest for being big boss of sinister guild...

ChampDream 2015-02-07 16:53

Well the conversation between Tohya and Darielle got really weird.
It was interesting learning about the autotranslator and about 42.
Nyanta look really badass at the end.

Gundamx 2015-02-07 17:20

I guess dragons mob got tired of being killed for some random NPC bag quest :heh:

kache 2015-02-07 17:59


Originally Posted by TheEroKing (Post 5430998)

Nyanta - the man/cat that fears nothing!

On second thought, I hope he isn't thinking of cooking those wyverns. "Hmmn, I wonder what they taste like." :heh:

He'll surely have plenty of meat to try cooking until he finds a way to make them tasty. :heh:

HandofFate 2015-02-07 18:11

if they were going to pick a voice actor for a character that's suppose to be a bard in log horizon, they should have picked one that could sing, imo

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