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Kairin 2014-07-18 21:09

Mahouka - Episode 16 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Mahouka, Episode 16.

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Avaricia 2014-07-19 10:57

Spoiler for Best episode so far IMO:

Ultragunner 2014-07-19 10:59

And he goes just like that :heh:

pampz21 2014-07-19 11:52

Damn "that guy" took the best part~

germanturkey 2014-07-19 13:58

mind-blowing ep. it was even sweeter animated than i thought it'd be. but sadly, i'm afraid people will miss why Miyuki was tearing up at the end.

Alucard24 2014-07-19 14:10

because tatsuya had to use secret spell ? Or maybe because she knows he was hurt badly ?

Hiss13 2014-07-19 14:21

I'll give Madhouse props here. That Tatsuya vs Ichijo fight was great...animation-wise, at least.
It still lacked tension, but it kept me watching and I found it hard to get bored once the match started.

Still, it's annoying that a character who was built up as some great destroyer type was beaten so quickly.

Leo stealing the kill was awesome, though.

Fellen 2014-07-19 14:22

This was a great episode, one of the best if not the best from this series. The fight was amazing and Mikihiko's reaction at the end of the episode was just great.

millie10468 2014-07-19 14:28


Originally Posted by Hiss13 (Post 5186205)

Still, it's annoying that a character who was built up as some great destroyer type was beaten so quickly.

Because he was also nerfed. Masaki on the battlefield is extremely terrifying. And if he'd gone up against anyone but Tatsuya, he would have been the undisputed winner. Their strategies based on the little they saw Tatsuya do was also a miscalculation. Basically, everything about this fight was in Tatsuya's favor

cyth 2014-07-19 14:38

The eardrum scene "I can lip-read". That was so snap. :heh:

HandofFate 2014-07-19 14:58

Didn't imagine Misaki's 'bullets' magic diagrams to appear around Tatsuya like that.
I thought the fight was a big sloppy animated. A bit too flippy there Tatsuya. And the first half reminded me of that really bad Naruto filler episode where Gai and doppelganger Gai just kicked at eachother for 2 minutes straight.

Also weird, that we didn't see anyone actually get hit, like even though everything is 'bullets' it just hit the ground and explode instead of hitting Leo or Tatsuya directly.

Arararagi-Senpai 2014-07-19 15:01

Well, it was okay I guess. I understand that Masaki had to hold back for the purposes of the event, but for all the build up leading to this it kind of sucks that he was taken out so easily.

The rest of it was alright, good animation, more OP Tatsuya, etc.

Eclipze 2014-07-19 15:18

Good episode. Acrobatics Tatsuya is pretty badass.

The only part that kinda bothered me was how they were doing the long explanation for Tatsuya's abilities right after he defeated the Crimson Prince even though the battle didn't end yet. Kinda took tension away from the match.

miroku2192 2014-07-19 15:19

So..why exactly was Miyuki crying? Not sure if that is considered a spoiler but someone brought up that point about how anime watchers wouldn't really understand / grasp that point.

thundrakkon 2014-07-19 15:29


Originally Posted by miroku2192 (Post 5186269)
So..why exactly was Miyuki crying? Not sure if that is considered a spoiler but someone brought up that point about how anime watchers wouldn't really understand / grasp that point.

I was going to bring that up if I end up writing a summary bullet point later, but my best guess is that she was happy that Tatsuya finally got the recognition that he deserved. She is always harping on the fact that he has to remain in the shadows and is in a position of weakness among reputation.

In an earlier episode, he mentioned that to defeat his aunt, he needed more than just fighting strength, which he said should already be enough to defeat his aunt. I'm guessing that his recognition by others will help him along the path to true freedom.

Jerseykid 2014-07-19 15:32

Tatsuya fighting with limitations she said. That's interesting.

VTHokiePride 2014-07-19 15:34

I wish I could snap with the force of a flashbang and incapacitate whoever I'm fighting. The fight scene acrobatics for Tatsuya reminded me a little bit of the battle mechanics from Resonance of Fate with the heroic moves. He even switches guns while firing in midair. Looks like next week will be closing out this arc and maybe leading into the next one.

Wandering Soul 2014-07-19 15:43

The fight was a little different than what I envisioned but it was still pretty good. Leo is the last one left left standing and they even included that little comedy bit at the end.

Kakurin 2014-07-19 15:50

Interesting. Don't know whether others noticed, so that was the purpose of the introduction of that reactivation sequence after Tatsuya was taken out by Miyuki in one of the early episodes.

miroku2192 2014-07-19 16:22


Originally Posted by thundrakkon (Post 5186282)
I was going to bring that up if I end up writing a summary bullet point later, but my best guess is that she was happy that Tatsuya finally got the recognition that he deserved. She is always harping on the fact that he has to remain in the shadows and is in a position of weakness among reputation.

In an earlier episode, he mentioned that to defeat his aunt, he needed more than just fighting strength, which he said should already be enough to defeat his aunt. I'm guessing that his recognition by others will help him along the path to true freedom.

That seems very plausible and makes sense. Good analysis. Thanks!

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