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Solace 2012-07-10 09:31

[MANGA] Bleach Weekly Chapter 500+ Discussion

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Welcome to the weekly discussion thread!

Solace 2012-07-10 09:33

I think from this point out we're just going to make this a continuing thread. There's really no need to keep making new chapter threads when they get so few responses, and traffic to this forum has plummeted since the anime ended.

So from here on out, this is now the thread for all chapters 500 and beyond.

Randrak42 2012-07-10 10:19

Ok then I'll start...

Please Raptor Jesus, let that be Nell being awesome again!!!!

Rahan 2012-07-10 10:30

It's either Nell or Grimmjow but I don't see them being able to blitz Urahara like this (the sword holder is actually IN FRONT OF Urahara) and if that's the cliffhanger, the resolution next week will be disappointing ...

haegar 2012-07-10 10:49


Originally Posted by Randrak42 (Post 4248004)
Ok then I'll start...

Please Raptor Jesus, let that be Nell being awesome again!!!!

as much as I dig the idea of her returning gloriously, Urahara wouldn't be looking so shocked than, would he? (unless he can't handle the amount of cleavage dangling in front of him that is :rolleyes: - but as he kinda is Yoruichi's boyfriend I guess he should be able to cope :heh:)

I'm going for Grimmjow rather, not cause it makes sense but as Kubo doesn't give a damn bout logic anymore and a couple of other characters fans wanted were revived to service so why not him, too?

Randrak42 2012-07-10 10:59

Eh, a couple of guys on other forums are actually crying out for Gin *face/palm*

ReinhartX 2012-07-10 11:07


Originally Posted by Randrak42 (Post 4248051)
Eh, a couple of guys on other forums are actually crying out for Gin *face/palm*

makes sense....the impact of the sword...the speed at how it reached urahara at that range

if it was at melee range kirge should felt it

sayde 2012-07-10 11:29

I'm hoping whoever it is, is strong enough to free Ichigo. He or she also has to be so incredibly unexpected that even Urahara would be caught by surprise.

Honestly, I'm hoping it'll be a Squad Zero member. But to be able to slice an enemy clean in half with such power, and then immediately point their blade in front of Urahara in such a manner also makes the idea of it being Gin somewhat plausible I suppose. Granted, he should be dead. But I don't believe we ever saw his body actually break down into spirit particles. So maybe his popularity kept him alive somehow.

I'd mention Nel and Grimmjow, but those have already been predicted.

The only other possibilities that come to mind are one of the remaining Vizards in KT.

So for this week, I'm going to make an unlikely prediction--Kirio Hikifune.

Kyero Fox 2012-07-10 11:45

It's grimmjow! Don't denie it!

Hint one, the huge slice... brutal .. Hint Two, who else would have scared Urahara by getting close with a SWORD.

"Don't sit there scared like a little bitch, get up and get him out of that .. whatchhya call it..."

What I want to know is how they are controling big guy and the other kid. Aizen on their side?

Calca 2012-07-10 12:06

Go Ulquiorra somehow! Someone added water to his powder and he's back again!

Lunarskylar 2012-07-10 12:15

my bet is on grimmjow as well
oh poor ss, things are going to hell in a handbasket for them

im guessing ss will actually be destroyed, and we'll have renegade shinigami's trying to take it back... although i swear that's happened in like two or threee filler arcs...

Aqua Knight 2012-07-10 12:34

Please please! Let it be Grimmjow.
It will be so cool if Grimmjow and Oro make their return in manga in 1 week.

Randrak42 2012-07-10 12:42

I swear to Raptor Jesus that if it IS Gin I'll fly over to Japan and shove volume 48 down Kubo's throat.

Bonta Kun 2012-07-10 12:49

Meh to hell with Grimmjow or even a fav like Nell or Halibel showing up again don't need them now, prefer to see our Zero Squad show up instead.
Had enough of old characters showing up and being badass for like a couple of panels before being curbstomped before using their new power to payback the curbstomping.

Just bring in the other "special" reapers and kick ass already!
This dude in HM is past his death by date already, hope he's dead for sure this time.

Haak 2012-07-10 13:30

Well whoever it is, they have to at least be somewhat hostile towards Urahara since they're poiting their sword at him so I doubt it's Nel or the Zero squad. Unless Kubo feels the need to make character act OOC just to make them look cool.

Eragon 2012-07-10 13:44

For the stranger to be hostile towards Urahara....... Aizen, anyone? The terrified bitches of the *what was the no. again?* chamber might have released him hoping he would help.

Kyero Fox 2012-07-10 14:38


Originally Posted by Eragon (Post 4248301)
For the stranger to be hostile towards Urahara....... Aizen, anyone? The terrified bitches of the *what was the no. again?* chamber might have released him hoping he would help.

Why not someones whos always lookin for a light and is brutish? Doubt they'd introduce aizen so early.

Aqua Knight 2012-07-10 14:51

Oh, and by the way the " You will never break out of this cage" speech again proved that who ever speaks such things is gonna be wrong at the end.

Calca 2012-07-10 15:34

Urahara could have handled that Quincy on his own...till he took an arrow to the back.

Albeito Tsutekama 2012-07-10 15:59


Originally Posted by sayde (Post 4248102)
I'm hoping whoever it is, is strong enough to free Ichigo. He or she also has to be so incredibly unexpected that even Urahara would be caught by surprise.

Honestly, I'm hoping it'll be a Squad Zero member. But to be able to slice an enemy clean in half with such power, and then immediately point their blade in front of Urahara in such a manner also makes the idea of it being Gin somewhat plausible I suppose. Granted, he should be dead. But I don't believe we ever saw his body actually break down into spirit particles. So maybe his popularity kept him alive somehow.

I'd mention Nel and Grimmjow, but those have already been predicted.

The only other possibilities that come to mind are one of the remaining Vizards in KT.

So for this week, I'm going to make an unlikely prediction--Kirio Hikifune.

I like the idea of Hikifune appearing, being the only zero squad member we know of. Here is my list of likely suspects:

A Zero Squad Member: Plausible.

Isshin: Plausible, but that wouldn't really explain why there's a sword pointed at Urahara.

Gin: Extremely Unlikely...Lol...I can't believe I'm even mentioning this, but the speed could be Gins, and the rate of how the sword reached Urahara.

An Arrancar: Most Likely. Personally Grimmjow seems most likely of the KNOWN characters, considering the aggression, and the fan demand, and the fact that of the only two espada confirmed to have survived, Nel has been introduced so early, leads me to believe this is Grimmjow. Nel I just don't see coming. An arrancar we don't know of is a possibilty.

Aizen: Unlikely. Lolwut, Aizen out so early :eyespin:. The big gatekeeper guy attacking and all could have been illusion induced, but I doubt it. Most likely ANOTHER quincy ability that makes shinigami look like little kids with metal sticks. Aizen wouldn't be out this easy, all I gotta say.

Edit: Actually, a vizard, like Hiyori is likely

I think I've covered most of the suspects

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