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Kairin 2017-12-22 22:32

Love Live! Sunshine!! Second Season - Episode 12 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Love Live! Sunshine!! Second Season, Episode 12.

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Kanon 2017-12-23 13:50

Hmm, that wasn't their best performance IMO. The one for the regionals and the collab with Saint Snow were better.

Still really hoping they'll win.

One thing I'm happy about is that it seems like the younger members aren't thinking of quitting being idols at all, unlike their predecessors did back in the day. Different choices that work because both groups ended up being different, despite the initial similarities.

AP24 2017-12-24 00:10

Thought they would perform Aozora Jumping Heart too. Maybe they will in the beginning of the final episode after Aqours is announced the winner.

alex_drian 2017-12-25 19:52

This a matter of tastes, but this song is my favorite on all Sunshine (aside of I don't remember the S1 ones, and less the Muse songs). The effects and coreography was beautiful too, and top all that I can remember of LL Sunshine. After all the built I swear, If Aquour don't win I...

Even so, regardless Idol anime the performance is not the better that I saw, even in anime season. Shuka could wipe the floor with them 9 vs 1, but well, there's all gorgeous and magic.

Liddo-kun 2017-12-29 06:18

Amazed at the performance at the end of the episode.
And the drama does not feel forced. I hope they win. :)


blakstealth 2018-01-05 12:49

that performance was very fitting for Akiba dome. I wonder who those two random bystanders are.

Like Kanon said, it's nice to see that the 2nd and 1st years still want to keep being idols even after the 3rd years graduate. I wasn't really expecting to feel too much emotion now that we're the end of the season, but man. I'm really feeling them now.

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