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Berzerker250 2020-10-19 11:07

Genshin Impact
I’ve been playing Genshin Impact for sometime now, and the game is just amazing. There are a lot of hidden chests all around the map with amazing loots, I actually found a couple of videos that showed amazing hidden chest that I honestly would’nt have found on my own.


AnimeFangirl 2020-11-06 05:13

I've been meaning to try Genshin Impact. What's great about it apart from the chests and loot?

GDB 2020-11-06 05:16


Originally Posted by AnimeFangirl (Post 6446532)
I've been meaning to try Genshin Impact. What's great about it apart from the chests and loot?

It's basically Breath of the Wild with waifus and no weapon durability.

Eisdrache 2020-11-06 07:48

Opinions are divided based on what aspect you're looking at:

Pros: The world is beautiful with tons of exploration, puzzles and secrets all over the place. So far only two out of seven areas are released but they are already very large. If the other five are even close in size then we're looking at a truly gigantic map. There is a good number of quests and a fairly linear progression system called Adventure Rank that increases the level of enemies every five ranks. Enemies drop rarer loot on higher levels so this is generally to your advantage unless you're severely underleveled. There are also a lot of interactable NPC and some might even give you some unexpected help or quests.

Cons: The game has a stamina system called Resin. Currently it is limited to 120, regenerating at a rate of 1 resin per 8 minutes. Apparently in one of the next patches that maximum is going up to 160. However you need Resin to claim many of the important drops. There are small dungeons that drop either artifacts (equipment), talent upgrade material, weapon upgrade material or bosses that drop ascension (every 10 levels you need to ascend each character) materials. Dungeons require 20 resin and bosses 40. You are blocked in progression very hard by simply not having enough resin to get all the materials that you need. There are two bosses that you can do once a week and they drop their individual loot that is required for higher stages of talents/ascension. Said loot is rare and might not drop at all.

On top of that it is basically impossible to play with more than your first party (4 people) because you'd need to gear all of them which is again blocked by resin as well as experience. Monsters in the overworld drop absolutely pityful amounts of experience. Most experience comes from books that you get from Leylines. Guess what? Leylines need 20 resin to claim rewards.

One of the major grievances is the gacha system. Genshin has banners similar to other games. Every 10 pulls you are guaranteed a 4* and every 90 pulls a 5* with a special system that you have a 50/50 chance to get a featured unit (or weapon) the first time with a guaranteed featured unit/weapon if you didn't get it the first time. That said the rate for a 5* is 0.6% which is about as trash as you can imagine. In the honeymoon phase of the game if you did a quick search on youtube you'd get numerous results of people spending thousands of dollars to get the units they want. There is an exchange currency called primogems that you can aquire by opening chests you find in the world and as various rewards for achievements and so on. However these sources are very front-loaded and once you get them they do not come back. Characters have an awakening system called constellation (up to 6 times) and in some cases a lot of their power is locked behind this. The 0.6% rate mentioned above? For full constellation you need to do it seven times.

As a closing remark many of the players who spent a lot of time in the game have discovered all the chests, secrets, quests, etc already and are now asking themselves what exactly is left for them to do. The answer so far is basically just mindlessly running around the map, farming the available resources, keeping their resin from overflowing and I guess logging back out. If you're an endgame player then content is looking pretty barren.

AnimeFangirl 2020-11-06 08:02

In other words, if I let the first two or three patches land first, there will be more content and a higher resin limit?

As for the gacha, there's nothing that can be done about that. As long as people continue to pull, companies will continue to have gacha.


Originally Posted by GDB (Post 6446534)
It's basically Breath of the Wild with waifus and no weapon durability.

I haven't played Breath of the Wild. Or any Zelda game.

Sheba 2020-11-06 08:36

The gacha system is more ruthless than FGO which says a lot.

AnimeFangirl 2020-11-06 14:35

And FGO is still the most successful gacha game right now, meaning that predatory rates don't actually turn people off.

Sheba 2020-11-06 16:10

To be fair, Fate had brand appeal and loyalty behind it. Mihoyo had the experience gained from their previous games, notably Honkai Impact. This one game have slowly gained a loyal fanbase. It may be one of the few games that plays as advertised. Unlike those like Raid Shadow Legends, State of Survival, etc....

Diluc 2020-11-06 23:54

Welp, since a lot people posted here i think the mod should rename thread as "Genshin Impact" for us to discuss Genshin Impact officially here rather left to die or bother someone create another thread which serve same purpose.

AnimeFangirl 2020-11-07 03:41

Good idea. It's good to have one thread for everything.

GDB 2020-11-08 02:15

I was planning to skip the Childe banner after seeing his leaked info (the cooldowns, specifically), but then I got a better look at Diona.

She's a calico.

Now I must roll, and I'll be sad if I get Childe and not her.

Shadow5YA 2020-11-08 10:59


Originally Posted by Sheba (Post 6446626)
To be fair, Fate had brand appeal and loyalty behind it. Mihoyo had the experience gained from their previous games, notably Honkai Impact. This one game have slowly gained a loyal fanbase. It may be one of the few games that plays as advertised. Unlike those like Raid Shadow Legends, State of Survival, etc....

That's not true. The majority of FGO players had no prior Fate or Type Moon experience and this was their entry into the series. There's also some nuance in how the game is designed, where you can argue that it is fairly F2P friendly and clearable, even if you don't get the Servants you wanted.

Diluc 2020-11-09 05:03


Baptism of Song Unlocked - Complete a Quest to Get "Shining Idol" Barbara (Hydro)!
Most likely Barbara quest.

I am still waiting for my girl Fischl appear in a quest, there is rumour she will appear in Liyue quest.

AnimeFangirl 2020-11-11 02:46

Is the 1.1 patch live yet?

Diluc 2020-11-11 03:12

It's out now

AnimeFangirl 2020-11-11 03:56

Nice, time to start!

mickbis 2020-11-14 02:40

1.1 end of Geo Archon chapter is very well done
The cinematic is extremely good for a chaptef 1 ending
( Anemo Archon chapter bring just a prologue )
Cannot wait for the Raiden, shogun of Inazuma chapter.

People complain about this bring lqck of content... however if we think of it is another console RPG then it did have a ton to offer

Diluc 2020-11-14 02:59

Well, this is free game so of course there is lack of content :heh:

Some info of update 1.2
I wish Mihoyo will complete every Mondstadt playable characters quest first before Liyue.

AnimeFangirl 2020-11-16 03:12

1.2 sounds good because of the new region to explore.

Diluc 2020-11-16 04:30

Yeah, I can't wait for the update!

Here we have a glimpse of Albedo, the master of Klee and Sucrose

Damn, he is hot.
Diluc get another beauty boys competitor again after Childe and Zhongli.

I swear Genshin Impact has perfect balance collections of hot waifu and husbando this is why they gain very fast popularity than Honkai Impact 3.

AnimeFangirl 2020-11-16 13:36

The guys are too soft and androgynous. They need more manly men.

mickbis 2020-11-20 02:40


Originally Posted by AnimeFangirl (Post 6447981)
The guys are too soft and androgynous. They need more manly men.

Grand Master Varga sound like a manly old man type

but the leaked didn't have info about him so far....

and Inazuma seem to do not have buff man either

so all our hope will be place in other regions

someone that hit like a truck like that electro fatui agent would be nice

Diluc 2020-11-20 03:08

I think Bennett is the most manly looking guy so far.

In a way, Kaeya also has quite manly stature.

Diluc 2020-11-23 05:56

Haha i love how everyone got confused to my girl Fischl, she exactly live to image.

This the first time Fatui harbringer got introduced outside of Archon quest, i wonder what direction Mihoyo aim here.

GDB 2020-11-23 07:27

There's 11 Harbringers and only 7 Archon, so they were going to have to double up or introduce them outside of Archon quests at some point.

AnimeFangirl 2020-11-24 13:03

The game just gave me free items called "Acquaint Fate." What's the best use of it?

Skulkraken 2020-11-24 15:58

The only thing they're used for is drawing from the gacha.

GDB 2020-11-24 16:00

Yeah, they're for the standard banner. Just use them as you get them, there's no reason to hoard them.

Intertwined Fate, however, is worth hoarding as its used in event banners and weapon banners.

AnimeFangirl 2020-11-25 08:22

Understood. But I don't remember how I got them in first place? Is there a special way to earn fates?

GDB 2020-11-25 15:53

You get some from the battle pass (free version) and some from level up rewards.

AnimeFangirl 2020-11-26 03:23

Aha. Thanks a lot.

Sheba 2020-12-02 05:23

You can tell all the love Mihoyo, a Chinese company, have poured into building up Liyue. As if they wanted to show the world how to make a distinctly Chinese fantasy with their own flair. Far from the cliche of jRPGs or the theme parks Chinas in Western RPGs.

AnimeFangirl 2020-12-02 05:29

Haven't reached Liyue yet, but that's nice to know. Mondstadt is pretty boring.

GDB 2020-12-04 04:18


Originally Posted by Sheba (Post 6449849)
You can tell all the love Mihoyo, a Chinese company, have poured into building up Liyue. As if they wanted to show the world how to make a distinctly Chinese fantasy with their own flair. Far from the cliche of jRPGs or the theme parks Chinas in Western RPGs.

And then they made its God a jumbled mess that doesn't know what it wants to be, gameplay-wise, with a kit that somewhat actively works against every other aspect of his kit.

Sheba 2020-12-04 05:44


Originally Posted by GDB (Post 6450063)
And then they made its God a jumbled mess that doesn't know what it wants to be, gameplay-wise, with a kit that somewhat actively works against every other aspect of his kit.

Here I am just hoping that the complains get loud enough to get MHY to tweak him.

AnimeFangirl 2020-12-04 15:15

Here I am not worrying about it because I can't even pull him.

Sheba 2020-12-04 16:36


Originally Posted by AnimeFangirl (Post 6450138)
Here I am not worrying about it because I can't even pull him.

Try make do with what you already have.

Klashikari 2020-12-04 21:59


Originally Posted by Sheba (Post 6449849)
You can tell all the love Mihoyo, a Chinese company, have poured into building up Liyue. As if they wanted to show the world how to make a distinctly Chinese fantasy with their own flair. Far from the cliche of jRPGs or the theme parks Chinas in Western RPGs.

I'd argue that's only good when it comes to the landscape and the side quests. The caveat is that the main narrative and the characters took a major hit compared to Mondstad.

As for Zhongli, I'm starting to believe Miyoho realized they went a bit too crazy with Venti and Klee and tried to not go overboard, even tho Tartaglia and Zhongli weren't particularly impressive during their respective beta. While Tartaglia wasn't nerfed that badly, Zhongli went from subpar to barely 5* tier, which is kind of funny with all things considered.

erneiz_hyde 2020-12-05 03:10

The Liyue part is full of classic wuxia trope, though my favorite is being chased by the overzealous city guards who will stab you en masse if you look at them even slightly wrong, of course complete with the Traveller singlehandedly handing their collective asses to them. You can picture the wuxia style scene unfolding right before your eyes.

shmaster 2020-12-05 22:05

Everybody is complaining about sensei getting nerfed, and then this person shows up and say Sensei is actually best for dirty tactics.

Barrier charge! Pillar cheese!
And I laughed.

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