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Silver_Scorcher 2004-05-08 22:21

Tough choice.

Favourite Japanese VA's:

Tomokazu Seki
Toshihiko Seki
Kotono Mitsuishi
Satsuki Yukino
Koyasu Takehito
Rie Tanaka
Houko Kuwashima
Akira Ishida
Hoshi Souichiro
Aya Hisakawa (Not sure if it's spelled right but she played Haruka in RahXephon)

Just about any anime with these voice actors in them, will pretty much get my attention.

Favourite English VA's:

Just about everybody from ADV's Industrial Smoke & Mirrors. These guys know how to make a good DUB. Other VA's I like are... Scott McNeil, Kirby Morrow, Brad Swaile, Lisa Ann Beley & Wendee Lee.

Seraph 2004-05-09 01:10

I would pick Inoue Kazuhiko for his work as Hotori in Fruits Basket and Yuki in Gravitation.

As for dubbs, David Lucas and Wendee Lee leave all others behind them.

dojoo 2004-05-09 01:21

Kawakami Tomoko all the way!!!!!
she is in everything I like and does it sooo well

Misuzu from Air
Sayuri from Kanon
Fuyuki from Keroro Gunsou

but I don't like Hikaru no go much


Maceart 2004-05-09 11:59

Female: Yui Horie...Naru, Tohru, Ayu (ugu...) What isn't there to like?
Male: the person who did suginami's voice in Da capo...and main char. in happy lesson

LIQUIDCELL 2004-07-11 20:11

Keppei Yamaguchi - Ranma & Inuyasha
Tomokazu Seki - Sagara Souseke (FMP) & Van Fanel & Kyou (Fruits Basket)
Shinichiro Miki - Kurtz Weber (FMP) & Shannon (Scrapped Princess)
Onosaka Masaya Vash Stampede & Momoshiro (PoT)

and two english voice actorz . . .
Kirby Morrow & Scott McNeil

Jenichan 2004-07-11 23:44

Seki Tomokazu!!! he's definetly my favorite. I actually got to "meet" him at ax2004. I first saw him at a signing, then that night we were watching fireworks on top of the parking lot for the Hilton and he was there!!! There was probably 20 people on top of the parking garage too. My friends kept trying to get me to go over and say hi and get my picture with him, but i was too chicken. Anyways, the next day I went to the open autograph session and got his autograph on my Gravitation DVD 2 and my Kyo hat. I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm a stalker cause I think he may have recognized me as the weird girl at the fireworks that was staring at him, then walking towards him and veering off again.... oh well.

dreamless 2004-07-18 16:39

Nanri Yuuka is fast becoming a new star in anime CV and singer, and I like her voice a lot. I like her voice ever since Soma Megumi of the Memories Off 2nd game, and I love the Megumi theme song by her, Hearts of Two. and now I love her voice as Henrietta and her songs in MADLAX, and of course Akatsuki no Kuruma in SEED ;)

bohemian 2004-07-18 18:22


Fumiko Orikasa - I wonder why no one mentions her, I love her voice, she's very versatile --- I like her roles as Pacifica - Scrapped Princess, Chise - Saishuu Heiki Kanojo, Kirara - Samurai 7, Ciel - Tsukihime (and also sung the ED)

Maaya Sakamoto - Mishima Reika (Rahxephon), and I love her songs like Hemisphere from Rahxephon and Gravity from Wolf's Rain

Rie Tanaka - I love Chi from Chobits and Lacus from Gundam SEED, and her songs as well.

Ayako Kawasumi - I like Kurau(Kurau) and Aoi (Ai Yori Aoshi)

Kaori Shimizu - she was awesome in her debut role - Lain (Serial Experiments Lain), she was only 15 back then.

Romi Paku - she is one of those female seiyuu who always voices male characters, Loran (Turn A Gundam), Ed (Fullmetal Alchemist).


Tomokazu Seki - my most favorite male seiyuu, Sousuke Sagara is the coolest anime character IMO

And the English VA for Spike (Cowboy Bebop) is awesome too, his name is Steven Jay Blum I think.

Burner of Anime 2004-07-18 20:19


Originally Posted by bohemian

Fumiko Orikasa - I wonder why no one mentions her, I love her voice, she's very versatile --- I like her roles as Pacifica - Scrapped Princess, Chise - Saishuu Heiki Kanojo, Kirara - Samurai 7, Ciel - Tsukihime (and also sung the ED)

I did :P She is perhaps one of 2 female seiyuu that has not been typecast in the industry. Thing is, Gonzo Digimations have been using her services a lot- so much I feels the girl is their lead seiyuu whenever it comes to their major productions. Anyway, still think she was at her absolute best playing the young Chiyoko in Millennium Actress- lost count how many different roles, personalities and emotions she took on here. Must be seen to be believed. The only character she hasn't done so far is a male :D...

The other is of course Hisakawa Aya and everyone should check her Tenjo Tenge role as Natsume Maya. One moment she'll use her CCS Keroberos voice to nag in chibi, the next she goes into violent PMS b1ach mode when @$$ whupping the opposition. Most impressed by her Nakajima Yoko in 12 Kingdoms. I absolutely hated this character for about the first 5 episodes for the constant whine than came out- then the character changed with some really extreme paranoia before settling into the backbone of titanium steel mode. Great switch and a very difficult performance to carry.

Male seiyuu with this sort of range: Takehito Koyasu. Didn't think it was possible for someone to do brooding male [Fist of North Star's Kenshiro] AND effeminate hentai [Mahou Tsukai Tai] till I heard this guy in action :twitch: Wheter or not it's talent or skill he belongs in a league of his own.

Yuun 2004-07-19 00:18

Hmm... i like mostly Girls seiyuu....

1. Megumi Hayashibara. (Ya shes old but shes rocks)
2. Kawasumi Ayako. (I couldn't resist her beauty and beautifull voice)
3. Horie Yui. (Well, how could i forget her??)
4. Orikasa Fumiko. (She's cute ^_^ i mean her voice)
5. Inoue kikuko. (I really fallen for her voice)
6. Mizuki Hana. (Yipee... Aria is SP, Mina in Happy Lesson, and Yuufa in Ragnarok... man shes is one that cannot be resist)
7. Kakazu Yumi. (Haruka is SP and Dita in Vandread, isn't she's just perfect?)
8. Kuwatani Natsuko. (I love Karen in SP so i got to love her seiyuu...)

Thats probably all....but there's still some that i couldn't recall...

Wilcon 2004-07-19 10:03

I have lots of them, but I can't remember all, so I just give you a few of the greatest IMO(note: have only seen about 40 series)

Yukino Satsuki - Tina Foster(AYA), Chidori(FMP), Mutsumi(Love Hina) etc.

Inoue Kikuko - Belldandy(A!MG), Chitose(Chobits), Mizuho(Onegai Teacher/Twins) etc.

Tanaka Rie - Chii(Chobits), Miki(FMP), Mizuhara(Azumanga) etc.

Mitsuishi Kotono - Misato(NGE) etc.

Ohara Sayaka - Raquel(Scrapped Princess), Kaede(Onegai Teacher), Kasugano Haruka(Midori no Hibi) etc.

Out of these I like Yukino Satsuki the most.(Tina is my favourite character)

dreamless 2004-07-19 10:42

oh, and although she's quite new as an anime CV, Maeda Ai really did a wonderful job as Kino in Kino no Tabi. I love Kino's voice every single bit.

BTW Maeda Ai herself somewhat looks like Kino I think ;)

Burner of Anime 2004-07-19 20:32

Other seiyuu worth mentioning and have only appeared recently:

The current voice of the cute belongs to Haruka Momoi [Nurse Witch Komugi, Tama-chan in Bottle Fairy and Paranoia Agent's demon plushie]. But she's taken ill recently and news of the girl's condition is rather sparse of late. :(

I like Ryou Hirohashi for some odd reason. She hit the ground running as Rakka in Haibane Renmei [first role] and was suitably energetic as the unsinkable [and terminally dense :heh:] Naegino Sora for Kaleidostar. Good showing for all :D

Mai Nakahara has given solid performances as well [lead femme in both Midori no Hibi and Godannar] so it's quite a suprise to see her take on the role of an arrant and annoying primadonna to the hilt [May Wong- Kaleidostar]. Good sign when someone can play such a contrasting range of personality types.

For someone I left out earlier. There is another good reason why I like Ayako Kawasumi so much as well. She's perhaps the first I've heard of a seiyuu contributing to the majority of the musical score for an anime [the original pieces in Piano were all hers]. Great character range AND skills in a musical instrument :D and I've been dying to find the OST for this.

Icer 2004-07-20 02:21

Junko Takeuchi

Naruto from Naruto
Gon from Hunter X Hunter

Dont know why, just my favorite. Voice fits really well for hyped up kids.

Chun-Li 2004-07-20 22:23


Originally Posted by Jenichan
Seki Tomokazu!!! he's definetly my favorite. I actually got to "meet" him at ax2004. I first saw him at a signing, then that night we were watching fireworks on top of the parking lot for the Hilton and he was there!!! There was probably 20 people on top of the parking garage too. My friends kept trying to get me to go over and say hi and get my picture with him, but i was too chicken. Anyways, the next day I went to the open autograph session and got his autograph on my Gravitation DVD 2 and my Kyo hat. I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm a stalker cause I think he may have recognized me as the weird girl at the fireworks that was staring at him, then walking towards him and veering off again.... oh well.

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU are SOO LUCKIE!!.. to see him.. while watching fireworks... *cries!*..i din get to see fireworks ...nor stare at Seki Tomokazu while he watches fireworks... *sobs*

Chun-Li 2004-07-20 22:32 of my fave seiyuu:

Koyasu Takehito

his works can be viewed here:,..._takehito.html

some of the voices he did were:

Keiki (Juuni Kokki)
Hotohiri (Fushigi Yuugi)
Fool (Kaleido Star)
Mu La Flaga (Gundam Seed)
Jubei (Get Backers)
Ukyo (Samurai 7)
Aya Fujimiya (Weiss Kreuz)
Frey (Mantantei Loki Ragnarok)

Aoie_Emesai 2004-07-26 19:54

well everyone here loves anime right??
-- I love their singing Voices -- Ahhh Goddess Of Dreams..

Yui Horie
Inoue Kikuko
Hisakawa Aya

Thats all for now

kujoe 2004-07-26 21:01

Favorites, huh? Hmmm. (Someone please correct if I got some of the names wrong.)

:: Female ::

Aya Hisakawa - for her elegant and mature roles
Kikuko Inoue - for her charming, big sister appeal
Fumiko Orikasa - for the clarity of her cute voice

:: Male ::

Ryuusei Nakao - for his roles in Hundred Stories and Gakkou no Kaidan! :bow:
Toshihiko Seki - for simply sounding cool and recognizable

I have other favorites, but they're mostly due to a specific character that was played. So, I guess that would mean I like the characters more than the actors/actresses themselves. (i.e., Quon in RahXephon, and Lum in Urusei Yatsura)

Aoi Tenshi 2004-07-26 22:28

Megumi Hayashibara - her voice tallent is extremely good. Range from cute little girl, to sexy female. ( Slayers, Asagiri no miko, Cowboy Bebop, etc)
Mai Nakahara - just plain cute and soft (Maburaho, Onegai Twins)
Yumiko Kobayashi - Wacky voice (Puni Puni Poemi, Love Hina)
Ayako Kawasumi - Soothing voice (Ai Yori Aoshi, Tenshi no Sippo, This Ugly Beautiful world, Mahoromatic)

Akira Ishida - ( Slayers Try, Chrno Crusade, Kiddy Grade)
Shoutarou Morikubo - funny especially in Get Backers as Ginji

Kairo 2004-07-27 00:09

my fav is; Kawasumi Ayako

Ai Yori Aoshi - Aoi Sakuraba
E's Otherwise - Ruri
Girls Bravo - Miharu
Kono Minikuku Mo Utsukushii Sekai - Hikari
Phantom Memory KURAU - Kurau
Samurai Champloo - Fuu

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