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Diluc 2021-03-23 07:14

Actually, Paimon is the first girl.

Also I don't think we will get Chasm and Izanuma in near time because the End User Agreement stuff.

AnimeFangirl 2021-03-23 07:23

Paimon isn't a girl. Paimon is emergency food.
(and the last boss, depending on who you ask)

What does the End User Agreement have to do with the new regions?

And if they're asking who we want to see, I want Kaeya, Xiao and Diluc hangouts.

GDB 2021-03-23 08:07


Originally Posted by Diluc (Post 6465447)
Also I don't think we will get Chasm and Izanuma in near time because the End User Agreement stuff.

Nothing would kill the game faster than them pulling content and "punishing" the collective player base because they themselves screwed up and don't want to admit it.

Sheba 2021-03-23 14:15


Originally Posted by AnimeFangirl (Post 6465448)

What does the End User Agreement have to do with the new regions?

Its the name of the girl leaked from the 1.5 beta, Eula, a blue-haired cryo claymore waifu. Voiced by Rina Satou.

AnimeFangirl 2021-03-23 14:37

Okay. I heard about Eula. What does she not have with us getting new regions? Are you guys saying Mihoyo is going to push back new releases because they're mad that Eula was leaked?

relentlessflame 2021-03-23 17:31


Originally Posted by AnimeFangirl (Post 6465469)
Okay. I heard about Eula. What does she not have with us getting new regions? Are you guys saying Mihoyo is going to push back new releases because they're mad that Eula was leaked?

I think they're just saying that, based on these characters being leaked along with the rest of the info about 1.5, Chasm is not currently part of that patch. (Of course, it's possible that content was just withheld from that build or that plans may change.)

They mentioned previously that it was taking them a lot longer than they originally expected to build new regions, so it wouldn't surprise me if it we don't get Inazuma for a long while yet. If, as it seems, the minor region isn't in 1.5 and gets pushed to 1.6, then Inazuma could end up being in 1.8 or 1.9.

(I wonder if future regions after Inazuma might be developed in a different way to help spread it out a bit more in steps.)

AnimeFangirl 2021-03-23 18:31

Ah, I see. Since the leaks didn't include The Chasm, then The Chasm is a longer way off. Or hidden from beta testers, as you said. TBH I think Mihoyo deliberately caused this leaking fiasco in order to drum up excitement without officially committing to anything. I don't have any proof, but their actions are too incompetent otherwise.

GDB 2021-03-24 04:07

Nah, there had been leaks before without mihoyo's "help".

It's more likely they did this on purpose to try to scapegoat leakers and put the blame on them for delays, bad balancing, etc. Because they're too stupid to realize that leaving people completely in the dark with nothing to do or look forward to for 5 weeks makes people stop caring.

MeoTwister5 2021-03-24 07:38

So like will Eula be a Chongyun waifu version, or be better than him?

GDB 2021-03-24 08:34

Vaguely similar bursts, element, and weapon, but their auto attack style and skill are completely different. And that's not getting into any talents or constellations.

Short of it is:

Chongyun - Enables freeze comps by imbuing cryo as a support.
Eula - Physical DPS carry.

Klashikari 2021-03-24 12:05


Originally Posted by GDB (Post 6465513)
Nah, there had been leaks before without mihoyo's "help".

It's more likely they did this on purpose to try to scapegoat leakers and put the blame on them for delays, bad balancing, etc. Because they're too stupid to realize that leaving people completely in the dark with nothing to do or look forward to for 5 weeks makes people stop caring.

Doing this on purpose is 4D chess move that carries far more risks than merits.
You cannot blame leakers at all when the dev build leak issue was pretty much confirmed to be Mihoyo's careleness. Simply put, that kind of falseflag attempt would put even more emphasis on their lack of actual data security which was already criticized for a while thanks to the "hack" issues (even if many users are monkeys for extremely bad password practice, there is no legit reason for a developpment team not to include basic user login security such as 2FA).

Exposing that kind of stuff would put them even more at risk of losing trust from investors and customers alike. So I wouldn't be surprised if they were truly bunch of careless devs or managing people who really didn't think through which was the reason of the leak. Doing this on purpose with all that money on the line is beyond suicide.
While such kind of incidents are rare, those whoopsies do exist. Even somewhat notorious IP Love Plus got countless technical issues then some major faux pax that look like a bad joke but actually happened because of simple human mistakes.

I really think the leak issues are a combination of super bad management of Genshin team (Honkai arguably doesn't have that kind of secrecy despite being in development by the same company) and obtuse decisions regarding roadmap, data security and work flow disasters. In my books, Genshin needed at the very least 8 extra months, preferably a whole year prior its release.

AnimeFangirl 2021-03-25 05:19

Just read this:
And that's just mobile alone. We're not asking too much by requesting new areas to explore. To whom much is given, much is expected.

Marina2 2021-03-25 20:50

Developing new areas take long time, especially if you want them to pack with content like Dragonspine rather than a large field to run around with only few thing to do.

It's one thing I am willing to give developers as much as time they want.

AnimeFangirl 2021-03-26 08:03

I am not willing. It's been way too long since Dragonspine. What are we supposed to do with ourselves besides lame mini-games and boring daily commissions?

Sacredus 2021-03-26 08:52

I read they had to rework Inazuma that's why it's late. Anyway, they clearly have few huge problems with game that are big problem for development of Inazuma and Chasm.
  1. Chasm is supposed to be dendro region but currently dendro is just creating thorn walls and inflicting ticking poison dmg. Damage over time would not work in current game where melt can just delete enemies in seconds. Another words, people would not roll for dendro characters.
  2. Inazuma biggest problem is whole electro situation. It's so weak that people run electro characters on physical builds and whole end game is focused on elemental reactions where physical have no place. They need to rework all electro reactions and make it much stronger.
  3. Third problem is connected to 2nd issue. Electro is so weak that we didn't got a single electro character since start of the game. Inazuma archon is electro so it would create another Zhongli drama but with even less people pulling for Baal simply by fact she is electro element.

AnimeFangirl 2021-03-26 14:33

It doesn't have to be Inazuma/The Chasm or nothing. If they can't create brand new areas, how about extensions of old areas? E.g. they can magically "discover" an island off Stormbearer Point or an underground area in Stormterror's Lair or Qingxiu Pool. And these smaller areas can be released more frequently while we wait for the large ones.

They can also add more overworld challenges, Adventurer's Handbook challenges, BP challenges. There's plenty they can do to keep us engaged besides silly minigames and radio silence. Mihoyo is just lucky that no one will be able to develop a viable competitor for at least 2-3 years.

Klashikari 2021-03-27 13:49


Originally Posted by Marina2 (Post 6465763)
Developing new areas take long time, especially if you want them to pack with content like Dragonspine rather than a large field to run around with only few thing to do.

I think the issue is mostly a struggle between the devs, the management and the investors. No matter how you look at it, Genshin should have been released at least 6 months later, but that Fall 2020 window was really too good since there wasn't really any big game out there, be it retail or gacha except Cyberpunk, which obviously had a very different target audience in mind.
It could also be reflected with the gacha lineup: they started really strong with double 5* and 4* for each patch rotation, then they suddenly had to release only 2 5* characters, then only 1, to finally resort to 1 4* with 2 reruns. Honestly, they should have gone with 1 limited 5* character, 1 4* character and 1 non limited character (Diluc & co) per patch rotation (Something like: 1.0 with Venti and Keqing, 1.1 with Zhongli and Mona, 1.2 with Klee and Qiqi (Albedo as a base 5* so we had all 6 elements with a 5* without limited), 1.3 with Xiao and Ganyu, 1.4 with Hu Tao and Venti or Jean).

They pretty much went gungho right from the bat and didn't spread their work flow properly, so we end up with rather long periods of fillers, both in term of content and characters. I'm not sure if they can make up for that in the long run, because they seem to be unable to release a new zone/additional activities every even patches. I honestly think releasing 2 festivals back to back was the most debatable decision out of there (ignoring the fact the lantern festival was half baked and not even improved from the CBT, except for the addition of the tower defense minigame), especially there will be a third one in the future.

AnimeFangirl 2021-03-27 19:53

It's a game that will (probably) be really good and fun to play by this time next year, but right now it's floundering. Which will happen first, the mass player exodus or an actual content patch? Stay tuned to find out!

relentlessflame 2021-03-27 22:06


Originally Posted by Klashikari (Post 6466037)
They pretty much went gungho right from the bat and didn't spread their work flow properly, so we end up with rather long periods of fillers, both in term of content and characters. I'm not sure if they can make up for that in the long run, because they seem to be unable to release a new zone/additional activities every even patches. I honestly think releasing 2 festivals back to back was the most debatable decision out of there (ignoring the fact the lantern festival was half baked and not even improved from the CBT, except for the addition of the tower defense minigame), especially there will be a third one in the future.

I think it all really appears to stem from their own admission that it is taking them longer to build out the new regions than they originally planned... which from a developer point of view doesn't really surprise me -- having this large an avalanche of customers is on the one hand a good thing, but brings with it a whole new world of problems that you don't see pre-release and causes your pace of development to slow until you can stabilize things. Even if they want to bring on more people to support the added load, that takes time. I suspect things will settle into a new rhythm eventually.

I suspect the hold up with the characters is because many of the ones they are working on are tied to the new region, so the region delay is causing a cascade reaction. It'll be interesting if they decide to slow the pacing a bit with the new region, or if they again decide to go full throttle right at the start and allow it to peter out with re-releases later on. (It's obvious that re-releases were going to be part of the schedule anyway, but it definitely doesn't feel like a balanced cycle right now.)


Originally Posted by AnimeFangirl (Post 6466113)
It's a game that will (probably) be really good and fun to play by this time next year, but right now it's floundering. Which will happen first, the mass player exodus or an actual content patch? Stay tuned to find out!

Well, in fairness, they are still seeing huge degrees of success even now, so I'm not sure it's fair to say it's "floundering." I assume you mean in comparison to what you think could have happened if they could keep up the pace of major content updates, but that may have always been unrealistic. Obviously there will be people who are bored in between major patches (and we can certainly agree that the last several patches aren't really all that "major"), but this really isn't all that different from all the big MMOs in between expansions either. So I suspect it'll all work itself out in time, even if for some people it'll just be the kind of game they just come back to whenever new regions come out. Despite it all, I think it's pretty possible play the game in that way too.

AnimeFangirl 2021-03-28 06:33

It's true, "floundering" is an exaggeration. I'll correct it to "pre-floundering." Genshin is still drawing in and thrilling new players. I know one who started just last week and is having a blast. But sooner rather than later, the content drought is going to drive players elsewhere. What else can they do when there's nothing to do except the same few domains, bosses and commissions? They may think "I'll come back when a new area is released," but will they really?

I haven't played other MMOs, but are they really as dry and empty as GI between updates? How do they keep going?

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